New Album Mohamed Nour Maa Nafsy 2011

Thread: New Album Mohamed Nour Maa Nafsy 2011

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  1. Jannah2010 said:

    Default New Album Mohamed Nour Maa Nafsy 2011

    Could somebody translate the new album from Mohamed Nour?
    Please by English and arabic with Englsih letters

    thanxxxxxxxx Jannah

    01.Talta Ebtedaai
    02.Kont Yisha
    03.Olt Yemken
    04.Law Rohna Feen
    05.Maa Nafsi
    06.Ekhatari Enti
    07.Koloo Nehon
    08.Lena Fe Baad
    09.Fekrak Eah
    10.Elmadoo We Mafee
  2. Jannah2010 said:


    here is the lyrics by arabic i hope somebody can transalte it now
  3. Miichelle's Avatar

    Miichelle said:


    pllzzzzz someone translateee
    Loving my husband <3
  4. Jannah2010 said:


    Nobody can translate the album???
  5. moldoveanu's Avatar

    moldoveanu said:


    anyone please ?
  6. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    i'll try, but it might take a while
    do you want all the album ?!!!
  7. niam's Avatar

    niam said:


    all album please
  8. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    01.Talta ebtedaay

    Saybha baaly delwaaty 7abibty senin
    I left my darling for years now
    Kanet helwa ana faker w bdeferten
    I remember she was beautiful with two ponytails
    W olt el donia msh momken hatgamaana
    and I said that it isn’t possible that the time will gather us
    W adeny bashoufha b el sodfa w lya naseeb
    and now I see her by coincidence and I have luck
    W ana telmeez w ana f talta ebtedaay zaman
    and in the past when I was a pupil in the fifth grade
    W hoby f alby ana leeha w zay ma kan
    and my love in my heart for her is same as it was
    Ana odamha haseet eny makbertsh w hya zay ma hya w ahla kaman
    when I was in front of her I felt that I didn’t grow up, and she was the same but more beautiful
    Kaan ma feha kan bena zaman hekayat w leha lhad delwaaty maaia hagat
    we shared stories back then, and she has some belongings with me till now
    Sowary maaha mn ayam w ana soghiar
    my pictures with her when we were young
    W gawabat.ha elly ana hafezha w mabansahash
    and her letters that I memorized and can’t forget
  9. Jannah2010 said:


    WooooooW thxxxx verry much for the first translate you are the best <3<3<3

    I hope you can translate also the other songs

    thxxxxxx verry verry much
  10. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    02.Kont aysha
    (The lyrics is a female talking to herself)

    Abl menak kont aysha alashan maknsh b eidy amout
    before you I was living, because I haven’t the choice to die
    Kont nader lama badhak dehka w asmaa lya soot
    I barely was laughing a laughter and could hear a sound from me
    Kont hassa haiaty malhash ay eima kol haga bashoufha metaada w adema
    I was feeling that my life has no value, and everything I see is repeated and old
    Kont wahda kol ahlamha f haiat.ha nefsaha mn el donia lw tetlaa salima
    I was someone all her dreams of life was wishing to get out of the world unhurt
    Abl menak alby omro ma hass Abadan b el aman kont hassa berohy wahda malhash makan
    Before you, my heart never felt secure, I was feeling that I am someone who has no place (don’t fit)
    Raho meny nas kteer el donia khadet.hom khalas
    Many people left me as the time took them away
    Msh fadely baadak enta fi el haya ya habibi nas
    I have no one my dear after you in this life
  11. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jannah2010 View Post
    WooooooW thxxxx verry much for the first translate you are the best <3<3<3

    I hope you can translate also the other songs

    thxxxxxx verry verry much
    u r very welcome hope u enjoy it
  12. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    03. olt yemken

    Ana olt yemken wahda ghirha bel kteer teshbehlaha
    I said may be she was someone else, at the most someone like her
    Bgd matmanetsh ashoufha saaetha zay ma shouftaha
    really I didn’t want to see her like this when I saw her
    Wala hatta baad ma arabet maareftahash etghirt
    neither when she approached I didn’t recognize her she was changed
    Saybha ahsan mn keda bkteer zaman
    I left her back then much better than this
    Mabaatsh zay ma sebtaha zaalan aleeha w menha
    she no longer the same as I left her, I am sad for her and from her
    kan nefsy Aaol kanet habibty fi youm zaman
    I wished I could say one day that she was my love
    Hagat areft aymet.ha lama rahet menha
    some things she knew its value when it went away
    Ma hya nas beteghlat ghasb anha w nas betgibo l nafsaha
    some people make mistakes without realizing and some people just bring it on themselves
  13. Jannah2010 said:


    @ satisfaction

    W ana telmeez w ana f talta ebtedaay zaman
    and in the past when I was a pupil in the fifth grade

    this he donts meen klass three??
    Becuase my houseband is egyptian and he say he mean three.
  14. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    it means three but is equal to fifth grade (3rd year preparatory)
  15. Jannah2010 said:


    Ok, thanks, thanks to you I'm smarter now :-)

    And thank you for the first three translations really great of you.
    I hope you translate the following songs did.

    Many many thanks

    greet Jannah
  16. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    04. Lw rohna feen

    Lw rohna feen malnash makan ghir hodn baad
    if we go everywhere we don’t have a place but each other bosom
    Ezay hanebaad w ehna lena kteer f baad
    how can we be apart and we have a lot in each other
    Da ehna bena f albena lw hatta fatt million sana
    we have things between us in our hearts even if a million years passed
    F el donia meen haifaraana aan hodn baad
    in this world who can break us apart from each other bosom
    Taala neish habibi ana w enta f el gana
    let’s live my darling you and me in the paradise
    Taala neish mafish wala haga temnaana
    let’s live and nothing stop us
    Haram alina nseeb deiaa fi omrena
    shame on us to leave one minute in our life
    Ana mostaheel yebaaly ghirk tany helm
    it’s impossible for me to have someone else, it’s a dream
    W mosh haibaa f alby baadk nas aham
    and no one will be more important than you in my heart
    Da enta elly baay lya ana
    you are the one that care for me
    Alby malosh anak ghena
    my heart can’t replace you
    mn youm ma shouftak w el haya baa leeha taam
    from the day I saw you and the life began to have a taste
  17. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Jannah2010 View Post
    Ok, thanks, thanks to you I'm smarter now :-)

    And thank you for the first three translations really great of you.
    I hope you translate the following songs did.

    Many many thanks

    greet Jannah

    it's my pleasure
  18. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    05. maa nafsi

    Maa nafsy baftekr elly fatt w andam aleeh w saat kteer batmana lahza f hodnaha
    I remember what happened with myself and regret it and sometimes I wish a moment in which we embrace
    Khaif y2olo el nas aalia garalo eh msh da el kan byool haaish mn baadaha
    I am afraid of the people talking: what happened to him. Didn’t he tell us I’ll live normal after her?
    Mosh ader ansa wala hatta amel naseha
    I can’t forget neither pretend to forget her
    W en gatt seret.ha baaom w einy dmoai feeha
    and if someone talked about her I would stand up with tears in my eyes
    La meny ader aala el boad wala meny bansa
    I can’t stand her absence, neither can I forget her
    Aish monaya el sodfa lw tegmaani beeha
    living by the wish that coincidence would gather us
    Aala zekra bena mn zaman lesa baiesh w hamot ashan khater f youm argaalaha
    living by a memory between us, I would die to get her back with me someday
    Lya feeha wala hatta en kan maleesh yefdal f alby leeha aiesh hobaha
    having something with her or not, my love for her is living in my heart
    Mafish makan rohna zaman w marohtosh saalt anha nas kteer mn waataha
    there isn’t a place we went together and I didn’t go after that, I asked a lot of people about her since then
    elly afro w el hatta maarafosh mn taht beet.ha baady w asaal anaha
    The people I know and even the people I don’t, I walk by her house and ask about her
  19. Satisfaction's Avatar

    Satisfaction said:


    06. Ekhtary enty

    Ekhtary enty yahebek yamoot w ana dayeb f 7obek
    You choose, loving you or I’ll die in your love
    yanebaa habayeb w ganbek akamel omri
    Or we will be lovers and I’ll live the rest of my life beside you
    ya adary ya sayba aala mashaary alama
    You are my fate; you left a mark on my feelings
    Ekhtary enty yahebek yamoot w ana dayeb f 7obek
    You choose, loving you or I’ll die in your love
    Yaganbek aiesh hekiaty ya kol haiaty estanetek yama
    Or I’ll live my life beside you, you are all my life, I have been waiting for you for a longtime
    Kalam eneky ahla kalam, salam eideky agmal salam
    Your eyes talk the best words; your handshake is the most beautiful
    Ederty tekhtafeny w aowam w negehty bgadara
    You managed to kidnap me quickly and you succeed competently
    Greet aala ahlek w geet, helmet yegmaani beeky beet
    I ran to your family and came, I dreamt of a house that gather us
    Maknsh da mawdoa baseet lakn ashan khater einek
    This wasn't an easy issue, but I did it because of your eyes
    matigy taali nesafer lialy mahadsh haisaad haiatek badaly
    Come let’s travel for days (lialy means nights), no one will please your life except me
    hawaleena lamma w nas kteer mn el farha alby aarab yteer
    There are a lot of people around us; my heart is almost going to fly from joy
    W rabena yetamem bkhir, mabrook baa aalena
    God complete this well, congratulations for us
    maknsh yokhtorly youm f el bal haiesh w alaay bent el halal
    I hadn't thought that one day I’ll live and find the right girl
    (Bent el halal = from good family)
    habibty tesmahily b soaal maaola baaena lwahdena
    My darling would you mind asking you is it true we are alone?
  20. Jannah2010 said:


    @ Satisfaction

    Thxxxx for your great translate!!!
    Maybe you can translate also the last songs please?????

    greats Jannah