Abdel Fatah Al Greeny- New 2010 Album 3 Kelmat

Thread: Abdel Fatah Al Greeny- New 2010 Album 3 Kelmat

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  1. stefoto said:

    Question Abdel Fatah Al Greeny- New 2010 Album 3 Kelmat

    Hello everyone!

    I am looking for Abdel's new 2010 album lyrics and translation.

    I am absolutely beginner in arabic, so if the lyrics can be presented also in their phonetic, that would be just fantastic.

    Thanks in advance to everyone!!
  2. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    Here you go

    3 كلمات
    3 Kelmat
    3 words

    كلك بـ3 كلمات اه ياعيني
    Kulak b talat kelmat ah ya 3eni
    You’re summed up in three words, Oh my eye

    عليك ياقلبي
    3alik ya 2albi
    Oh on my heart

    لا بخطط ولا بحورات
    La ba5tat wala b7warat
    I don’t plan and without discussions

    اهو بان المستخبي
    Aho ban al mesta5be
    The hidden has been seen

    قولولو يلا
    2ololo yallah
    Tell him, come on

    تعالي نعوض اللي فات
    Ta3alee n3awad eli fat
    Let’s live what has gone

    عوضي على الله
    3awadee 3ala Allah
    My offset is on Allah

    ده انا عايش بمهدئات
    Dah ana 3ayesh bmhd2at
    I’m living with pain killers

    هو اللي قصادي حقيقي
    Huwa eli 2osadi 7a2e2i
    Is what’s in front of me real

    ولا دي تهيؤات
    Wala de tahayo2at
    Or are these fantasies

    ده انا اللي تملي تقبل
    Dana ana eli tamli te2bl
    This is me that I always accept

    ولا كان الجد جوي
    Wala kan el gad gawe
    And it wasn’t that serious

    آل سلم مستحيل
    Al salm mesta7eel
    They say said hi, no way

    كنت بنفض وهوى
    Kont banafd o hwa
    I used to ignore and leave

    انا يظهر مخي راح
    Ana yezhar mo5i ra7
    Looks like my mind was gone

    لما قربت منه
    Lama 2arabt mno
    When I came closer to him

    ملقتش انا فيا حيل
    Mala2tsh ana feya 7eel
    I didn’t even find anything in me

    لا لحقت اعمل و اسوي
    La l7i2it a3ml wala aswee
    I didn’t get the time to do anything
  3. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    احلى مافي الدنيا
    A7la mafee el donya
    Most beautiful thing in the world

    حبك احلى ما في الدنيا كل يوم فيك بس بفكر
    7ubak a7la ma fe el donya, kul youm feek bs bafakar
    You’re love is the most beautiful thing in the world, I just think about you every day

    وحياتي بقت حاجة تانية وعلى العموم احلوت اكتر
    O 7ayate b2at 7aga Tanya o 3ala al3mom e7lawat kteer
    And my life has been something else, and anyways it became prettier

    من اول مرة تابعتك روحت وجيت وياك
    Mn awal mra tab3tak ro7t o geet wyak
    When I saw you for the first time, I went and came back with you

    وانت معايا على طبيعتك انا صدقت هواك
    O enta m3aya 3ala 6abe3tak ana sada2t hawak
    And when you are with me you are normal, I believed your feelings

    وعرفت حاجات جوايا سيبني اقول كل اللي في اللي قلبي
    O 3rft 7agat guwaya sebeni a2ool kul eli fe eli 2albi
    And I knew things inside of me, let me say everything inside of my heart

    اوعى في يوم تنسى هوايا ده الأصول بقى تفضل جنبي
    Aw3ee fe youm tensi hawaya da alo9ol b2a tefdal ganbi
    Never forget my love, because you should stand by me

    ولا بعرف اعيش ياحبيبي غير و انت قصاد عيني
    Wala b3rf a3esh ya 7abebi ‘3air o enta 2osad 3eneya
    And I won’t be able to live my love, without having you in front of my eyes

    من غير حبك ياحبيبي ولا حاجة هترضيني
    Mn ‘3air 7ubak ya 7abebi wala 7aga 7atredeni
    Without your love my love, nothing will satisfy me

    ياحبيبي انا من اولها وقلت دي اللي مليش من بعده
    Ya 7abebi ana mn awalha o 2olt da eli malesh mn ba3do
    Oh baby, from the start I said I have no one but you

    وبحبك روحت قايلها وقلبي داب مبقاش على بعضه
    O ba7ibak ro7t 2ayelha o 2albi dab maba2ash 3ala ba3do
    And I love you, I have said it and my heart melted and it wasn’t itself

    لو يوم بس بتوحشني اعمل ايه يا عمري مابستنى
    Law youm bs betw7sheni a3ml eh ya 3omri ma bastne
    If one day you are away from me I miss you, what can I do, I can never wait

    بجري عليك واللي يحوشني ادوس عليه و اوصل للجنة
    Bagree 3alik o leli y7oshni ados 3alih o awsal lel gannah
    I seek you and I would step on anyone that prevents me from reaching your heaven

    حبيبي جوة قلبي سيبلي قلبك
    7abebi guwa 2albi sebeli 2albak
    My love inside of my heart, leave me your heart

    كفاية تبقى جنبي و ابقى جنبك
    Kfaya teb2a ganbi o ab2a ganbak
    It’s enough you stay by my side and I stay by urs

    انت اللي بنسى تعبي والقى روحي لما افكر فيه
    Enta eli bansa ta2be o a2la ro7i lma afkar feh
    You’re the one that I forget my tiredness and find my soul with when I think about you

    واتاري حبي ليك مش مالنهاردة
    O ataree 7ubi leek msh mlnahrda
    And I noticed that my love to you wasn’t just from today

    حط بقي ايديك في ماية باردة
    7o6 b2a edek fe maya barda
    Now put ur hands in cold water
    *As in calm down, don’t worry

    معقولة اسيب عينيك وهي عمري اللي بحلم بيه
    Ma32ola aseeb 3enek o he 3omri eli ba7lm beh
    You think it’s possible to leave your eyes and they are my life that I dream of
  4. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    حب غريب
    7ub ‘3areb
    Weird love

    حبتني حب غريب
    7abetni 7ub ‘3areb
    She loved me a weird love

    ازاي انا مهتمتش
    Ezay ana mahtamtsh
    How did I not care

    وسابتني عشان
    O sabetni 3ashan
    And she left me because

    حبتني بجد ومتحبتش
    7abetni bgad o ma7btsh
    She really loved me but wasn’t loved

    وبعد ماراحت راح
    O ba3d ma ra7at ra7
    And after she left, it was gone

    الحب وياها كمان
    El7ub wayaha kman
    The love with her as well

    مالقتش حد يحبني الحب اللي كان
    O mala2tsh 7ad ye7bni el7ub eli kan
    And I didn’t find someone loving me the love that it was

    دلوقتي كل ما اشوف عينيها تلومني عشان
    Delwa2ti kol ma ashof 3eneha telomni 3ashan
    Now every time I see her eyes, they blame me because

    بعدت ما بعدت عني اتحبت ومحبتش
    Ba3dt ma b3dt 3ani et7abt o ma7btsh
    She went away from me, been loved but not loving

    كانت اكتر حد فاهمني
    Kanit aktar 7ad fahemni
    She was the most person who understood me

    وحاسس بيا
    O 7asis beya
    And feeling me

    وعمري ماكنت في لحظة
    O 3omri ma kont fe la7za
    And I never in a moment

    متخيلها ليا
    Met5aylha leya
    Imagined her to be mine

    كنت حاسس ان فيه وحده
    Kont 7asis en feh wa7da
    I had a feeling that there was someone

    في خيالي
    Fe 5ayali
    In my imagination

    مخدتش بالي اتاريها جنبي
    Ma5adtesh bale, atareha ganbi
    I didn’t pay attention, she was beside me

    اتاريها هي
    Atareha heya
    It was her
  5. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    على عيني
    3ala 3eni
    On my eye

    ياحبيبي بلاش تاخد على كده
    Ya 7abebi blash ta5od 3ala keda
    My love, don’t get used to this

    بتسبني ليالي وليه كل دا
    Betsebni layali o leh kul da
    You leave me nights, why all of this

    دنا وانت معايا بتوحشني
    Dana o enta m3aya betw7ashni
    Even when you are with me, I miss you

    شوف بقى لما انت بتبقى بعيد
    Shoof ba2a lma enta beteb2a b3eed
    See when you are far away from me

    من بعدك ايامي بعدها
    Mn bo3dak ayami ba3daha
    With your absence I count my days

    وبقت كلها تشبه بعضها
    O ba2yet kolha teshbh ba3daha
    And they all started looking like each other

    متقرب مني وطمني جالك
    Mat2arab meni o 6mni, galak
    Come closer to me and let me know you’re okay, you got

    قلب تسيب قلبي وحيد
    2alb tseeb 2albi wa7eed
    A heart to leave my heart alone

    على عيني بعد يسهر عيني
    3ala 3eni b3d yes-har 3eni
    Oh my eyes, more sleepless nights

    دنا شوقي زاد وحنيني
    Dana sho2i zad o 7aneni
    Oh my love and longing has increased

    مقدرش قلبي عليه
    Ma2darsh 2albi 3alih
    My heart couldn’t bear it

    ياناسيني ولا حاجة بتنسيني
    Ya naseni wala 7aga betenseni
    Oh you forgetful, nothing forgets me

    ارجع بقى وخليني
    Erga3 ba2a o 5aleni
    Come back and let me

    ارتاح من اللي انا فيه
    Arta7 mn eli ana feh
    Be comfortable from what I’m in

    حكايتي معاك انا بشتقلها
    7kayti m3ak ana bshta2laha
    My story with you, I miss it

    دي ليالي انا عايش على حسها
    De layali ana 3aysh 3ala 7esaha
    These are nights that I’m living on their senses

    فاكر ياحبيبي ازاي شوفتك فاكر يوم ما اتعرفت عليك
    Faker ya 7abebi ezay shoftak, fakir youm ma at3rft 3alik
    You remember my love how I saw you, you remember the day I first met you

    بتقول ان اللي ما بينا انتهى
    Bet2ool en eli ma bena entaha
    You’re saying that what’s between us is over

    بسهولة كدا قدرت وقولتها
    Be sohola keda 2dart o 2oltaha
    Easily, you could and you just said it

    وناا مهما تقول برضه بحبك
    O ana mahma t2ool bardo ba7ibak
    And I, no matter what, I still love you

    عايز ايه من واحد روحه فيك
    3ayez eh mn wa7id ro7o feek
    What do you want from someone who devoted their soul to you
  6. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    لا انا هنساك
    La ana hansak
    No I will forget you

    لا انا هنساك
    La ana hansak
    No, I will forget you

    ولا فكرت فيها
    Wala fakart feha
    I didn’t think about

    حياتي معاك
    7ayate m3ak
    My life with you

    حبيبي انا راضي بيها
    7abebi ana rade beha
    My love, I’m satisfied with

    ده انا وياك
    Dah ana wyak
    When I’m with you

    لقيت روحي تروح مني
    La2eet ro7i tro7 mni
    I found that my soul goes away from me

    وازاي في يوم هنسى
    O ezay fe youm hansa
    And how could I forget in a day

    حبيبي عينيك
    7abebi 3enek
    My love, your eyes

    روحي تروح مني
    Roo7 troo7 mni
    My soul goes away from me

    وازاي في يوم هنسى
    O ezay fe youm hansa
    How could I forget in a day

    حبيبي عينيك
    7abebi 3enik
    My love your eyes

    ده انا لما بتبقى هنا جنبي
    Dah ana lma beteb2a hna ganbi
    Oh when you’re here beside me

    بسمع في صوت قلبي
    Basma3 fe 9oot 2albi
    I listen to the voice of my heart

    ياحبيبي صدقني
    Ya 7abebi 9ade2ni
    My love, believe me

    مليش بعديك
    Maleesh ba3dak
    I have no one other than youo

    حبيبي معاك
    7abebi m3ak
    My love with you

    لقيت معنى لزماني
    La2eet ma3na lezamani
    I have found a meaning to my life

    ياريتني اعيش
    O ya retni a3esh
    And I wish I can live

    في حبك عمر تاني
    Fe 7ubak 3omr tane
    Another life in your love

    كفاية تكون
    Kefaya tkoon
    It’s enough you’re here

    هنا موجود عشاني
    Hna mawgood 3ashani
    Available here for me

    ولو هنساك طب
    O law hansak tab
    And if I forget you,

    اعشق مين
    A3sha2 meen
    Who would I love?
  7. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    بحبك بس
    Ba7ibak bas
    I love you only

    بحبك بس مش جدا
    Ba7ibak bs mesh gedan
    I love you but not only

    عشان قلبي تعب جدا
    3ashan 2albi te3ib gedan
    Because my heart got tired a lot

    عشان حبك في يوم جدا
    3ashan 7abak fe youm gedan
    Because it loved you a lot before

    وشاف منك كتير جدا
    O shaf mnk kteer gedan
    And seen so much from you

    خلاص حبي القوي ماضي
    Khalas 7ubi el 2awee made
    That’s it, my previous love is in the past

    خلاص مابقتش تستاهلو
    Khalas ma ba2tsh testahlo
    That’s it, you don’t deserve it

    وقلبي اللي قدي على الفاضي
    O 2albi eli 2adi 3al fade
    And my heart that suits me helplessly

    عقل وهدي على مهلو
    3a2l o hada 3ala mahlo
    Went steady and quiet on its own

    خلاص حبي اللي كان جدا
    Khalas 7ubi eli kan gedan
    That’s it, my love that was a lot

    غلط وكتير عليك جدا
    ‘3ala6 o kteer 3alik gdan
    Was wrong and it’s too much for you

    هتبعد مش هتوحشني
    Hateb3id mesh hatew7shni
    You’ll go away and I won’t miss you

    هتيجي مش هقول اهلا
    You’ll come and I won’t say hi

    ويوم ماهتمشي مش هحزن
    O yoom ma hatemshi mesh ha7zan
    And when you walk away I won’t be upset

    ومش هندم عليك ابدا
    O mesh handam 3alik abdan
    And I won’t regret you ever
  8. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    El leyla

    ليلة عمرنا ولا حد قدنا وانا
    Leylat 3omrna wala 7d 2adana o ana
    The night of our life and no one is in our place and I

    من كام سنة
    Mn kam sana
    For so many years

    مستني الليلة ديا
    Mestani el layla deya
    Waiting for this night

    القمر العال وساب السما
    El2amar el3al o sab el sama
    The moon came and left the sky

    وجاني اول ما ناداني والله ماصدقت عنيا
    O gani awal ma nadani wallah ma sada2t 3eneya
    And it came to me as soon as it called, I swear, I couldn’t believe my eyes

    دا اللي نفسي فيه
    Da eli nefsi feh
    This is what I want

    هتمني تاني ايه ياخد عمري
    Hatmana tane eh ya5od 3omri
    What else would I wish for to take my life

    ليه ويسيبلي بس ليلة
    Leeh o yesebli bs lela
    Why, and he leaves me only one night

    شوفته وشدني حبيته
    Shofto o shadni 7abeto
    I saw him and got attracted and loved him

    وحبني ووقعت ياعيني
    O 7abni o wa23t ya 3eni
    And he loved me and I was in love my eyes

    ومحدش سمى عليا
    O ma7adish saama 3aliya
    And no one prayed on me

    واتغير حالي وبقيت انا واحد تاني
    O at’3ayr 7alee o ba2eet ana wa7id tane
    And I have changed and became someone else

    بهواه خلاني مش فارقة معايا حاجة تانية
    Bhawah 5alani msh far2a ma3aya 7aga Tanya
    In his love, he made me not care about anything else

    روحي بتعشقه مرتحاله ومصدقه
    Roo7i bet3sha2o merta7alah o msada2a
    My soul adores him and is satisfied with him and believes him

    دولا ولا يفرقو وحبيبي كفاية عليا
    Dola wala yefr2o o 7abebi kfaya 3aliya
    These don’t matter, and my love is enough for me

    طيبته ورقته وجماله وحنيته
    6ebto o re2to o gamalo o 7eneyto
    His kindness, softness, beautifulness and love

    اه من ضحكته تضحكلي معاه الدنيا
    Ah mn de7kto ted7akli m3ah el donya
    Oh from his laugh, the whole world laughs with him
  9. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    سيبك انت
    Sebak enta
    Let it go

    سيبك انت من الكلام ده
    Sebak enta mn el kalam da
    Let go of this talk

    ده الكلام ده مش بفايدة
    Da kalam da mesh befayda
    This talk is useless

    هو امتى كان كلام الناس مهم
    Huwa emta kan kalam el nas muhim
    Since when was people’s talk important

    سيبك انت من الكلام ده
    Sebak enta mn el kalam da
    Let go of this talk

    ده احنا لسه في ورانا حاجات اهم
    Dah e7na lesa fe warana 7agat aham
    Oh we still got more important things to worry about

    دوول ناس فاضية ومش لاقيه حاجة تعملها
    Dool nas fadya o msh la2ya 7aga te3mlha
    These are useless people that have nothing better to do

    دوول ناس قاعدة تعيب عالناس
    Dool nas 2a3da t3eeb 3al nas
    These are people who just keep on talking bad about people

    اللي في حالها
    Eli fe 7alha
    The ones that are alone

    والعيب من اهل العيب حاجة عادي بنقبلها
    O el 3eeb mn ahl el 3eeb 7aga 3ade ben2blha
    And the wrong is from the wronged people and it’s something we accept

    ليه احنا نخاف ومحدش ماسكلنا ذلة
    Leh e7na n5af o ma7dsh masklna zala
    Why are we afraid when no one is holding anything against us

    ليه نعمل اي حساب انا و انت لناس قلة
    Leh ne3ml ay 7sab ana o enta le nas 2ela
    Why are we even giving attention to such people

    دوول ناس من تحت لفوق كفايانا بنوصلها
    Dool nas mn ta7t le fo2 kefayana bnowslha
    These people from down to up enough we look at

    تيجي منبصش ورانا ده احنا مش فارق معانا
    Tegi manbs-sh warana da e7na msh far2a ma3ana
    Let’s not look behind us and not care about it anyways

    اي حد بجد مهما هيعمل ايه
    Ay 7ad bgad mahma hay3ml eh
    Anyone, whatever they’re going to do

    واللي يستقل بنا ولا يتشطر علينا
    O eli best2l bena wala yetsha6r 3alina
    And who ever thinks little of us, or tries to be smart with us

    ده احنا لما نشوفه نمشي ونضحك عليه
    Dah e7na lma nshofo nmshi o ned7ak 3alih
    Those when we see, we walk and laugh at them
  10. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    جنبك على طول
    Ganbak 3ala 6ool
    Beside you always

    اوعدني جنبي تعيش ولا ليله تنساني
    Aw3edni ganbi te3esh wala leyli tensani
    Promise me you’ll live beside me and not forget me a night

    وليك عليا اعيش واموت ياحبيبي وانا وياك
    O leek 3alaya a3esh o amoot ya 7abebi o ana wyak
    And you got my word, to live and die when I’m with you my love

    اوعدني ماتسبنيش ولا حتى لثواني
    Aw3edni ma tesebnish wala 7ata sawani
    Promise me, you won’t even leave me for seconds

    دي عمري كله هيسوى ايه لو يوم مكنش معاك
    De 3omri kulo hayeswa eh law youm maknsh mm3ak
    And what will my life cost if I wasn’t with you a day

    جنبك على طول خليني
    Ganbak 3ala 6ool 5aleni
    Leave me with you forever

    ماتغيبش في يوم عن عيني
    Ma t’3ebsh fe youm 3an 3eni
    Don’t disappear a day from my eyes

    ده انا لما بقول ياحبيبي قلبي بيرتاح
    Da ana lma ba2ool ya 7abebi 2albi beyrta7
    When I say My love, my heart is at ease

    جنبك على خليني على حلم بعيد وديني
    Ganbak 3ala 5aleni 3ala 7elm b3eed wadeni
    By your side leave me, take me in a dream with you far away

    هتفكر ليه في امبارح ماهو عدى وراح
    Hatfakr leeh fe embari7 huwa 3ada w ra7
    Why would you think about yesterday, it passed already

    تعرف بحب إيه طول مانت ويايا
    Te3rif b7b 2ey 6ool mant wayaya
    You know, I’m in love as long as you’re with me

    احلام حياتي بشوفها فيك حبك واخدني معاك
    A7lam 7ayate bshofha feek o 7ubak wa5edni ma3ak
    The dreams of my life, I see them in you, and you’re love has took me with you

    قلبي بتسكن فيه ياحبيبي وكفاية
    2albi btskn feh ya 7abebi o kfaya
    My heart you live in my love and thats enough

    تفضل في حضني واعيش معاك كل اللي بتمناه
    Tefadal fe 7odni o a3esh m3ak kul eli batmanah
    Come between my arms, and I’ll live with you everything that I wished for
  11. SuSuiTa's Avatar

    SuSuiTa said:


    يابخت النوم
    Ya ba5t el noom
    How lucky is sleep

    باقولك ايه يابخت النوم
    Ba2olak eh, ya ba5t el noom
    Tell you what, how lucky is sleep

    انا باحسده وبالومه لوم
    Ana ba7sedo o balomo loom
    I envy it and blame it a lot

    عارفه ليه
    3arfa leh
    You know why

    علشان بياخدك مني آخر كل يوم
    3ashan beya5dak mni a5ir kul youm
    Because it takes you away from me at the end of each day

    قدام عينيا بس في عالم تاني بعيد
    2odam 3eneya bs fe 3alam tane ba3eed
    In front of my eyes, but in a whole different other planet

    ولو مرتاحه كده خليكي انا حفرحلك
    O law merta7a kda 5aleki ana 7afra7lik
    And if you’re satisfied this way, its okay I’ll be happy for you

    انا مطمن لكن حاسس اني وحيد
    Ana m6mn lakin 7asis eni wa7eed
    I’m satisfied but I feel like I’m alone

    بس انا حاسس لو غمضت عينيا حروحلك
    Bas ana 7asis law ‘3amdt 3eneya 7aro7lk
    But I have a feeling, if I closed my eyes, I’ll come to you

    لما عينيكي تغمض باغضب علشان وقت لقانا مروح
    Lama 3eneki te’3md ba3’db 3ashan wa2t la2ana marwa7
    When you’re eyes close, I get mad because our meeting time is going

    وافضل قاعد جنبك صاحي اتأمل في ملامحك واسرح
    O afdal 2a3id ganbk 9a7ee at2amal fe malam7k o asra7
    And I stay up beside you awake, watching your features and stare

    واصحى قبل ما تصحى عشان لما عينيكي تفتح بأفرح
    O as7a 2abl ma te97i 3ashan lama 3eneki tefta7 bafra7
    And I wake up before you do, because when your eyes open, I get happy

    ولو فضتلي العمر صاحية مستحيل حيجيلي نوم
    Law fedelti el 3omr 9a7ya mosta7eel 7ayegeli noom
    If you stayed up awake for the rest of your life, it’s impossible I would feel sleepy

    نفسي اشوف كل الأحلام اللي حبيبتي بتحلمي بيها
    Nefsi ashof kul el a7lam eli 7abebti bet7lmi beha
    I wish I could see all the dreams that my love is dreaming of

    وانا حعرف الوم احلامك اللي حبيبتي بتحلمي بيها
    O ana 7a3rif aloom a7laimk eli 7abebti bet7lami beha
    And I will know how to blame your dreams that my love is dreaming of

    وبافضل بعد ماتصح فشوق لحد ماتفتكري وتحكيها
    O bafdal ba3d ma te97 fesho2 l7ad ma teftekri o te7keha
    And I stay excited when you wake up waiting for you to remember the dreams and tell them

    انا باعلنها بكل صراحة ياحبيبتي باغير م النوم
    Ana ba3linha bkul 9ara7a ya 7abebti ba’3eer mn el noom
    I say it out publicly and honestly, Oh my love I do get jealous from sleep!
  12. stefoto said:


    Thank you so much SuSuiTa!!
    You are fantastic!!