hi! can someone translate these sentences for me please?
sho malek ? tle3te 3'altani hya 2areto o d7eket
Try again noobiee (noobie? what does it mean in arabic)
mho ana dont get me mn aslo -
hii everybody pls someone can help me for this :
- fa tgayaret kermel ma 2e2ziki
- bs wa2et ma betkouni bi7aji la 2eli (but the time dont be to need for me)
thanks in advance for ur help -
@ marjo1988
fa tgayaret kermel ma 2e2ziki means so, i've changed so that i don't hurt u
bs wa2et ma betkouni bi7aji la 2eli means:
1- just when u need me
2- only when u need me
3- but when u need me
the ma in ma betkouni is related to wa2et, the expression wa2et ma means when/whenever, it's not ma of the negation, to be able to not get confused like this, make sure everything u translate has a full meaning, for example, when u translated bs wa2et, the result is but the time, then u started a new sentence (dont be to need for me), don't start a new sentence if the previous sentence doesn't have a full meaning, but the time doesn't have a full meaning so u should look for the next part that makes it have a full meaning -
hi there can somebody please translate this for me, please?
طافى النور يا بهيا انا جوزك يا وليااااا
Thanks in advance! -
@ Rainne
it means turn the lights off Baheya, i'm ur husband, woman!
it's meant to be funny but the humor in it is lost in translation because the humor is based on that the word بهيا (Baheya) (the name of a person) rhymes with the word وليااااا (wleya) (a word that means woman) -
thanks you so much for ur explanation so "ana be2dar koun 7adik bass wa2et ma betkouni bi7aji la 2eli" this is the sentence full
and can you tell me what is difference with "2e2ziki and ijra7ik?"
and i didnt understand "ka friends and ka brothers?"
thanks a lott again for your help -
@ marjo1988
the sentence means i can be next to u only when u need me
i wasn't asking about the full sentence, i was telling u that ur translation (but the time dont be to need for me) had something missing because u started translating a new sentence while the previous sentence doesn't have a full meaning yet
the full sentence consists of 2 parts (or 2 smaller sentences) that grammatically have full meaning, they r:
1- ana be2dar koun 7adik (i can be next to u)
2- bass wa2et ma betkouni bi7aji la 2eli (only when u need me)
ye2zi (the verb in 2e2ziki) has 2 meanings:
1- harm or hurt (if someone does the harm/hurting himself/herself)
2- cause harm to or cause someone to be hurt (if someone doesn't do the harm/hurting himself/herself but causes someone else to be harmed/hurt)
yejra7 (the verb in ijra7ik) means hurt someone's feelings or break someone's heart
the result of the verb ye2zi is much more serious and general than that of the verb yejra7, because the result of the verb ye2zi can be physical such as injury or death or loss of money, but the result of the verb yejra7 affects only feelings, however, when the verb yejra7 is used with a sharp object the result can be physical but only affects the body
ka means as, so ka friends means as friends -
Many Thanks to mvnr1
Last edited by Chef_Chaouen; 11-13-2011 at 06:12 AM.
hiii everybody plss someone can help me for this :
- chou we2fet 3layi (i didnt understand the sens of this sentence)
thanks in advance -
It's said when a person make a fault.. so he says this to show that all people make the same fault
for example I stole money from somebody .. u tell me that stealing is bad and I must not steal ..
I say : shu wa2fet 3layi? [means all people steal, why u're mentioning my fault only]Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor. -
Wen msh mbayen jarna?!
What does it mean? I will try to translate it 1st myself, but please tell me if I'm right
-->Where it's not shown, neighbour? -
Thanks! Damn I have to improve ^^
Btw is there a special meaning for "jarna/jartna"? Because it happens that the woman who wrote the message is the uncle's wife. I mean she's supposed to be a sort of aunt (by marriage). Is it normal to call people you feel close to "neighbour" (even if they're part of the family) or it applies only to people living next to you? -
It means neighbour literally, but you could use it to anyone living near you somewhat, literally or figuratively
"لا تلوم الدنيا على أفعالك" . . . . ... ... . . فهذا الصديق الذى تتحدث عن خيانته ** هو فى الأصل (إختيارك) وهذا الحب الوهمي الذى تبكى من قلبك نادماً عليه ** لقد كان (قرارك) وهذا الغد الذى تنتظره بكل أمل ** سيأتيك بنتائج (أعمالك) فأنت تكدح وتتعب وتسعى وتجتهد ** لتجنى (ثمارك) إذا كنت قد مررت بإحساس الفشل ** فتأكد أنه نتيجة( لأخطاءك) .
Don't blame this life, It's ur actions.
The unfaithful friend u're talking about was ur own choice,
And the fake love that u always cry regretting it was ur own decision,
So, that future u're hopefully waiting for will be because of ur own behaviors..
You, work-hard and tire urself to get the best results
That's why if you felt disappointed or "failed", it's because of ur mistakes!Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.