Χάρις Αλεξίου - Αν με προλάβει η άνοιξηΗυ

Thread: Χάρις Αλεξίου - Αν με προλάβει η άνοιξηΗυ

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  1. feishtica said:

    Default Χάρις Αλεξίου - Αν με προλάβει η άνοιξηΗυ

    Hi everyone and first of all Happy New Year to all the visitors of the forum!
    I've got a question about the word θε. Once Amethystos explained to me that θε = μακάρι. But I believe that it has some other meaning in the context of this song since she refers to semething sad and dark that she'd rather not see happen.
    In the lyrics I found some words are omitted. What I hear is "θε να γυρίσει απίστομα" and "θε να χαλάσει η πλάση". While I'm quite sure about the former, I'm not sure at all about the latter. Could you help please?


    Αν με προλάβει η άνοιξη
    Στίχοι: Κώστας Χατζής
    Μουσική: Κώστας Χατζής
    Πρώτη εκτέλεση: Χαρούλα Αλεξίου

    Αν με προλάβει η άνοιξη
    να είμαι λυπημένη
    δεν θα ανθιστούν οι μυγδαλιές
    δεν θα ανθιστούν οι κάμποι
    κι αλίμονο στη γη που δεν θα πρασινίσει

    Αν με προλάβει η Άνοιξη
    να είμαι λυπημένη
    θε να λαλήσουν τα πουλιά τραγούδια λυπημένα
    και θα τ΄ ακούσουν τα βουνά τα δέντρα και τα χόρτα
    κι αλίμονο στη γη που δεν θα πρασινίσει

    Θε να γυρίσει...
    να μείνει ο χειμώνας
    και να χαθεί η ομορφιά
    και να...
    αν με προλάβει η άνοιξη να είμαι λυπημένη
    θα κάνω πέτρα την καρδιά
    να μην χαθεί η ομορφιά
    και στερηθούν οι άνθρωποι
    και στερηθείς και εσύ
    αν με προλάβει η άνοιξη
    Last edited by feishtica; 01-03-2011 at 10:55 AM.
  2. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    За много години, Фей! : ))))))

    В конкретния случай е просто синоним на "θα".

    Ще запеят птиците печални песни
    и ще ги слушат планини, дървета и треви...

    Ще се завърне зимата обратно...

    И те така.

    Грубо казано: θέλω ίνα/ θέλει ίνα => θέλ' ινα => θενά = θα
    [ίνα - тъй щото, така че]

    Ако искаш, мога по-подробно да обясня как се е получила подобна конструкция, ама... малко е разтегливо. :Р

    Съвсем правилно си го чуваш. Само второто ми се чини да е "και να" вместо "θε να".
    It's funnier in Enochian
  3. feishtica said:


    Oooo, Панселинос! Къф е тоз аватар? Где е Алкиноос? Изневеряваш, м? :P
    За много години и на теб! Жива и здрава, и влюбена, и щастлива!
    Предположих аз, че θε = θα, ама това να ме бъркаше.
    Подробните неща не са за мен. Не съм оборудвана с памет. И това инак интересно обяснение за произхода на θα-то до утре ще съм го забравила.
    Благодаря за поредното рамо, което ми даваш. )
    Quote Originally Posted by panselinos View Post
    За много години, Фей! : ))))))

    В конкретния случай е просто синоним на "θα".

    Ще запеят птиците печални песни
    и ще ги слушат планини, дървета и треви...

    Ще се завърне зимата обратно...

    И те така.

    Грубо казано: θέλω ίνα/ θέλει ίνα => θέλ' ινα => θενά = θα
    [ίνα - тъй щото, така че]

    Ако искаш, мога по-подробно да обясня как се е получила подобна конструкция, ама... малко е разтегливо. :Р

    Съвсем правилно си го чуваш. Само второто ми се чини да е "και να" вместо "θε να".
  4. Amethystos's Avatar

    Amethystos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by feishtica View Post
    Once Amethystos explained to me that θε = μακάρι.
    Excellent! Same thing happens in this one also, my dear feishtica

    If springs finds her unhappy, she wishes that birds would sing sad songs.

    Quote Originally Posted by feishtica View Post
    What I hear is "θε να γυρίσει απίστομα"
    Excellent! απίστομα comes from επί + στόμα = επιστόμος = επίστομα => τα επίστομα = ταπίστομα = απίστομα

    So if a man is over (επί) his mouth (στόμα) he is in a prone position.
    He is facing upside down.

    So the translation should be:
    θε να γυρίσει απίστομα
    I wish that (time) would be reversed (upside down )
    να μείνει ο χειμώνας
    and winter stays some more

    Quote Originally Posted by feishtica View Post
    and "θε να χαλάσει η πλάση"
    Actually is "και να χαλάσει η πλάση"
    (meaning "so that nature will work in an inappropriate way")
    "Gilgamesh, where are you hurrying to?
    You will never find that life for which you are looking.
    When the gods created man they allotted to him death,
    but life they retained in their own keeping"
  5. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Amethystos View Post
    Same thing happens in this one also, my dear feishtica.

    If springs finds her unhappy, she wishes that birds would sing sad songs.
    I have to disagree with you here, Amethyste.
    Why would she wish that, when she wants to make a stone of her heart in order to prevent it from happening?

    Тο "θενά" είναι συνώνυμο του "θα", δεν έχει καμιά σχέση με ευχή.

    Από το λεξικό του Μπαμπινιώτη:

    θα - θενά < θε' να (με προληπτική αφομοίωση) < θελ'να (με απλοποίηση του συμφωνικού συμπλέγματος -λν-) < θέλω νά < θέλω ίνά < θελώ ἵνα, τρόπος περιφραστικής δηλώσεως του μέλλοντα. που χρησιμοποιήθηκε - ακολουθούμενος από υποτακτική - στους όψιμους μεσν. χρόνους
    θενά - μόριο (διαλεκτ.-λογοτ.) θα: ~ βρεθούμε μπλεγμένοι σ' αυτή την ιστορία || «Εγώ Γραικός γεννήθηκα, Γραικός ~ πεθάνω» (δημοτ. τραγ.).
    [ΕΤΥΜ. < μεσν. θέ νά, βλ. λ. θα]

    Από το λεξικό του Τριανταφυλλίδη:

    θενά [θená & θena] μόριο : (λογοτ., λαϊκότρ.) εισάγει μια μελλοντική έννοια αντί του θα: ~ ΄ρθει μια / η μέρα / ώρα / στιγμή. ΠAP έκφρ. αν είναι να ΄ρθει, ~ 'ρθει*, (αλλιώς θα προσπεράσει). [ελνστ. θέλω ἵνα (δες στο θα) > μσν. γ' πρόσ. θέλει (ως βοηθητικό ρ.) ἵνα > θέλ΄ ινα (ίσως χωρίς τόνο στη δεύτερη λ.) > θένα > θενα (άτονο)]

    Αν είναι να 'ρθει, θενά ρθει, αλλιώς θα προσπεράσει. Η έκφραση δηλώνει νομοτελειακή βεβαιότητα (αν είναι να έρθει, να 'σαι σίγουρος ότι θα έρθει), κι όχι ευχή (αν είναι να έρθει, μακάρι να έρθει).

    θε να γυρίσει απίστομα
    να μείνει ο χειμώνας

    If spring finds me sorrowful,
    winter will come back again to stay.

    If spring finds me sorrowful,
    the birds will sing melancholy songs.

    ... but I'd rather not see that happen, so... I'll sacrifice my feelings in order to save the beauty and ordinary way of nature.

    You see, the optative was replaced in the 10th century by the construction of subordinate clauses with the conjunctions ὅτι and ἵνα. ἵνα first became ἱνά and later να:
    hina > 'ina > i'na > na
    i.e. so that > so that > that

    "Tha" is one of the prime examples of the grammaticalization of a verb of desire into a marker of futurity and then into a marker of epistemic modality.
    The stages of development:
    thelo grapsein > thelo na grapso
    > the na grapso > tha grapso
    > reduction of thelei > the + na > tha

    By the end of the Byzantine era, the construction θέλω να + subordinate clause developed into θενά. Eventually, θενά became the Modern Greek future particle θα, which replaced the old future forms. Currently, "tha" constitutes the main means of future-time reference. "Thena/ the na" is an archaic, if not obsolete, form.
    In a nutshell: θενά/θε να = θα = will

    Wow, that came out way too long. Sorry, I got carried away a little.

    Фей, нека тази година има по-светли и щастливи моменти от всички минали години, взети заедно. : )))))

    Аватарчето? От известно време изневерявам на целия свят с тия двамата. Заплеснала съм се досущ някоя сополанка.

    П.П. Ако напиша в тоя пост и нещо на китаица или арабица, мазалото ще стане пълно.
    It's funnier in Enochian
  6. feishtica said:


    Wow! I should provoke such disputes between erudites more often! They are a true university!
    Благодаря, Никс!
    А евреицата владееш ли я?
  7. panselinos's Avatar

    panselinos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by feishtica View Post
    А евреицата владееш ли я?
    С триста зора и обилно потене се справям с нея. :d Не е нещо, с което боравя безпроблемно. Не че съм полагала и някакви усилия в тая насока, де.
    It's funnier in Enochian