Well my friend
feishtica, you actually succeded in making me feel more miserable than previous.
The song you suggested is actually a sympathetic try of today's Greek musicians,
to praise Greece itself.
It's too depressing to compare these lyrics with the lyrics of Elitis
Αετόμορφα τα έχει τα ψηλά βουνά
στα ηφαίστεια κλήματα σειρά
και τα σπίτια πιο λευκά
στου γλαυκού το γειτόνεμα! "
Οδυσσέας Ελύτης
And you made me remember of an interview that I found in youtube, lately.
Elitis denied to participate in interviews. So this documentary is pretty rare.
He talked infront of the camera in 1980. And what did he felt that had to say.....
He admitted that he DID NOT want Greece to participate in the EU.
Cause he felt that The one thing that he always faught for, was in danger.
What was that?
Μια ζωήν ολόκληρη αγωνίστηκα για αυτό που λέμε
Ελληνικότητα και που δεν είναι τίποτα άλλο παρά ένας τρόπος να βλέπεις και να
αισθάνεσαι τα πράγματα."
For a whole lifetime, I fοught for the thing we call "Hellenic character", which is
nothing more than a district way of how to see and feel"
... αν συνέχισε κάποιος την αισθαντικότητα την ελληνική και
τη διατήρησε, είναι αποκλειστικά ο λαϊκός μας πολιτισμός. Μόνον που και αυτός στις ημέρες μας κινδυνεύει.
Οι αστοί στην πλειοψηφία τους, βέβαια υπήρξαν και εξαιρέσεις, μιμήθηκαν τους
ευρωπαίους. Δηλαδή την παραποιημένη αίσθηση της Ελληνικότητας και στη
συνέχεια οι ανερχόμενοι από το λαό μιμήθηκαν τους αστούς."
... if there was something that prevented and continued the thing we are calling
"Greek aesthetics" this one was only our cultural tradition.
But even our cultural tradition is in danger nowadays
Middle class people, the majority of them since there were some exceptions, mimicked Europeans.
In other words they adopted the distorted feeling of "Greek character",
and afterwards rising people of lower classes mimicked them also"
So since he accepted that Greek society changed, and couldn't maintain the
continuation of its' legacy under the western influations, he formed another
He thought that it was better to fight the route of history through competiting.
only after a cultural competition..... a competition distincted by quality and
not quantity
Γι’ αυτό επιμένω πολύ στο θέμα της Παιδείας. Χρειαζόμαστε
Παιδεία σοβαρή, βαθιά, όχι αυτή την τεχνική που συχνάζει στις ημέρες μας, γιατί
μόνο μ’ αυτή θα μπορέσουμε και να διακριθούμε και να πορευτούμε σ’ ένα
καινούργιο δρόμο αλλά και να διατηρήσουμε τα ιδιαίτερα χαρακτηριστικά της
φυσιογνωμίας μας..."
That's why I strongly insist over the matter of Education. We need a serious,
and deeply rooted Educational System, not this technical driven one that you can see
nowadays, cause only under these sircumstances we will be able to be distinguished,
to walk in a new way and to maintain the district characteristics of our
It's trully magnificent to read these words 30 years after, and feel that they
are so fresh and so modern.
And it's trully frustrative to realize that the educational system he spoke about,
created lyricists that are writing about their country with the dull words that
"Για την Ελλάδα" is written.
In other words this one was a competition that we FAILED!
Link to documentary -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hoNIcsiuUdk