An italian love song from the 1978-83 era.

Thread: An italian love song from the 1978-83 era.

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  1. omero72 said:

    Default An italian love song from the 1978-83 era.


    I have this song from the 1978 - 1983 era. It's an italian love song whose singer is unknown.

    With my limited knowledge of italian, I tried to identify some words from its lyrics and googled it against the words contained in the lyrics but have found no match. Some of the words I have identified were: Adesso, Primavera, Finestra, "Le Tue Parole" . I have named this song "Le Tue Parole" for identification in my playlist.

    So as a last resort, I've put this tune in my Internet documents at: (URL is no longer accessible!) listed as Le-Tue-Parole .mp3 file.

    For native italian speakers, may I kindly request to have its lyrics? And if you could also identify its singer, it would be fantastic.

    Last edited by omero72; 07-06-2021 at 12:47 PM. Reason: clarify
  2. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I can't help you with the singer, but here are the lyrics, if you need the translation just ask.

    Adesso è ora
    mi prende sottobraccio la paura
    è un'alba tanto triste, tanto chiara
    Io rinunciare a te, no, non ancora

    Adesso è ora
    non è più bella la mia primavera
    amanti presi in prestito da un sogno
    le nostre vele al vento, il mondo in pugno

    Le tue parole, così sicure, limpide leggere
    mi avevano convinto che restando accanto a te
    l'amore può arrivare dove vuole

    Le tue parole un cielo immenso
    l'anima nel sole
    amarci ci sembrava tanto giusto e naturale
    com'è per la marea l'acqua che sale

    Finito il volo, finito tante cose da cantare
    il vento fermo, sono rimasto solo
    come un gabbiano triste senza il mare

    Le tue parole così sicure, limpide, leggere
    mi hanno rubato tutto
    e in un attimo per me
    non c'è più stato niente da salvare

    Le nostre sere bruciate come idoli bugiardi
    come romanzi scritti troppo in fretta e troppo tardi
    da un pazzo a caccia solo di avventure

    Ma adesso è ora
    mi prende sottobraccio la paura
    e un'alba tanto triste, tanto chiara
    è l'ultima finestra di un amore
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  3. omero72 said:


    Oh, that's already very fine, having the lyrics. The singer is likely to remain unknown for sometime because this song and its lyrics is not to be found on the Internet. Actually, this might be the first time the lyrics are uncovered. Thank you for extracting the lyrics.

    As for the English translation, I wouldn't say "no" to it.
  4. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    You're welcome! As for the translation, here you are:

    Now it's time
    fear takes my arm
    it's a dawn so sad and so bright
    me, forsake you no, not yet

    Now it's time
    my springtime is no longer that beautiful
    lovers borrowed from a dream
    our sails to the wind, the world in our hands

    Thy words so confident, clear, delicate
    have convinced me that staying by your side
    love can reach anything

    Thy words an endless sky
    the soul in the sun
    loving each other seemed so right and natural to us
    as the rising water for the tide

    The flight ended, so many things to sing ended
    the wind has stopped, i am alone now
    like a gull sad without the sea

    Thy words so confident, limpid, delicate
    have stolen me everything
    and in a moment
    there was nothing left to save for me

    Our nights burnt like false idols
    like novels written too hastily and too late
    by a fool who is only in search of adventures/one-night-stands

    Now it's time

    fear takes my arm
    it's a dawn so sad and so bright
    'tis the last window of a love
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  5. omero72 said:


    Thank you for the translation. As I expected, the lyrics are in accordance with the melody, a romantic love song.
  6. omero72 said:

    Default What could be the English opposite of "mi prende sotto braccio la paura"?


    I've been trying to make a decent translation of this song and I got stuck at the "mi prende sotto braccio la paura" sentence.

    Google Translate gives "take me under his arm fear" which doesn't make sense in English.

    Can somebody who's a native Italian speaker help me on this? Thanks.
  7. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    I've used "fear takes my arm" for it has a figurative meaning, usually you take a person "sottobraccio".
    "Prendere qualcuno sottobraccio" means "take somebody's arm/ link arms with somebody".
    "Camminare sottobraccio con qualcuno" means "walk along arms linked/ walk arm in arm".
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"
  8. omero72 said:


    Oh, first of all thank you for the reply, I'm pleased to see you again.

    Now that sentence starts to make sense,

    "Fear takes my arm", must be meaning something sort of "Fear visits me and affects me" I guess.

    Then that sentence fits well in a love song. A lover will have his or her fears, sure
  9. Ligeia's Avatar

    Ligeia said:


    You're welcome!
    That's right, that's the meaning!
    "-Please tell me you're going to appeal to my humanity..."
    "-Actually, I'm planning to threaten you."

    "Well, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do. Evil plots don't just make themselves, you know!"