Rumina - Ne Celuvam Nepoznati BG - EN

Thread: Rumina - Ne Celuvam Nepoznati BG - EN

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  1. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:

    Cool Rumina - Ne Celuvam Nepoznati BG - EN

    hi can i have transltion to this song please
    thank you


    Не целувам непознати,но натам върви с теб
    питие едно ми прати и незнам защо приех
    и с всяка глътка искам всичко с теб да си дадем
    но си знам какво ще мисля,ако ти осъмнеш с мен!

    Дрехи на пода,звъни се на входа,
    а до мене спи непознат
    тази нощ ме вкара в изневяра
    вчера исках,сега ме е яд!

    Дрехи на пода,звъни се на входа,
    сбъркам ли и ще ме изловят,
    тази нощ ме вкара в изневяра
    вчера исках,сега ме е яд!

    Не преспивам с непознати,най-добре да спрем нали
    второ питие ми прати,искаш да ме хване ли?
    Сладко е да си представя
    как лежим на мек сатен
    но си знам какво ще мисля,ако ти осъмнеш с мен!

    Зная,че не трябва и какво от това-ти докосваш толкова нежно
    твоите ръце не желая да ги спра,ще се влюбя в теб неизбежно!
  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Nice song
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Hi Hello Can someone please translate,
    This song is very short with little words
  4. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Anyone can trans this please
  5. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Anyone pliz
  6. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    or anyone other
    can you trans this please
  7. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Will be grateful it if you try to translate it for me
    Thanks and you will have a nice day
  8. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:

    Talking help

    Will be grateful it if you try to translate it for me
    Thanks and you will have a nice day
  9. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    If you see a mistake I will be happy to repair

    Rumina - I don't kiss strangers

    I don't kiss strangers, but i'm going there with you
    you sent me a drink and i don't know why i acceped
    with each sip i want me and you to give eachother all
    but i know what i'll think if you wake up with me!

    Clothes on the floor, someone ringing at the door,
    a naked stranger sleeps beside me
    this night took me in unfaithfulness
    yesterday i wanted .. now i'm ashamed!

    Clothes on the floor, someone ringing at the door,
    if i make a mistake i'll be caught
    this night took me in unfaithfulness
    yesterday i wanted .. now i'm ashamed!

    I don't sleep with strangers, best we stop,right?
    Second drink you sent me, do you want it to get to me?
    It's nice to imagine
    but i know what i'll think if you wake up with me!

    I know that i mustn't but what the hell - you touch so delicate
    your hands i don't want to stop them, i'll fall in love with you inevitably
  10. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Can anyone tell me if for sure, the translation here good?
  11. Tina`bambina's Avatar

    Tina`bambina said:


    Сладко е да си представя
    It's sweet to imagine
    как лежим на мек сатен
    how we both are laying on a soft satin.

    сега ме е яд - and now i'm angry

    That's all!
  12. yosis's Avatar

    yosis said:


    Hey I need help pliz
    What word is mean the word "naked" in here?
    а до мене спи непознат
    I dont think it's the correct translation of this part
    but what the hell = и какво от това???
  13. temerut said:


    "а до мене спи непознат" should be "and a stranger is sleeping next to me"
  14. PIMOS said:


    you not said this

    but what the hell = и какво от това???