Maryam Heydarzadeh - Mesle Hichkas

Thread: Maryam Heydarzadeh - Mesle Hichkas

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  1. Kama_K's Avatar

    Kama_K said:

    Smile Maryam Heydarzadeh - Mesle Hichkas

    Mesle oon moje saboori ke vafadare be darya
    To mehi mesle haghighat mehrabooni mesle roya
    Cheghadar tazevo paaki mesle yasaye too bakhshe
    Mesle oon divane hafez ke neshaste labe taghche
    To mesle oon gole sorkhi ke gozashtam laye daftar
    Mesle oon harfi ke nagofte mimoone dame akhar
    To mesle baroone eshghi rooya tanhaeeye shaer
    To hamoon abi ke rasme berizan poshte mosafer
    Mesle barghe do ta cheshmi tooye ghabe shekaste
    Mesle parvaz vase ghalbi ke yeki balhasho baste

    Mesle oon mehmoone khoobi ke miyad akhare hafte
    Mesle oon harfi ke az yade delo panjere rafte
    Mesle paeezi valikan pori az golhaye pooneh
    Mesle oon gholi ke dadi gofti yadesh nemimoone

    To mesle cheshmeye abi vase ye teshne too biyaboon
    Mesle ye ashna too ghorbat vaseye asheghe majnoon
    To mesle ye sarpanahi vaseye abere gharibe
    Mesle cheshmaye ghashangi ke too hasrate ye sibe
    Cheshmeye cheshmeye nazet mesle ashke man zolale
    Mesle zendegi roo abrha boodanet ba man mahale

    Yeroozi biya too khabam besho mesle yek setareh
    Tooye khabe dokhtari ke hich kaso joz to nadare
    To ye omre miderakhshi tooye ghabe axe khali
    Ama man cheshmamo dookhtam be golaye sorkhe ghali
    To mesle badbadake man ke yerooz raft pishe abrha
    Bikhabar rafti khasti bemoonam tanhaye tanha

    To mesle daftare mashgham pore khathaye ajibi
    Mesle shagerdaye aval kami maghrooro najibi
    Dele to ye asemoone dele tange man zamini
    Midonam avaz nemishi to khodet gofti hamini
    To mesle oon kasi ke mire vase hamishe
    Eltemasesh mikoni ke bemoon oon mige nemishe

    Mesle ye tavaloodi to mesle ye taghdir mesle ghesmat
    Mesle almasi ke hich kas vase oon nazashte gheymat
    Mesle nazre bachehayee mesle eltemase goldoon
    Mesle ebtedahe rahi mesle ayene mesle shamdoon
    Mesle ghesehaye ziba pori az khabaye rangi
    Heyfe ke pisham namoonan cheshmaye be in ghashangi

    Pore nazi mesle laili pore sheri mesle nima
    Didane to range mehre raftane to range darya
    Biya mesle oon kasi sho ke ye shab ghaste safar kard
    Biya mesle oon kasi sho ke ya shab ghaste safar kard
    Did yaresh dare mimire mondesho sarfe nazar kard

    Biya mesle oon kasi sho ke ya shab ghaste safar kard
    Did yaresh dare mimire mondesho sarfe nazar kard
    Last edited by afsaneh; 10-03-2012 at 02:33 PM. Reason: Artist – Song name or names
  2. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:

    Smile a translation would be indeed a great help!

    It seems to be a beautiful poem, or song.
    Therefore a translation is badly needed as my own knowledge is still too poor to understand.
    Thanks beforehand a lot!
  3. Kama_K's Avatar

    Kama_K said:


    Quote Originally Posted by amaryn View Post
    It seems to be a beautiful poem, or song.
    Therefore a translation is badly needed as my own knowledge is still too poor to understand.
    Thanks beforehand a lot!
    Hey Amaryn =))
    Yes it is a poem by Maryam Heydarzadeh, I love her so so much!!
    I only understand parts of this =((
    I'm really looking forward to the translation, I know it's going to be SO beautiful ='))
  4. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:


    MarYam HeyarzaDeh - Mesle (mese) hiChkas!

    likE nobody!


    مثل اون موج صبوري كه وفاداره به دريا
    meslE oon mojE saboori ke vafAdAreh be daRyA
    jusT likE thaT patienT wave whiCH is loyaL to the sea…

    تو مهي مثل حقيقت مهربوني مثل رويا
    To meHi meslE haQiQaT mehrabooNi mesle roya
    you’re fog (?!) , jusT like the trutH! And you’re so kind just like a dreaM!

    چه قدر تازه و پاكي مث ياساي تو باغچه
    cheQadR tAzeh o paKi, mesE yAsAye too baQCheh!
    How purE and freSh you are! jusT like the jasmineS in the garden!

    مث اون ديوان حافظ كه نشسته لب طاقچه
    Mese ooN divAnE hAfeZ ke neshastE labE tAQche!
    Like thaT book of hafEz whiCH is sittinG beside the ledgE!

    تو مث اون گل سرخي كه گذاشتم لاي دفتر
    To mese ooN golE sorkhi ke gozashtaM lAye daftaR!
    You’re liKE the red rose thaT I put it betweeN the sheetS of my notebooK!

    مث اون حرفي كه ناگفته مي مونه دم آخر
    Mese oon harFi ke nAgofte mimoone dame AkhaR!
    Like thE unspokeN word thaT remaiNs until the end … !

    تو مث بارون عشقي روي تنهايي شاعر
    To mesE bAroone esHQi! Rooye taNhAyiye shaEr!
    You’Re jusT like the raiN on the solitudE of thaT Poet!

    تو همون آبي كه رسمه بريزن پشت مسافر
    To haMoon Abi ke Rasmeh berizaN poShte mosAfer!
    You’rE thE wateR thaT (peoplE) pure after a passeNger! ! ,whicH is a costuM!

    مث برق دو تا چشمي توي يك قاب شكسته
    mesE barQe do ta cheShmi tooye yeK qAbe shekaSteh!
    likE the lighT of two eyeS in an emptY photo framE!

    مث پرواز واسه قلبي كه يكي بالاشو بسته
    mesE parvAz vaSe Qalbi ke yeKi bAlAsho basteH!
    Like flyinG for the hearT thaT someonE haS closed its wingS!

    مث اون مهمون خوبي كه ميآد آخر هفته
    Mese ooN mehmooNE khooBi ke miyAd AkharE hafteH!
    Like thE nice guest thaT comEs over on the weekeNd!

    مث اون حرفي كه از ياد دل و پنجره رفته
    Mese ooN harFi ke az yAde deLo panjere raftEh!
    likE the word thaT my hearT and also the window have forgotten thaT!

    مث پاييزي وليكن پري از گل هاي پونه
    mesE paiizi vaLikaN poRi az golhAye pooneh!
    You’re like the faLl (autumN) but fuLL of poonE ( not sure, but google sayS = bee balM ) flowers!

    مث اون قولي كه دادي گفتي يادش نمي مونه
    Mese ooN ghoLi ke dAdi gofti yAdesh nemimooNeh!
    Like the proMise you made and told thaT she’ll forgot it !

    تو مث چشمه آبي واسه تشنه تو بيابون
    To meSe cheshmeye Abi vase teshNE too biyabooN!
    You’re like a well of water for a thirsTy persoN in deseRt!

    تو مث يه آشنا تو غربت واسه يه عاشق مجنون
    To mesE ye ashEna (asHna ) too Qorbat vaseH ye asheQe majnooN!
    You’re likE a familiaR persoN to a mad loVer!

    تو مث يه سرپناهي واسه عابر غريبه
    To mesE ye sarpanAhi vaseh Abere Qaribeh!
    You’e likE a shelteR for a strangeR Pedestrian!

    مث چشماي قشنگي كه تو حسرت يه سيبه
    Mese cheshMaye ghashanGi ke too hasratE ye sibEh!
    likE the beautifuL eyeS yearninG for an appLE!

    چشمه ي چشماي نازت مث اشك من زلاله
    cheshmEye cheshmayE nazEt mese asHKe maN zolaLE!
    thE weLL of your beautifuL eyeS are cleaR like my tearS!

    مث زندگي رو ابرا بودنت با من محاله
    MesE ZENDEgI Roo aBra, boodaneT ba maN mahaleh!
    beinG with yoU is impossibLe for me! jusT like livinG on the cloudS!

    يك روزي بيا تو خوابم بشو شكل يك ستاره
    yeK roozi biya too khabaM besHow sheKle yek setareH!
    Someday, come to mY dreamS and be likE a staR!

    توي خواب دختري كه هيچ كس و جز تو نداره
    Tooye khabE doKhtari ke hiChkaSo joZ to nadareh!
    In thE dreamS of the girL whiCh has nobody but you!

    تو يه عمر مي درخشي تو يه قاب عكس خالي
    To ye Omr miderakhShi too ye Qabe akSe khaLi!
    yoU caN alwayS shinE in aN emptY photo framE!

    اما من چشمام رو دوختم به گلاي سرخ قالي
    aMma maN cheshmaM ro dookhtaM be golaYE sorkhe Qali!
    buT I’m stariNg at the red flowerS of the carpeT!

    تو مث بادبادك من كه يه روز رفت پيش ابرا
    to meSe badbadaKe maN ke ye rooZ raft piShe abRa!
    You’re likE my kite thaT went to the cloudS someday!

    بي خبر رفتي و خواستي بمونم تنهاي تنها
    BikHabaR raftio khasti bemOOnaM taNhaye taNha!
    suddenLy, you left ( without awarinG me! ) and wanted me to staY all aloNE!

    تو مث دفتر مشقم پر خطاي عجيبي
    To mesE daftaRE masHqam poRe khaTTaye aJibi!
    yoU are full of strangE lines like mY practiCe notebooK!

    مث شاگرداي اول كمي مغرور و نجيبي
    Mese shaGerdayE avvaL kami maQrooro naJibi!
    You arE a bit pridEful and noblE, like top studenTS !

    دل تو يه آسمونه دل تنگ من زميني
    deLE to ye asemoONe dele tangE man zamiNi!
    Your heaRt is like a skY! Mine is terrEstrial!

    مي دونم عوض نمي شي تو خودت گفتي هميني
    midoonaM avaZ nemisHi , to khodeT gofti haMini!
    I know you woN’t changE! You tolD thiS to me yourself!

    تو مث اون كسي هستي كه ميره واسه هميشه
    to meSe oon kasi hasti ke mireh vase hamisHe!
    You’re likE the onE thaT leavEs forever!

    التماسش مي كني كه بمون اون ميگه نميشه
    eLtemaSesh mikoNi ke bemOon! Oon migE nemishe!
    begginG hiM not to go but hE sayS it’s not possibLe!

    مث يه تولدي تو مث تقدير مث قسمت
    meSeye tavallodi to ! mesE taQdir! Mese Qesmat!
    You’re likE a birth! Like fatE! Like destiNy!

    مث الماسي كه هيچ كس واسه اون نذاشته قيمت
    mesE almAsi ke hiChkaS vase oon nazashtE Qeymat!
    likE the diamoNd thaT noonE has ever determined any priCe for thaT!

    مث نذر بچه هايي مث التماس گلدون
    mese nazRe bachehaYi !mese eltemaSe goldooN!
    likE the vow of childreN with God! Like the entreaty of the vaSe!

    مث ابتداي راهي مث آينه مث شمعدون
    meSe ebtedayE rahi! Mese aynEh! Mese shamdooN!
    You’re likE the starT of a patH! Like a mirror! likE a candlestick!

    مث قصه هاي زيبا پري از خواباي رنگي
    meSe QessehayE ziBa!pori az khabaye raNgi!
    And you’re fuLL of colorFul dreamS!just like beautifuL storieS!

    حيفه كه پيشم نمونن چشاي به اين قشنگي
    heyFEh ke pisham namoonaN cheshayE be in QashanGi!
    Too baD thaT thesE beautifuL eyeS may not staY with mE!

    پر نازي مث ليلي پر شعري مث نيما
    porE naZi mese leYli! Pore she’ri meSe niMa!
    You’re fuLl of coquetry! Just like LeyLi! You’re fuLL of poeMs! Like ✿ Nima!

    ديدن تو رنگ مهره رفتن تو رنگ يلدا
    didanE to rangE mEhre! Raftane to rangE yaLda!
    seeinG you is the coLor of Mehr! And leaving you is the coLor of ★ Yalda!
    (I thinK she meaNS thaT seeing you , time passEs too quick! like the fall and leaving you takes a long timE like the yaLda nighT )!

    بيا مثل اون كسي شو كه يه شب قصد سفر كرد
    Biya meslE oon kasi sho! Ke ye shaB Qasde safaR kard!
    comE and be likE the one thaT decided to go on a triP one night!

    ديد يارش داره ميميره موند ش و صرف نظر كرد
    Did yaResh darE mimireh, moondesHo sarfE nazar kard!
    But wheN he saW his sweeThearT is dyiNg, he changed his idea!



    => we puRe water afteR a pasSenger wishinG that he'll come back soon and safe!


    ✿ =>

    => the seveNth moNth of the yEar, (the firsT month of Fall!)

    ★ =>


    hopE you'll liKE it !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  5. Kama_K's Avatar

    Kama_K said:


    Astoriasssssssss <3 kheyliiii mamnoooon azizam daste dard nakone i love it so so much, i am speechless! thankyou so much, i am so happy now
  6. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:


    kaMaaaaaa! khahesH mikonaaaaaM! !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  7. Kama_K's Avatar

    Kama_K said:


    it was BEAUTIFUL!!, thankyou again for the translation, you are fab & i LOVE maryam so much