Within The Mirror

Thread: Within The Mirror

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  1. Sewn Up's Avatar

    Sewn Up said:

    Default Within The Mirror

    This one has three different aspects. First is on a personal level, second is professional, third is public, all of which are from the perspective of a fallen soldier before and after death.

    Sitting alone,
    Just me and my thoughts
    Reading the words from
    The battle we fought.
    I watched the fear,
    The first time I died,
    Fuel the hate, kill the love,
    Bury me with the lie.

    From within the mirror I see
    The life that was not possible.
    I take my seat and watch the lust
    Submerge the dream that’s plausible.
    Dead and gone, my heart lies still
    While the shock holds true.
    The world moves forward without me,
    Thoughtless towards what I’ve been through.

    Night and day,
    I waited for my time,
    Waited for the word
    To find the plot sublime.
    Oblivious, I walk
    Into the ambush site.
    Flash of red, cloud of dust,
    On the ground, lost the fight.

    From within the mirror I see
    The life that was not possible.
    I take my seat and watch the lust
    Submerge the dream that’s plausible.
    Dead and gone, my heart lies still
    While the shock holds true.
    The world moves forward without me,
    Thoughtless towards what I’ve been through.

    (Spoken Word)
    I’m set in hindsight, watching the masses of carbon copies walk their daily lives in blissful ignorance as my brothers and I have fallen as ash from the end of a cigarette. They exercise their right to ridicule us for doing our job whether we believe in the cause or not. After all, it’s not about the orders set forth but our obedience to them (it's not the reason why, but to do and die). In the end….

    We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing,
    Are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.

    From within the mirror I see
    The life that was not possible.
    I take my seat and watch the lust
    Submerge the dream that’s plausible.
    Dead and gone, my heart lies still
    While the shock holds true.
    The world moves forward without me,
    Thoughtless towards what I’ve been through.
    Last edited by Sewn Up; 06-23-2010 at 05:55 PM.
    Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight? It appears quite black. Have you ever seen spiders crawling on the graves?
  2. Inskeepruler's Avatar

    Inskeepruler said:


    In a world corrupted, we stand alone. Apart from false realities, we come together as a last attempt at redemption. We are the unsung superheros, we get no credit, none at all. But rest well knowing we'll catch you, when you fall. For we are All That's Left.
  3. Sewn Up's Avatar

    Sewn Up said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Inskeepruler View Post
    In a world corrupted, we stand alone. Apart from false realities, we come together as a last attempt at redemption. We are the unsung superheros, we get no credit, none at all. But rest well knowing we'll catch you, when you fall. For we are All That's Left.
    Spoken like a true soldier. Are you in the service?
    Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight? It appears quite black. Have you ever seen spiders crawling on the graves?
  4. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    From a veteran; very nicely thought out and written. And by including some of the 'contradiction' that a soldier might feel, or have to deal with, or have to squelch ... in a dead or dying heart, even more of a paradox ... the final shock is accentuated.

    Or maybe I'm reading more into it than you intended ...

    Again, very nice.
  5. Tracy-Turnblad's Avatar

    Tracy-Turnblad said:


    This song does what a good song should, it makes you think and it makes you feel.
  6. fender4string said:


    Very nice. I like the message and the way that its written.

    The following really stood out to me as powerful writing:

    Fuel the hate, kill the love,
    Bury me with the lie.

    We, the unwilling, led by the unknowing,
    Are doing the impossible for the ungrateful.

    From within the mirror I see
    The life that was not possible.
    I take my seat and watch the lust
    Submerge the dream that’s plausible.
    Dead and gone, my heart lies still
    While the shock holds true.
    The world moves forward without me,
    Thoughtless towards what I’ve been through.
  7. Sewn Up's Avatar

    Sewn Up said:


    Thanks a lot for the kind words. It truly means the world when my work appeals to others.
    Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight? It appears quite black. Have you ever seen spiders crawling on the graves?
  8. jackloms said:

    Default Within The Mirror

    I don’t like myself. I don't like looking myself in the mirror every morning.?
    Parental Control Software
  9. Sewn Up's Avatar

    Sewn Up said:


    Quote Originally Posted by jackloms View Post
    I don’t like myself. I don't like looking myself in the mirror every morning.?
    Parental Control Software

    No, nowhere near self-loathing. This one's from the perspective of a fallen soldier. The first verse is about the soldier finding out that his "signigicant other" cheated on him while he was overseas. The second verse is where he gets killed doing a routine patrol. The spoken word segment is about what the soldier sees when he looks in on the world after he's gone. The analogy with the mirror is based on a certain belief that when we die, our souls go to another realm hidden from our reality, but they are still aware and can see everything that is going on in our world, kind of like they're looking through the mirrors we have. I just thought it would be an interesting way to portray the way a lot of our troops overseas think and feel. There is no real self-loathing intended.
    Have you ever seen blood in the moonlight? It appears quite black. Have you ever seen spiders crawling on the graves?