Seneen Band - Mansetsh

Thread: Seneen Band - Mansetsh

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  1. Keltoum said:

    Default Seneen Band - Mansetsh

    Goodmorning to all of you,

    I hope that all of you is doing fine.

    I have another request of the group Seneen Band. It's about the song Mansetsh.

    Is there someone who could translate the song for me and who could give me the lyrics ?

    Seneen Band - Mansetsh

    A million thanks in advance !

    M3a salaam,
  2. Keltoum said:


    Any one ? Please ?
  3. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    Here you go

    منسيتش أنك فى يوم كنت الامان كنت البدايه
    Mansetsh enak fe youm kont el2aman kont el bedaya
    I didn't forget that in a day, you were my safe spot, you were the start

    ولا لحظه أقدر أخون أجمل عيون أجمل حكايه
    Wala la7za a2adar a5oon agmal 3youn agmal 7kaya
    And I can't betray the most beautiful eyes, the most beautiful story in a moment

    يا حبيبى عمرى اللى جاي ده ليك شمسى وهوايا عنيك يا عشقى وهوايا
    Ya 7abebi, 3omri eli gay dah leek.. Shamsi o hawaya 3enek ya 3esh2i o hawaya
    Oh my love, my life ahead is just for you, my sun and my love is your eyes, oh my love and my air

    وأنت جنبى بطول النجوم بأديا يا عمرى يا كل ماليا يا قدرى ومنايا
    O enta ganbi ba6ool el ngoom be2edaya ya 3omri ya kul ma leya.. ya 2adari o monaya
    And when you are with me, I can reach to the stars with my hands, oh my life, oh everything I have, my destiny and my wish

    أيوه أنا مش هكون غير ليك أنا مش هعيش غير بيك من غيرك قمرى وسمايا
    Aiwa ana msh 7akoon '3air leek.. ana mesh 7a3iesh '3air beek.. mn '3ayrk 2amry o samaya
    Yes, I wont be for anyone else but you, I wont live without you.. Without you my moon and sky

    ولا عمرى هدور على قلب تانى يفرح عمرى وزمانى ما قلبك دايما معايا
    Wala 3omri hadawar 3ala 2alb tane yefra7 3omri o zamani ma 2albak dayman ma3aya
    I will never look for another heart to cheer up my life and my days, because you're heart is always with me

    لو شكيت فى حبى ليك كأنك قضيت على قلب عاشق
    Law shakeet fe 7ubi leek.. ka2anak 2adeet 3ala 2alb 3ashi2
    If you doubt my love to you, its like you killed a heart of a lover

    كان متعلق متعلق بيك وأمله ومناه نظره عنيك
    Kan met3ala2 met3ala2 beek o amaloh o monah nazra 3enek
    It was hanging, hanging with you, and its only hope and wish is a glace from your eyes
  4. Keltoum said:


    الكثير الكثير من الشكر