anyone can tell me who is the artist and the name of this song
and please if anyone can post the transliteration for the lyrics:
فاكهاني وبحب الفاكهه
I am a fruit trader/grower and I love fruits
وبموت في الموز والمانجه
I’d die for bananas and mangoes
بصراحه عل الفاكهه بغير
Honestly, I care for fruits
وببيع واشتري بضمير
And I trade with them in good conscience
العنب العنب العنب
The grapes, the grapes, the grapes
احمر واصفر
Red and yellow
احمر وزي اللوز
Red and similar to almonds (in crunchiness)
واطعم يا ناس م الموز
And tastier than bananas, folks
احمر وزي اللوز
Red and similar to almonds
واطعم كمان من الموز
And tastier than almonds, too
Wow wow wow
البلح البلح البلح
The dates, the dates, the dates
احمر واسمر
Red and black
زغلول زغلول زغلول
Tender, tender, tender (comparable to a spring chick in tenderness)
احمر وطعمه خطير
Red with a serious taste
صغير يا ناس وكبير
Of sizes big and small
البلح البلح البلح
The dates the dates, the dates
جبلي العنب يما
Mother, he brought me some grapes
قطفلي حبو اللي استوى
Of which he picked the ripe bunches
شلت العنب يما
Mother, I held the grapes (guardingly)
يا خوفي عليه من الهوى
Afraid of what the wind might do to them
here is a link for listen the song:!/...2150883&ref=mf