Which song is this?

Thread: Which song is this?

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  1. Miranda99's Avatar

    Miranda99 said:

    Default Which song is this?

    Help me please,
    it begins in 7.45 second

  2. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  3. Miranda99's Avatar

    Miranda99 said:


    Thanks honey, but i mean what's the name of this song )
  4. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    oh, than here

    Miljacka, varnice ( I dio ) - Kosevo
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  5. Miranda99's Avatar

    Miranda99 said:


    I'm little bit confused Is there only one song in this video, or the first melody is different than Miljacka? Because i listened 'Miljacka' but it has different melody :/
    Correct me if i'm wrong
  6. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    They are three parts I believe. First one is Miljacka second is varnice and there is a part of a song called Kosevo ^_^
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  7. Astraea said:


    Kosevo is the name of the place, part/quarter of Sarajevo There's the Olympic stadium Koševo, Željko performed there.

    Miljačka is a river, runs through Sarajevo. (The name of the song, in the clip)

    Varnice is the name of Željko's song (I haven't heard it in the clip , I don't know why it's in the title.)

    The song was performed after Lejla song and before Miljačka song, intsrumental.... but I don't know its name.
    It's very beautiful.
  8. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Astraea View Post
    Kosevo is the name of the place, part/quarter of Sarajevo There's the Olympic stadium Koševo, Željko performed there.

    Miljačka is a river, runs through Sarajevo. (The name of the song, in the clip)

    Varnice is the name of Željko's song (I haven't heard it in the clip , I don't know why it's in the title.)

    The song was performed after Lejla song and before Miljačka song, intsrumental.... but I don't know its name.
    It's very beautiful.

    You are right. I'm trying to find out the name but it is very hard. I heard this song in the movie As if I'm not there but the title of the song is not in the end credits will post the name if I figure it out!
    Last edited by Ofratko; 06-02-2012 at 01:47 PM.
  9. mabushii's Avatar

    mabushii said:


    @ Astraea
    Thanks for the information

    I also heard the song somewhere before but I couldnt figure out where xD
    眩しいでした ヾ(≧∇≦)ゞ チガウゥ
  10. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    OK It might be this song... Moj Dilbere , Actually I think it is the song...

    Last edited by Ofratko; 06-03-2012 at 04:07 PM. Reason: New evidence
  11. Astraea said:


    Ofratko genius!!!!!!!!!!! Yes, that's the song, "modern" version. I found the same song from the same concert, but recorded by the audience, probably with mobile phone.... quality is bad, but that's the song.


    Here's by Toše Proeski
  12. Ofratko's Avatar

    Ofratko said:


    I know I'm little genius and also I have checked the comments under the videoDDDDDDD I've also asked one very helpful person to help me find to exact version. The one from Hanka & Tose is slightly different! And I WANT the concert version!!!!
  13. Astraea said:


    Ah.... you....