KAYAH - Ja chcę ciebie - (PL>>EN)

Thread: KAYAH - Ja chcę ciebie - (PL>>EN)

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  1. Paul Orhan's Avatar

    Paul Orhan said:

    Default KAYAH - Ja chcę ciebie - (PL>>EN)

    Artist: Kayah
    Song: "Ja chcę ciebie" / "I Want You"
    Music: Kayah
    Lyrics: Kayah
    Album: "Kamień" / "The Stone" (1995)

    Original album recording:

    Slow remix:

    Dajesz mi
    You give me

    i znów odbierasz
    And then you take back again

    oddech, którym żyję teraz
    This breath that I live upon right now

    Ja nic nie wiem
    I no longer know anything*

    Modlę się o ciebie
    I just pray for having you

    Przybliżasz się
    You come closer

    i znów oddalasz
    And then you distance yourself again

    Karzesz mnie
    You punish me

    i znów nagradzasz
    And then you reward me again

    Ja nic nie wiem
    I no longer know anything

    Ja chcę ciebie
    I just want you

    Chcę cię jak wody spragniony,
    I want you like a thirsty man wants water

    jak słów niemowa,
    Like a mute person yearns for words

    jak miłości chce młody,
    Like the young crave for love

    jak Ziemia życia
    Like the Earth wants life

    Pragniesz mnie
    You want me

    i znów unikasz
    And then you avoid me again

    Gubię się gubię się gubię się
    I keep losing myself

    w twych dotykach
    In your touching

    Ja nic nie wiem
    I no longer know anything

    Jestem w niebie
    I'm in heaven

    Przybliżasz się
    You come closer

    i znów oddalasz
    And then you distance yourself again

    Nagroda to jest
    Is it a reward?

    czy też kara?
    Or maybe a punishment?

    Ja nic nie wiem
    I no longer know anything

    Ja chcę ciebie
    I just want you

    Chcę cię jak wody spragniony
    I want you like a thirsty man wants water

    jak słów niemowa
    Like a mute person yearns for words

    jak miłości chce młody
    Like the young crave for love

    jak Ziemia życia
    Like the Earth wants life

    * In the original lyrics Kayah sings "I know nothing" but what she really means is "I know nothing except that... (eg. I want you)". So, to not make the translation too vague on one hand or too obvious on the other, I've opted for "I no longer know anything" and adding "just" in the following line
    Last edited by Paul Orhan; 04-07-2011 at 08:53 AM.
  2. veryclever1980 said:


    I can't describe my love for that album and every single song from it. thank you so much Pawel for translating all of these beautiful songs by Kayah. She's just perfect with a beautiful voice. I don't know why but I always feel compassion for her.

    ***The translations have been done by Bijan Kardouni AKA veryclever1980***
  3. Paul Orhan's Avatar

    Paul Orhan said:


    I won't deny that her songs have been my companions for such a long time. Nor that I love her so very much

    It makes me so happy that they resonate with you, my friend!

    And let me repeat myself that it was an honour and a pleasure to do these translations for you and for others who happen to find them.
  4. astorias's Avatar

    astorias said:


    kaYa haS a beautifuL voiCE !!

    liked the sonG and thIS part mostlY,

    Chcę cię jak wody spragniony
    jak słów niemowa
    jak miłości chce młody
    jak Ziemia życia

    thankS for sharinG pauL-jAN!! !
    ـــ★ـــ it seeMs likE every day's the saMe...
    aNd i'm leFt to discoVer on my owN...
    It seemS like everythinG is graY...
    and there's No coloR to beHold..
  5. Paul Orhan's Avatar

    Paul Orhan said:


    You've just made my day!!!
    Your pleasure is my pleasure, Azizam!
    Thanks a zillion!