hii everybody plz ca u help me for this :
- 3am yotfe la 7alo w bi 3ali2 kitir
- mberi7 rje3et la2ayto motfe, fa tarakto w fetet neme
- bass mtanbal
- ma biel3ab ma feshlin
- 3am yederso
- 2e3id 3am ma7e groupes 3an my fb
- 3am na2eh li bade ma7iyoun
- ma 3abelik dou2eh....
thanksss ktir ktir in advance for ur help
- 3am yotfe la 7alo w bi 3ali2 kitir
It turns off on its own and it freezes a lot
- mberi7 rje3et la2ayto motfe, fa tarakto w fetet neme
Yesterday I came back and found it off, so I left it and went to sleep
- bass mtanbal
but lazy
- ma biel3ab ma feshlin
he doesn't play with failures
- 3am yederso
they're studying
- 2e3id 3am ma7e groupes 3an my fb
I'm deleting groups off of my facebook
- 3am na2eh li bade ma7iyoun
I'm choosing the ones I wish to remove
- ma 3abelik dou2eh....
you don't wish to taste...
Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
hi all,
what is this means?
فايقة من الصبح
انا رايحه انام لان جسمي مكسر من الطيحه حسبي الله على ابليس العنود
Kaka -
Awake from the morning
Im going to sleep now because my body's broken, God curse Satan
no problem
Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
Hello all i need help for the following sentences in Leb:
everyone is thinking about money.
She needs money too, to survive with her child, so she can't help u with that (to female)
Can someone give me a hand and check and correct this song please?
Thank you
“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
lol u r 2 fast 4 me sometimes!!
“If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
For those I love
Hi friends! Help please! How can I say?
Where is my cigarette?
Is there my cigarette?
And what mean:Shargaal and Mishanallah?
Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
Daydream how do you say moneybox in lebanese ?
.. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ
Eleef - the thing you collect money in? hasaleh
Ahh thank you Nunu! ^^' Isn't it "ejree" or something ?
check this video , time 3.40 :
.. وذاك الذي لا يرى غيره
ولا يجد الخير خيـرا ً اذا لم يكن خيره
فــــــــراغ .. فـــــراغ