Solved: Two tickets on the last train to nowhere???

Thread: Solved: Two tickets on the last train to nowhere???

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  1. Randy Bachman said:

    Thumbs up Solved: Two tickets on the last train to nowhere???

    Hey guys/gals

    Was directed here from a classic rock forum, they say you guys no it all

    I know the main vs on this song I am looking for goes like this...."two tickets on the last train to nowhere"

    It`s a great song, I had part of it on a cassette tape at one point. I would classify it as rock. (maybe not hard rock) a very nice song.

    I searched limewire dozens of times as well as google and a music forum.

    It could be 70`s 80` 90 or even 00??? I suspect 80`s and up but not sure??

    Great if anybody knows it . Goes without saying that I have no idea who sings it or even what its called.

    Thanks if anybody knows
  2. Randy Bachman said:


    Looks like I stumped you guys eh

    Do not know the name of the song or what band sings it.

    "TWO TICKETS ON THE LAST TRAIN TO NOWHERE" only vs I know, the main vs
  3. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    I did not find an exact match for your lyrics. My wild guesses are:

    "Time Passages" by AL Stewart
    Buy me a ticket on the last train home tonight

    "Last Train Home" by Lostprophets
    ...And I can be on the last train home ...
    ...If we're going nowhere...

    "Last Train Home" by Armored Saint

    "Two Tickets To Paradise" by Eddie Money

    "Sucker For Mystery" by Oingo Boingo
    And I'm all dressed up with nowhere to go
    And I'm stuck with two tickets to an awful show
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  4. Randy Bachman said:

    Smile Thanks


    none of the above
  5. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    OK, I can't find lyrics for my next wild guesses so you'll have to listen to the attached links.

    "Last Train to Nowhere" by Anti-Pasti (1982)

    "Last Train to Nowhere" by The Wild Flowers (1988)
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  6. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Also, there are numerous groups that have recorded songs titled, "Train to Nowhere". I was able to eliminate most them with the following exceptions because I could not find lyrics or a good sample:

    Rare Earth (1969)
    Big Daddy Sun & the Outer Planets (1984)
    Upside Down Room (1997)
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  7. Randy Bachman said:


    Thank you Atmaster

    Again thank you very much for your effort! You went the extra mile! No it was not any of those, but you have helped me, because now I know of different methods to search that I did not know before.

    It`s obviously a 1 hit wonder. I will search for it from time to time and may come across it by accident.

    Thanks again
  8. Randy Bachman said:

    Thumbs up Resolved finally 2 years later

    Quote Originally Posted by atmaster View Post
    Also, there are numerous groups that have recorded songs titled, "Train to Nowhere". I was able to eliminate most them with the following exceptions because I could not find lyrics or a good sample:

    Rare Earth (1969)
    Big Daddy Sun & the Outer Planets (1984)
    Upside Down Room (1997)
    Wanted to update atmaster and anybody interested that I just found the song tonight.

    The song is actually called....NON STOP TO NOWHERE, by a group called FASTER *****CAT, vs were very close to what I had said.

    The main verse goes like this...One moment I am on top of the world, and the next thing

    "I`m on the late train, I got a first class ticket on the non stop to nowhere" And the song does not disappoint, AWESOME SONG.

    Funny thing was I did a search just the other day, and got excited because I came across this very post on Google, actually thought I had found someone that was looking for the same song as I, then I discovered it was my own post..

    Anyway Thanks

    PS the group is called FASTER and then a word that is bleeped out because it is also slang for a womans private special place...I will write it again...FASTER *****CAT you get the picture p u s s y cat
  9. atmaestro's Avatar

    atmaestro said:


    Glad you found and thanks for letting us know!
    Them that can, do; them that can't... memorize Artist and Title
  10. logan01's Avatar

    logan01 said:


    Faster Puddycat
  11. Randy Bachman said:


    Quote Originally Posted by logan01 View Post
    Faster Puddycat
    Yes I should have used puddycat, this is a family site