Ogi - Jutro - please translate it to english

Thread: Ogi - Jutro - please translate it to english

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  1. adrrriana said:

    Default Ogi - Jutro - please translate it to english

    Jutro :: Ogi

    Jutro je najbolje vreme za rastanke
    samo otvoris oči i znas
    gde smo to ljubav onu potrosili
    i sto nam je ostala laz

    Gledas me kao noć crnim ocima
    stavljas jastuk na lice bez sna
    bolje je da mi prva kazes da je kraj
    tako manje će boleti, znaj

    Mogu i ja sve preziveti
    i ti od sebe sve daj
    idi, nazad ne gledaj

    Jutro je, još je mrak
    samo zar kao znak
    cigarete dogoreva dim
    nemoj da palis svetlo kad odlazis
    tvoje oči da ne vidim

    Mogu i ja sve preziveti
    i ti od sebe sve daj
    baci kljuc na sto, zasluzujem to
    ali sada bar znam da je kraj

    Jutro je najbolje vreme za rastanke
    samo otvoris oči i znas
    gde smo to ljubav onu potrosili
    i sto nam je ostala laz

    Ti češ već pravu rec naci za izgovor
    kad te upita neko za nas
    ne daj da srce stane
    ja znacu da sam kriv
    a bez ni ja nisam ziv
    o, bez tebe nisam ziv, nisam ziv
  2. ina said:

    Default Morning

    Morning is the best time to say goodbye
    you just need to open your eyes and you know
    where we spent that love
    and why a lie has left between us.

    You look at me with your eyes as black as a night
    you put a pillow beneath your head (face) that can't sleep
    you better be the first to tell this the end
    in that way it will be hurt less, do know it

    I am able to overcame it as well
    and you also give your best
    go, don't look back

    It's morning, it's still dark
    seems as a sign
    smoke of a cigarette is burning down
    don't turn the light on while leaving
    I don't want to see your eyes

    I am able to overcame it as well
    and you also give your best
    throw the key on the table, I deserve it
    at least I know it's the end.

    Morning is the best time to say goodbye
    you just need to open your eyes and you know
    where we spent that love
    and why a lie has left between us.

    The first word (someone says) you'd turn into an excuse
    when someone asks you about us
    don't let your heart stop
    I'll understand that I'll be the one to blame
    without you I'm not alive
    without you I'm not alive, not alive
    Last edited by ina; 09-08-2011 at 10:06 AM.
  3. adrrriana said:

    Default :)

    Thank you for your work