Help, i'm writing this for an assignment I wanna know if it's good so far

Thread: Help, i'm writing this for an assignment I wanna know if it's good so far

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  1. Tracy-Turnblad's Avatar

    Tracy-Turnblad said:

    Default Help, i'm writing this for an assignment I wanna know if it's good so far

    It's actually a poem, but sssshhh! I'm in the middle of writing the thrid and final verse and I wanna know if it's alright before I have to read it out to the class.


    The driver puts his foot down,
    Tunes into a radio station.
    Some of us put our feet down
    and demand the destination,
    But we’re only met with silence
    and a reading list
    Of stars and palms and tarot cards
    We take a glance,
    as time drives past
    our desired location,
    Because we’re a passenger nation.

    Time flies but it doesn’t land.
    We can’t take a holiday when we arrive
    At 7 years, and stay for years,
    Sneering at boys and paying in tears
    earnt in injury or forged in the mind.
    Because we don’t drive,
    So we don’t decide.
  2. Tracy-Turnblad's Avatar

    Tracy-Turnblad said:


    I'd really appreciate it if you could tell me what meaning you get from it, so I know if what i'm trying to say comes across. Criticise the poem, and ask what I mean by things. I don't take it personnaly.
  3. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:


    i dont get the point in the poem...there seems to be none...
  4. Tracy-Turnblad's Avatar

    Tracy-Turnblad said:


    oh. well it was supposed to be saying how people are relly just passengers in life. We don't have controll over our lives really, most things that happen are out of our controll. Someone or somthing out there knows where we're going and has decided for us, but won't tell us.

    Here's some more that I wrote. I am aware that it reads like seperate poems, i'm working on that.

    A week on our thirteenth we wouldn’t mind.
    Opening presents and rolling our eyes,
    Telling our parents they’re ruining our lives,
    Eating cake and feeling older.
    Getting older is great until you get old
    If it were up to us we wouldn’t get old
    But our life’s not up to us we’re told
    Because we don’t drive
    our own lives,
    So we don’t decide.
    We’re passengers, we don’t need a mind
    But we do have minds, they make us mind

    On an endangered day
    When what lives inside our heads
    When the living all play dead
    Becomes reality instead
    Turquiose skies overhead
    As a warning, fade away
    To colours of a cowboy cliché
    An amber traffic light
    Get ready to be driven away
    Into the night

    All life is is us,
    as we try to adjust
    To the situations
    That we’re dropped off into
    When we’re chucked off the bus
    Into alien waters
    With fish we don’t trust
    Not one’s the same species as us
    But we want to fit in
    So we’re trying to swim
    Then we find our fins
    And we’re driven away
    We don’t think it’s time for a change
    It’s time who makes the change
    And steers us away to a different age

    I really need help trying to bring all these bits together to make it into one poem.
  5. Tracy-Turnblad's Avatar

    Tracy-Turnblad said:


    Is this better?


    On an endangered day
    When what lives inside our heads
    When the living all play dead
    Becomes reality instead
    Turquoise skies overhead
    As a warning, fade away
    To colours of a cowboy cliché
    An amber traffic light
    Get ready to be driven away
    Into the night

    The driver puts his foot down,
    Tunes into a radio station.
    Some of us put our feet down
    and demand the destination,
    But we’re only met with silence
    and a reading list
    Of stars and palms and tarot cards
    We take a glance,
    as time drives past
    our desired location,
    Because we’re a passenger nation.

    We can’t stay
    We’re told what to do by the time and the day
    And we do as they say

    All life is is us,
    as we try to adjust
    To the situations
    That we’re dropped off into
    When we’re chucked off the bus
    Into alien waters
    With fish we don’t trust
    Not one’s the same species as us
    But we want to fit in
    So we’re trying to swim
    Then we find our fins
    And we’re driven away
    We don’t think it’s time for a change
    It’s time who makes the change
    And steers us away to a different age

    Our life’s not up to us we’re told
    Because we don’t drive
    our own lives,
    So we don’t decide.
    We’re passengers, we don’t need a mind
    But we do have minds, they make us mind
  6. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:


    way better...make a chorus and this would make a great song about people and there lives