Lyrics Review off-topic discussions

Thread: Lyrics Review off-topic discussions

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  1. SK'nDeep's Avatar

    SK'nDeep said:


    Tell me about it. who just comes on a forum looking for a hand out. we've worked hard to create our skill. in the long run if we give it up to them, We haven’t done anything but handed them our soul...So...Now that thats cleared up lets hope we don't here our rhymes on some Ghost writers tracks...
    We will let S&L slip with that one...Not saying that this was S&L's intentions,but you never know...
    Royalties.....Are not free....and neather should our time be...

    Oh... Creese I have been working on the beat..I should have it done soon....
    Peace Love Empathy

  2. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    Nicely put. They should try working as hard as we do.

    While I'm here.... help.... I couldn't rap if my goddamn life depended on it do "It Turns" has failed horribly... could someone who's better at that sort of stuff take a look? I need some advice... :P
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  3. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    Quote Originally Posted by ShadowLeeSharp View Post
    Everyone disappeared!! ! I haven't been on much but this thread is nothing without Robbie, You, Me, and Moon!!!


    Mm hmm! Miss you!!
    Trust me Dear One, it's just a temporary manifestation of the Powers of the Ethereal Dark Side (or maybe They're the Light side and we're the Dark side, I really have no idea) and everything will be back, or rather forward, to normal before you can say ....... ShadowLeeSharp!!!

    Haaaaaaaiiiiii Livvi!!!!!
    And Katie and Robbie and Sk'nDeep and Creese and Alex and Amaryn and whoevah-da-hell else might decide to show up around here
    There is no glamour in sudden death, and nobody ever wins a war.
    Rockers Unite! =>
    ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame
  4. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MoonRide42 View Post
    Trust me Dear One, it's just a temporary manifestation of the Powers of the Ethereal Dark Side (or maybe They're the Light side and we're the Dark side, I really have no idea) and everything will be back, or rather forward, to normal before you can say ....... ShadowLeeSharp!!!

    Haaaaaaaiiiiii Livvi!!!!!
    And Katie and Robbie and Sk'nDeep and Creese and Alex and Amaryn and whoevah-da-hell else might decide to show up around here
    Nehehehe Me, Robbie, Katie, and You r best fwendds xD our little family ;D goodness I miss you!!
    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-
  5. MoonRide*r*'s Avatar

    MoonRide*r* said:


    Our little family yeah
    Miss you too!!!! And where is everybody else now???
    There is no glamour in sudden death, and nobody ever wins a war.
    Rockers Unite! =>
    ROCK 'n' Roll Halls of Fame
  6. SK'nDeep's Avatar

    SK'nDeep said:


    News flash I jsut made a beat for creese. I posted a link on you tube but it is the unfinnished version. oops..I will post a link of the finished version in a bit...this is the old one if you want to here it.
    here is the new one
    Last edited by SK'nDeep; 06-16-2011 at 03:29 PM.
    Peace Love Empathy

  7. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:



    An internationally-active murderer has been picking off the members of the website and is craftily disposing of their remains. The only clues to their disappearance is their sudden radio silence. The oddity is being looked into vigorously by the elite IPUI (Intergalactic Police Unit of Insanity). Should you have any information, contact them immediately at
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  8. PointZero's Avatar

    PointZero said:


    Oh, by the way guys, I'm alive.
  9. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    That is exceptionally good to know It seems most others are not...
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  10. PointZero's Avatar

    PointZero said:


    Yeah so I've seen. I'm about to be dead again because this place has gone soooo downhill since the start of the year. Too much change. No one criticizes or gives opinions and everyone posts the same thing in basically every song, which I consider a way of spamming because some people just post way too many songs. So, if I'm dead again within a week, I'm sorry.
  11. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    I'm totally dead.
    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-
  12. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    I'll hold my hands up and say that people probably don't want to know all the crap songs that travel through my head. But I think, Zero, that your spamming point is a little unfair. People do post critique.

    And oh no, Shadow!! What shall we do without you?!
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  13. RobberBaron said:


    I'm not dead, just floating
  14. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    You'll eat ninja carrots or starve cause -ahem- -cough cough-I ate em all-COUGHHHHHHH-

    My world and heart is changing in different directions and I haven't found the time to sit down, relax, and write a song. It's sometimes tempting but I haven't felt the erg to write like I did back then.
    My boyfriend is becoming my first priority in life, we've been together for 7 months and we want to expand 7 months into forever, I also don't find time for being silly or even eating cake, strawberries, watermelon, or sweets like I used to do. I still have very random moments that I tell my boyfriend about, and he thinks it's cute and funny. But I'm just not really the little Shadow I was when I was here. N that's another reason I died off on ATL, I am not the same person no longer. I am more mature in a lot of ways(: sad I know. I'll miss the old me too.
    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-
  15. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    That's a shame, Shadow, but I'm glad you're happy But remember, you're never too old for silliness!
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  16. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    Thanks Katie(:
    N nope. So I have something to say,

    There once was a deer named Roscoe, he was born with a BlueTooth head set, and an orange sock. His mom was a camel and his dad was a moose. He grew up well, but not well enough? He's special like Rudolph but instead his Ears glow Red, and everyone hates it. Cause when they glow red they make a BZZZZZZing noise and Roscoe cannot hear anyone around him. His hobbies include building toilets out of Lego blocks and at the moment he's sitting in my closet eating burritos celebrating Easter with Christmas lights all around his antlers, his arch enemy is fuzzy carpet and he eats ninja carrots to strengthen himself but he bought the wrong brand so they are doing the opposite! Santa later kicked Roscoe out of the league because he found Roscoe slapping Donner across the face with a banana! and that's how life is, Lego toilets

    The end
    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-
  17. Katie13's Avatar

    Katie13 said:


    Aw, poor Roscoe
    Ah, hon, I don't think you've changed all that much!!! Either way, you're still president of the insanity league.
    "If you were me, then I'd be you, and if I were you, I'd hide somewhere faraway..."
  18. ShadowLeeSharp's Avatar

    ShadowLeeSharp said:


    Oh yeah... I forgot that(: I'm a mad hatter and your my guard to save the kitty inside my hat from evil Razor Asher. Robbie is my BFF whom I have a secret crush on and Moonie is my pet. How insane is that(:
    ImTheBaby of ATL! FearMe, RawR!!
    -This Shadow is like a homeless puppy. She'll love you in seconds. And she'll still love you no matter what even though you hurt her so badly-
  19. Zarex's Avatar

    Zarex said:


    MF DOOM IS THE BEST RAPPER OF ALL TIME AND HAS BEEN FOR MANY MANY YEARS. He goes by Madvillain (with Madlib, the AWESOMEST PRODUCER), Danger Doom (in a collab with Danger Mouse who makes beats), King Geddorah, Viktor Vaugh, and SOON MA DOOM when he collabs with Masta Ace. I encourage all of you to check him out. He uses non sequiturs though, if you don't like those then you may not like him as much, still awesome.
    Live a good, noble life and pay no attention as to whether gods exist. If they are just, they will judge you for your virtuous life, not your worship.
  20. Inskeepruler's Avatar

    Inskeepruler said:


    I am a beautiful person. I have a ride on the Internet. The creator of the most important thing is that the information you need to be a good idea to have a lot of people who are not responsible for the first to hear from you.

    I hold space on my phone's keyboard, and this types.