Otrove // Poison
Ostavi, ostavi me, bez i jedne reči i tako već sam se navikla na to // Leave, leave me without a single word I'm already used to it
ostavi, ostavi me, ako te to leči // leave, leave me if that cures you
jer ja sam imuna na bol // because I am immune to pain
Slaži me kako ti je žao // Lie how you feel sorry
i pusti me još ovu noć, bar da verujem u to // and let me believe in it for at least this night
čak i da ti nije stalo // even if you don't care
ne, nemoj da mi priznaš da je gotovo // no, don't admit that it's over
Otrove, ti mi dođeš kao lek // Poison, you are like a cure to me
da bar traje zauvek // I wish it would last forever
ovaj osećaj ludi // this crazy felling
Reci mi da to nije sudbina // Tell me it's not destiny
da sam tebi jedina // that I'm your's only
pa me, ponovo sludi // then make me go crazy again
Baš mi prija ova laž // This lie feel good
ne moraš ništa da mi daš // you don't have to give me anything
Otrove, ti mi dođeš kao lek // Poison, you are like a cure to me
da bar traje zauvek // I wish it would last forever
ovaj osećaj ludi // this crazy felling
Ostavi, ostavi me, da mi srce pati i tako ne bi ti bio prvi put // Leave, leave me, make my heart suffer, it wouldn't be your first time
ostavi, ostavi me, niko neće znati // leave, leave me, nobody will know
ko je tu normalan, ko lud // who is normal and who's crazy there
House Targaryen?
Fire and Blood
You like the game of thrones?
More like LOVE...![]()
Great TV show. I haven't read the books, but would like to.. I just haven't got the time, sadly.(btw, I found the books in .pdf form on the net..
I love piracy.. lol lol lol)
As for the episodes, because I don't have the HBO package on my cable, I had to download every single one.. (and I have complete 2 seasons on my USB).. I usualy did it first thing on Monday.
Btw, my favourite character is Danny Targaryen, of course..![]()
Who doesn't love piracy
I've only seen 2 episodes of the 2nd season so far.
I kinda forgot what the whole first season was about.
So I'm thinking about watching the first season again.
You should read the books in .epub it's better quality than .pdf books.
But you'll have to read them in something like adobe digital editions, unless you've got an e-reader.
I might start reading the books after I've watched the series again...
I love Dany's hair, but I don't think I would look good with that kind of pale blond hairI'd look totally washed out haha
For you...
Practicly a recap of Season 1 in 22 minutes..
Well, I can always print the .pdf files...![]()
When I started reading e-books I started out with pdf's and they contained lots of mistakes and parts which were repeating :S
Like mid-sentence you would read something you read a few lives above again, very annoying!
I'll watch the recap, thnx![]()
Well I like both. I have noticed that Book and the 2nd season are different. For example Shae doesn't have such important part in the book. Or Danny has only small part.She is also less annoying( less stamping her feet"I'm the queen of the dragons") Have both booksin original and they have almost 800 pages of really small print
So it is hard to concentrate at times. But the 2nd season finale was mind blowing.. Loved it!
That's why I like e-readers more, you can adjust the fontsize :P
I hate reading from the screen.. Can't concetrate enough when reading that way, short articles are as far as I go..
I guess only women hate on Danny.. lolAll the guys I spoke with like her..
And yes, I heard from (female) friend of mine that the 2nd season of the TV show differs quite a bit from the book. She goes nuts when she sees things that are "not right" in the series (even some small things..), and wants to hang the producers.. xaxaxaxaxa
She's quite a fan... Her favourite character is Cersei Lannister..
But the TV show is just too good not to watch.. I also hope they don't distance it too far from the books..
Btw, did you hear that the author of the books, Mr. Martin, revealed the end of the whole thing to the producers, in case something happens to him..
Nope I'm not fanatic enough to know thatbut there are MAJOR spoilers in IMDB so I know what will happen in the future books... I mean all major events.. There is big discussion about Jon Snow... Oh I'm revealing too much gotta go
I like Danny and I'm a girl, she's my favourite out of the female cast. Jon Snow is the cutest out of the male cast
The one I don't like from the two or so episodes I've seen already was Carice van Houten's character (Melisandre).
I just don't like Carice that's why, maybe she will grow on me after I've watched the 2nd season.
What did you guys think of Carice?
Books and movies/tv shows differ often!
I guess it's the producers wanting to make the show/movie more appealing and let the ones who've read the books question what will happen next as well as the ones who haven't.
I know about that...Tried (unsuccessfully) not to read when it hit me that it's a spoiler...
She's good. Good acting.
Some characters you're supposed to hate or dislike at least. Like Joffrey.But, to me, that actualy shows that the actor did a good job playing a role.
I do like Carice. I saw her in different movie. The black book and I really think she is very good in Melisandre. The red priestess is very important character in future books. I did like Danny in season 1, didn't really cared for her in season 2. Apparently Martin is making her character quite confusing in next books so will see...