Fadel Shaker - Elbi Aish

Thread: Fadel Shaker - Elbi Aish

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  1. bornJUSTforERROTYZM's Avatar

    bornJUSTforERROTYZM said:

    Default Fadel Shaker - Elbi Aish

    Hard-subbed captioning :

    Soft captioning :

    Qalbi Ayish .................................. My Heart Lives

    Yimkin niz’el marra minnek .............. Maybe I can be once mad at you
    Yimkin nib’id lahza annek ................ Maybe I can be once away from you
    Lakin ou’aa tefekkir innek ............... But never come to think
    Min qalbi betruh ........................... that you are fading in my heart

    Qalbek ala hubbi me’awwidni ........... Your heart got me used to you
    Saab ghir hubbek yakhidni .............. Hard for other than your love to steal me
    Annek mein yaqder yib’idni .............. Who can make me leave you?
    Menta ishq el ruh .......................... You’re the passion of my soul!

    Ala hubbek, qalbi ayish we is’al el deqqat ... My heart lives on loving you, just ask the heartbeats
    Hatta shof, ya habibi, shu be’id el lahzat .... Even look, babe, how I keep counting the seconds
    Sahr oyunek, suti safer aa ajmel naghmat .. Sailing on your eyes, my voice has traveled on the sweetest melodies
    Wahdek inta, ya habibi, andi bil hayat ....... Only you, babe, is my life

    Hubbek sakin dayip fiyye ....................... Your love dwells and melts inside me
    We mewdewwip qalbi be hinniye ............. And enchanted my heart with kindness
    Shof be nazrati we ineyye ..................... Look with my gaze and see how my eyes
    Shu fiha hanan .................................... Are filled will tenderness

    Ismek lo yukhtur aa bali ......................... Your name if it crosses my mind
    Ma tesib hali, ana ensi hali ...................... It never leaves me, I forget myself
    Aghla minnek ma fi ghali ......................... Worthier than you is no one worthier
    Ya agmel insan ..................................... Oh you’re sweetest human there is!

    ( this translation is copied from here : http://www.allthelyrics.com/forum/ar...ns-anyone.html - being a closed thread , I couldn't post the video there )
    Last edited by bornJUSTforERROTYZM; 08-03-2010 at 03:27 PM.
  2. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    I dont understand what you want are you just sharing the video?