Song Identification

Thread: Song Identification

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  1. Vanessa17 said:

    Exclamation Song Identification

    Hi All,

    I recently heard a song on the radio and I need a little help to identify it... It is a Shami/ Lebanese song and it starts 'Janen janen janen'.... and another line is 'Allah yetawel be 3omrak'....

    It was a male singer and the song was quite fast paced... Sorry I don't have more information
  2. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    This one, maybe?

    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  3. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Some people are just made to be heros
  4. Vanessa17 said:


    Thanks Daydream but that is not the song

    And VivaPalestina, you're right! :d
  5. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Awww Daydream you're still our hero! (Even if you're not rescuing me anymore on the misc thread )

    I found a song by a female singer called allah iy6awel ib3omrak...could that be it?
  6. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    me, hero? aww no far from it.. I know I haven't been here lately I try to be bas I've been traveling and summer is such a busy time with family and weddings..

    when I first saw Janen as the song title.. Fares Karam's old song came to mind but he doesn't have the other line.. at least not that my memory can recall

    But Viva made me realize a good point.. was the singer male or female?
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  7. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    You are a hero, a beautiful gorgeous hero <3 and we all understand you're busy, but we miss you so much <3 <3

    She did say he was a male singer...but I was wondering if she might have been mistaken...
  8. Vanessa17 said:


    Thanks Daydream and VivaPalestina The singer was definitely male...
    I know the Fares Karam song well but that is not the song It sounds very recent....

    Hope you're having a great Summer break ladies
  9. VivaPalestina's Avatar

    VivaPalestina said:


    Any other clues then sweetheart?
  10. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    I found results for:
    Ammar Hassan - Janen Welhan (But unfortunately I couldn't find a clip or lyrics to the song )
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  11. Vanessa17 said:


    Thanks for your help ladies! The song is by 3abed Al Mawla - Sheftak Janet!
    Last edited by Vanessa17; 12-01-2010 at 08:21 PM.