Za mizo najino sedim // I'm sitting at our table
pomlad // SPRING
mi boža lase // IS touching my hair
na tebe mislim in // i'm thinking OF you AND
tvoj parfum // your perfume
na rokah diši // smells on arms
okrog mene je le množica // around me is only crowd (mass of people)
samo // just
ljudi, ki jih ne poznam // people i don't know
vem da oni nič ne vidijo // i know that THEY DON'T SEE ANYTHING
tega kar najraje imam // THAT, what i like most
zares lepo napisano // WRITTEN really beautifulLY
čez moje toplo je telo // over* my warm body
besede ti prebral bi le // YOU WOULD READ THE WORDS ONLY
ko videl bi // when you'd see
še moje srce // my heart
moje slečeno srce // my UNDRESSED heart
Ljubezen moja kje si zdaj // my love, where are you now
zakaj ne prideš mimo kdaj // why you don't come BY SOMETIMES
da ti pokažem kar ne smem // SO I SHOW YOU WHAT I'M NOT ALLOWED
kar skrivam in to kar imam le zate // what i'm hidding and WHAT I HAVE ONLY FOR YOU
svoje slečeno srce // my UNDRESSED heart
in da ti končno to povem // and that i finally tell you
da se še enkrat z tebo ljubiti želim // that i want to make love with you once again
želim // i want
želim // i want
želim // i want
postaja hladno // it's getting cold
hočem še čakati te // i wanna wait for you MORE
in ni mi težko // AND it's not hard for me
zares lepo napisano // WRITTEN really beautifulLY
čez moje toplo je telo // over* my warm body
besede ti prebral bi le // YOU WOULD READ THE WORDS ONLY
ko videl bi še moje srce // when you'd see my heart
this is it
