Shaya new song Lene

Thread: Shaya new song Lene

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  1. greeksc's Avatar

    greeksc said:

    Default Shaya new song Lene

    looking for the Greek lyrics to her song called Lene.

  2. abu arab's Avatar

    abu arab said:


    i think here is the Greek lyrics
    Music is a moral law. It gives soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, and charm and gaiety to life and to everything.-
  3. greeksc's Avatar

    greeksc said:


    tks for the link
  4. TheSerbianhoney's Avatar

    TheSerbianhoney said:


    Λένε εμείς για όλα φταίμε // They say everything's our fault
    Μας κάνουνε και κλαίμε // They make us cry
    Λένε μεγάλα λόγια για να πέσεις //They say big words to make us fall
    Όλα υποσχέσεις, δεν ξέρουν από σχέσεις // Only promises, they don't know about relationships
    Θέλουν για ρόλο να μας έχουν // They want us to play the role
    Όλες πίσω τους να τρέχουν // All of us to chase them
    Θέλουν σαν Θεούς να τους κοιτάμε // They want us to look at them as they're Gods
    Ψέματα πολλά, ναι, δεν ξέρουν να αγαπάνε // Many lies, yes,they don't know how to love
    Ν' αγαπάνε // To love

    Ποιος νομίζεις πως είσαι, να μην προσποιείσαι! // Who do you think you are, don't pretend!
    Ποιος νομίζεις πως είσαι, την μάσκα ρίξε, ποιος είσαι δείξε // Who do you think you are,throw the mask, show who you are
    Ποιος νομίζεις πως είσαι, να μην προσποιείσαι! // Who do you think you are, don't pretend!
    Ποιος νομίζεις πως είσαι, μην το αρνήσε, ποιος είσαι δείξε // Who do you think you are, don't deny it,show who you are

    Ίσως μια μέρα καταλάβουν // Maybe one day they'll understand
    Να μάθουν ότι χάνουν // They'll learn that they're losing
    Ίσως, να δώσουν, να μην πάρουν // Maybe, if they were giving, if they weren't taking
    Να σκέφτονται τι κάνουν πριν να μας το κάνουν // If they were thinking what they're doing before they do it to us
    Λένε... Κι εμείς που τους ακούμε // They say... And we, who are listening to them
    Σαν πιόνια ειπακούμε // We're following like pawns
    Λένε και χωριά τους δε ζούμε // They say that we can't live without them
    Κι όλο δεν μπορούν να πάνα, γαμωθουνε // (sorry, can't translate this).
    Last edited by TheSerbianhoney; 02-08-2012 at 07:42 AM.
  5. Robster1983's Avatar

    Robster1983 said:


    Και όλο δεν μπορούνε, να παν' να γαμηθούνε
    And they can't (they don't have time) all the time, they should go f*** themselves

    Euxaristw polu to lalalaro!!!!!!! :*
    Last edited by Robster1983; 07-24-2012 at 02:21 PM.
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