Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG]

Thread: Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG]

Tags: malina nai-solano
  1. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:

    Smile Малина - Най - солено / Malina - Nai soleno [BG - ENG]

    Има ли воновна - аз
    ти невинен си!
    Кой реши да пробва - аз
    пробвах и боли!
    Има ли обичан - ти
    обожаван си!
    Иска ли ми всичко - ти
    още искай ми!

    Нека най-солено да ми излезе
    цялата любов със теб
    Вече е платено и е решено
    ще е късно да ме спреш (2)

    Нека се намразя - аз
    ти невинен си!
    Влюбена да лазя - аз
    пробвах и боли!
    Кой ме притежава - ти
    обожаван си!
    Кой ме изтощява - ти
    още искай ми!

    Нека най-солено да ми излезе
    цялата любов със теб
    Вече е платено и е решено
    ще е късно да ме спреш

    [It's funny how bulgarians love to take things from albanian hits
    Just listen to Flori's "Tequila Vava" )]
  2. Sofijski Mozart said:


    You mean like Big Mama -Jo Jo Nuk Te Dua and Стефани - Издай ме or like Anila Mimani - Pasion dashurie and Софи Маринова и Устата - Чужди усни? Some may call it "stolen", but I call it openness. I like it. Even joined or mixed
  3. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Kati and Sabian are a good example for the united work of albanians with bulgarian.
    Just like Flori feat. Alisia "Ne e kraq", always a pleasure to see the combination of those two languages.
    But when I clearly hear and feel the similarity of two songs, i dont like that anymore. Dont they have their own ideas? No matter who did it first; in america everybody tries to create new music, beats, melodies and lyrics, but the balkans are always full of copies, and nobody knows who did it first.
    I am against that, sorry. I know Flori was not the creator of "Tequila Vava", but still it is his SUmmer hit of 2011, Now Malina took it, and if you listen carefully to the sample of "Za da me imash" by Andrea and Anelia (Its new btw) you can hear it too! Its madness! Why do they do that?
    LOL im getting mad, so i better stop now...
  4. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Krasiva View Post
    But when I clearly hear and feel the similarity of two songs, i dont like that anymore. Dont they have their own ideas? No matter who did it first; in america everybody tries to create new music, beats, melodies and lyrics, but the balkans are always full of copies, and nobody knows who did it first.
    Sorry, Krasiva! I made us going off-topic without providing you help for translation. You are right. I don't like the fighting who was first either. And copy right is a serious problem (I shouldn't post any clips any more here ).

    But USA: did they ever really create new music without impact from others: from Europe (like Ireland), Africa, Latinamerica? Today they even get international copy rights for old cultivated plants from South America and Africa, from plant protection methods of ancient India. I'm getting bored of all that broadway, Moulin Rouge and MTV stuff, which is called culture of the occident, and which is being copied all over the world.

    Balkan turbofolk and pop is pretty new, related to its age kind of rich and very diverse. And look how small the Balkan's countries are! If every US state had one or more own languages, they would copy Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga in each of it, wouldn't they? I hope the Balkans will proceed creating their own music as they did in the last years. I know Turbo-folk won't preserve kaval and zurna. But maybe it will help finding an own and common identity, mixing global elements with old traditional ones. And joining their very different influences in its history.

    Aaaaand never forget: The best original is a Bulgarian copy!

    I hope I didn't destroy your thread. It was just this special subject "Original". Sorry
  5. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    I can imagine that american music is not always original, maybe most of it, but still, as a person who is effected by balkan music since I was little, and seeing how everybody is copying everybody, I just think sometimes, if this would happen in international charts (For example german or french or watever) they would start a big discussion, and i guess it would be such a huge deal! But in the balkan nobody even tries to get his rights! I never heard of a singer fighting for his rights when its been copied in 5 languages.
    If i would be this person, i would want my work to be honored, and not somebody else to have more success as me, when its actually my song!
  6. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Krasiva View Post
    If i would be this person, i would want my work to be honored, and not somebody else to have more success as me, when its actually my song!
    Well, no one should be inhibited to get his rights Okay, so I may give it a go...

    ...and keep stealing silently in the dark (like this)
  7. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    What do you mean with stealing? hahah
    And could you please translate the lyrics already? xD
  8. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Krasiva View Post
    And could you please translate the lyrics already? xD
    I'm sorry, I don't speak Bulgarian, Krasiva. I tried to translate, but it's catastrophic. Please don't force me to translate into English. Better hope that my bad German try provocates someone else to provide a real translation.

    Има ли виновна – аз
    Gibt es eine Schuldige - mich
    ти невинен си!
    du bist unschuldig!
    Кой реши да пробва – аз
    Wer hat entschlossen, es zu versuchen - ich
    пробвах и боли!
    ich habe es versucht und es tut weh!
    Има ли обичан – ти
    Gibt es einen Geliebten - dich
    обожаван си!
    angebetet bist du! (or: vergöttert bist du)
    Иска ли ми всичко – ти
    [???Will denn mein ein und alles – Du]
    още искай ми!
    [???verlange mich noch!]

    Нека най-солено да ми излезе
    [???Lass das Salzigste mir herauskommen]
    цялата любов със теб
    die ganze Liebe mit dir
    Вече е платено и е решено
    ist schon bezahlt und besiegelt
    ще е късно да ме спреш (2)
    es ist zu spät (für dich), mich (noch) zu stoppen

    Нека се намразя – аз
    Möge ich anfangen mich selbst zu hassen – ich selbst
    ти невинен си!
    Du bist unschuldig!
    Влюбена да лазя – аз
    verliebt zum Kriechen – ich
    пробвах и боли!
    ich habe es versucht und es tut weh!
    Кой ме притежава – ти
    Wer mich besitzt - du
    обожаван си!
    angebetet bist du! (or: vergöttert bist du)
    Кой ме изтощява – ти
    Wer mich auszehrt - du
    още искай ми!
    [?verlange mich noch!]
  9. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    hast du gut gemacht danke hahaha
  10. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Wie schafft ihr nur immer, dass wir uns blamieren Ab jetzt bin ich auf der Hut vor dir :P
  11. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Also ich finds amüsant haha )
  12. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Hey Krasiva, seriously, I think in science and economy continuous copy right infringement as well as corruption is a problem, which is able to inhibit the economical and structural develeopment of an industrial country decidingly and sustainably. But...

    I compared some of the versions of this song - given by you and kavar-bg.com - and for me it seems to be a song, which is distributed with help of Roma people, isn't it? I'm no expert, but are you sure that a discrete author of this Tallava/Manele/Chalga can be designated at all? Now, if you look at the musical history of Eurasafrica I'm afraid if you'd prohibited some centuries ago all Gypsies from singing songs somebody else had "written", many important threads were missing here now.

    Infringement of copyrights is acting destructive for the whole society - no doubt. But if Sony and RCA had ruled the world 500 years ago, we probably would have no "Ясен месец" and no "Ah mo vilo". I don't want to miss this constructive musical freedom.

    By the way: I don't like Malina's version very much. But I like very much the version of pretty Printesa de Aur:

    BG: Андреа и Анелия - За да ме имаш, Малина - Най - солено
    ?AL: Flori Mumajesi feat. Albi & Noga - Tequila Vava, Muharrem Ahmeti - Pasha Bella, Mandi ft. Fidani Vogel - Pasha Bella, Gazmend Rama - Aman Pash Besen Pash Jeten,
    RO: Printesa de Aur - Oricat As Plange,
    Gorani/Našinski (near to SR/BG/MK with some TR/BS): Selhan Alija - Kazi Dejko,
    GR: Antonis Kardamilis - Tha ponas,
    ?Romani: Gasi Ferdi Gili - Ake ka merav me suze kamlake.

    Ich habe noch eine eigene Frage an dich, Krasiva. Mir fällt immer wieder auf, dass manche albanische Lieder Ähnlichkeit mit indischen haben (die man so aus Bollywood/Hindifilmen kennt). Ist das nur Mode, kommt das von den Zigeunern oder haben die Albaner selbst irgendetwas mit Indien zu tun? Weißt du darüber was?
  13. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sofijski Mozart View Post
    How much time did du take to find all these songs, damn! :O
    Im glad that Za da me imash is already known, since it came out just yesterday <3

    Das hat nichts mit Indern in Albanien/Kosovo zu tun, das ist einfach so ein Stil der von uns gern kopiert wird, wie so vieles Ich weiss von meinen Eltern dass damals haufenweise INdische Filme im fernsehen gezeigt wurden, als in Kosovo zB nur serbisches fernsehen gab, daher vielleicht. Und natürlich weil es gut tanzbar ist haha Aber so wirklich aufgefallen ist dieses indisch-ähnliche mir noch nicht so oft haha

    Was mir spontan einfallen würde ist

    Aber auch schon bisschen älter so toll haha
  14. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Krasiva View Post
    How much time did du take to find all these songs, damn!
    Not so much time, just some clicks : http://www.kavar-bg.com/song/2014/naj-soleno.html

    Quote Originally Posted by Krasiva View Post
    Aber so wirklich aufgefallen ist dieses indisch-ähnliche mir noch nicht so oft haha
    Witzig! "Xhavit Dedei & Pandora - Bobi" kannte ich noch nicht gar nicht, aber eine Reihe andere. Eines der ersten, das mir auffiel, war:
    Anila Mimani - me inat po shkon. Aber dann ist es wohl nur Mode
  15. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sofijski Mozart View Post
    Not so much time, just some clicks : http://www.kavar-bg.com/song/2014/naj-soleno.html
    WHAAAAA WHY NOBODY TELLS ME ABOUT THIS PAGE??!?!?! :OOOO Q___Q Das ist ja paradies! Ich liebe es kopien und originale zu finden und dann kommst du einfach so mit dieser seite sclakjdcuwczbo8rce DANKE!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sofijski Mozart View Post
    Witzig! "Xhavit Dedei & Pandora - Bobi" kannte ich noch nicht gar nicht, aber eine Reihe andere. Eines der ersten, das mir auffiel, war:
    Anila Mimani - me inat po shkon. Aber dann ist es wohl nur Mode
    Ja das ist auch schön Aber das ist größtenteils ein ding der Albanien-Albaner haha
  16. Sofijski Mozart said:


    Wie schön du dich freuen kannst!!! )

    Habe ich aber auch. Der Tipp kam hier im Forum von yosis. Ich habe vorher immer nur aus der Erinnerung verschiedene Sprachen zusammengefügt. Bis er die Seite einmal gepostet hat. Voraussetzung ist aber auf kavar-bg, dass es eine bulgarische Version gibt. Es gibt noch andere Cover-Seiten im Netz, die ich aber alle noch nicht ausprobiert habe. Na dann viel Spass beim Suchen und hoffentlich fündig werden

    Und damit du heute schön einschlafen kannst, ein Beispiel (eines von vielen) von kavar-bg. Ein Lied, das ich als bugarisches kannte (Стефани - След теб) und das ich über kavar-bg in drei albanischen und einer serbokroatischen Version fand. Eine davon für dich jetzt also:

    Guts nächtle, kleine Deutschland-Albanerin
    Last edited by Sofijski Mozart; 09-16-2011 at 01:44 PM.
  17. Krasiva's Avatar

    Krasiva said:


    Aaach Sled teb ist wundervoll da ist nichr schlimm wenns geklaut ist xD
    Danke gute nacht auch dir :-*
    und ja ich freu mich halt über die kleinen dinge hehe