Need a song writer/lyricist!

Thread: Need a song writer/lyricist!

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  1. allisonmadison2 said:

    Default Need a song writer/lyricist!

    Okay, so I was looking for someone who would either give me lyrics so I could sing them, and give you credit of course, or someone who could write music for my lyrics. I would perfer someone who could give me the lyrics to one of their songs so I could sing it. I will NOT say either the music or the lyrics are mine and I will give FULL credit to the rightful owner of the lyrics or music.
  2. Steve0's Avatar

    Steve0 said:


    ive got some songs you could sing.. but i think they all have been deleted from this forum so ill have to find them or write new ones
  3. mexico62 said:


    Hi allisonmadison2, Why donīt you check a little in the lyrics review, my friends frankie Jasmine, Katie13 (ladies first), Doug Denslowe, and many others, would be so happy if you or someone else could put music to their lyrics, and me and other fans like me are so anxious to listen their wonderful works, so, please if you read, love and decide to record some or all of them, let us know where can we buy the record or watch the videos, thanks in advance.

    P.S., hope you can tell us what kind of music you play and if you are solist or have a group, thanks again

    P.S., 2.- To be respectful, if you see some lyrics that you like, please get in contact with the writer to get her/his agreement. bye
    Last edited by mexico62; 07-23-2012 at 03:06 PM. Reason: add P.S., 2