lyrics for min klais as sung by sotiria bellou sought

Thread: lyrics for min klais as sung by sotiria bellou sought

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  1. shelley duncan said:

    Default lyrics for min klais as sung by sotiria bellou sought

    I would be very grateful if someone knew the lyrics for Min Klais as sung by Sotiria Bellou... in Greek.Many Thanks Shelley.
  2. Mixalopoulos's Avatar

    Mixalopoulos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by shelley duncan View Post
    I would be very grateful if someone knew the lyrics for Min Klais as sung by Sotiria Bellou... in Greek.Many Thanks Shelley.
    Μην κλαις και μην λυπάσαι που βραδιάζει
    Εμείς που ζήσαμε φτωχοί
    Του κόσμου η βροχή δε μάς πειράζει
    Εμείς που ζούμε μοναχοί

    Τα σπίτια είναι χαμηλά
    σαν έρημοι στρατώνες
    Τα καλοκαίρια μας μικρά
    κι ατέλειωτοι χειμώνες

    Μην κλαις και μη φοβάσαι το σκοτάδι
    Εμείς που ζήσαμε φτωχοί
    Του κόσμου η απονιά δε μάς τρομάζει
    Θα έρθει και για μάς μια Κυριακή

    Τα σπίτια είναι χαμηλά
    σαν έρημοι στρατώνες
    Τα καλοκαίρια μας μικρά
    κι ατέλειωτοι χειμώνες
    Ρεμπέτικο για πάντα. Μάγκες είμαστε.
  3. Makaroonos said:

    Default Hello there

    Can you please translate this lovely song in english please?
  4. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Yes, I would like that too: Mixa, maybe?????? Min Klais and Sotiria Bellou, just great
  5. safe1 said:


    Sotiria Bellou - Min klais / don't cry.

    Μην κλαις και μην λυπάσαι που βραδιάζει / don't cry and don't be sad that it's getting dark
    Εμείς που ζήσαμε φτωχοί / we who lived in misery (poverty)
    Του κόσμου η βροχή δε μάς πειράζει / do not mind the heavy rain
    Εμείς που ζούμε μοναχοί / We who live alone

    Τα σπίτια είναι χαμηλά / Houses are small (literally: low-ceilinged)
    σαν έρημοι στρατώνες / like deserted camps
    Τα καλοκαίρια μας μικρά / Our summers are short
    κι ατέλειωτοι χειμώνες / and winters are endless

    Μην κλαις και μη φοβάσαι το σκοτάδι / Don't cry and don't be afraid of the dark
    Εμείς που ζήσαμε φτωχοί / We who lived in misery (poverty)
    Του κόσμου η απονιά δε μάς τρομάζει / are not scared by the heartlessness of the people
    Θα έρθει και για μάς μια Κυριακή / There will be a Sunday for us

    Τα σπίτια είναι χαμηλά / Houses are small (literally: low-ceilinged)
    σαν έρημοι στρατώνες / like deserted camps
    Τα καλοκαίρια μας μικρά / Our summers are short
    κι ατέλειωτοι χειμώνες / and winters are endless

    Thanks boubou for her help about the lines:

    Line 3: "Του κόσμου η βροχή δε μάς πειράζει" -> replaced.
    Line 11: "Του κόσμου η απονιά δε μάς τρομάζει" -> stays as it is
    Last edited by safe1; 08-30-2011 at 02:05 PM. Reason: Corrected line 1. "sad" instead of "sorry" . Line 3 replaced.
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.
  6. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Thanks, Safe: the last two sentences are so true and about to approach far too fast again!
    Greece would be so good right then!
  7. boubou said:


    Safe1, you're always welcome
    Imagination is more important than knowledge.
    A. Einstein
  8. safe1 said:



    Greece will not be any good, anytime soon...


    Σ' ευχαριστώ κοπελιά
    The most charming creatures on this earth. The only women who can show what they feel and, they do feel.
    Stunning just meet them.