Learning Persian and common questions

Thread: Learning Persian and common questions

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  1. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Oh ok I got it by the way do u like sentences like these ones and are these sentences what you 're looking for?

    باران کـه میبـارد
    Baran ke mibarad

    دلـم بـرایت تنـگ تـر می شـود.....
    Delam barayat tangtar mishavad

    راه می افـتم ...
    Rah mioftam...

    بـدون چـتـر ...
    Bedoone chatr

    من بـغض می کنـم ...
    Man boghz mikonam

    آسمـان گـریـه
    Aseman gerye

    عشق کنار هم ایستادن زیر باران نیست...!!! عشق این است که یکی برای دیگری چتر شود و دیگری هرگز نفهمد چرا خیس نشد
    Eshgh kenare ham istadan zire baran nist...!!! eshgh in ast ke yeki baraye digari chatr shavad va digari hargez nafahmad chera khis nashod

    کاش قطره ای اشک بودم که در چشمانت متولد می شدم و بر گونه هایت زندگی می کردم و بر لبانت می مُردم تا بدانی چقدر عاشق تو هستم
    Kash ghatreyi ashk boodam ke dar cheshmanat motevalled mishodam va bar goone hayat zendegi mikardam va bar labanat mimordam ta bedani cheghadr asheghe to hastam...
  2. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Annamária Csucsu Gattyán View Post
    I wanted to translate: I gave my all for you and now i my heart's in two.
    Is this correct?
    من همه برای تو دادم و قلب من الان در دو دارم
    the translation would be :
    Man hame chizam ra baraye to dadam va hala ghalbe man do tekke shode ast....
    من همه چیزم را برای تو دادم و حالا قلب من دو تکه شده است...
  3. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Dear dana , I'll do the translation for you...don't worry.....tonight I'm busy but tomorrow I'm free
  4. Annamária Csucsu Gattyán said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    the translation would be :
    Man hame chizam ra baraye to dadam va hala ghalbe man do tekke shode ast....
    من همه چیزم را برای تو دادم و حالا قلب من دو تکه شده است...
  5. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Here is the translations dear dana

    1.Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.- Peter Ustinov
    Eshgh bakhsheshe bi payan ast , negahi mohabat amiz ke adat mishavad.

    2.Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other. – Judy Collins
    Tajrobe yani zendegi chegoone ma ra donbal mikonad va khod ra be ma miresanad va eshgh va bakhsheshe yekdigar ra be ma yad midahad.

    3.Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.- Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Ghodrat bedoone eshgh bi parva va bad zaban ast. va eshgh bedoone ghodrat ehsasati va zaeif ast

    4.Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.- Gary Zukav
    Saranjam khahi fahmid ke eshgh hame chiz ra eltiyam mibakhshad va eshgh tamame chizist ke vojood darad.

    5.I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    To ra doost daram na faghat baraye anche ke hasti balke baraye anche ke hastam vaghti ba to hastam... to ra doost daram na baraye anche az khod sakhteyi balke baraye anche ke az man sakhteyi , to ra doost daram baraye an ghesmati az vojoodam ke to namayanash mikoni.

    6.Love is a choice you make from moment to moment. – Barbara De Angelis
    Eshgh entekhabist ke shoma lahze be lahze anjam midahid

    7.Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold. – Zelda Fitzgerald
    Hichkas hata shaeran ham natavaneste and ke????????????????( i don't know how to translate "hold" in here...does it mean " endure" or something like that?)

    8.Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.”
    Ashegh boodan va az dast dadan, az hargez ashegh naboodan behtar ast

    9.Sometimes,you will never know the true value of a moment,until it becomes a memory !
    Gah hargez arzeshe vagheiye yek lahze ra nakhahi fahmid ta be yek khatere tabdil shavad...

    10." ... and if I lose you I'm afraid I will lose who I gave my love to... "
    Va agar man to ra az dast daham, an kasi ra az dast khaham dad ke ghalbam ra be ou dadam...

    11.Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means you choose happiness over hurt.
    Be zendegi edame dadan be manaye faramoosh kardan nist , be in manast ke shadi ra be jaye narahati entekhab kardeyi...

    12.Sometimes people throw away something good for something better, only to find out later that good was actually good enough and better never even came close.
    Gahi oghat mardom be omide chizi behtar , chize khoobeshan ra door miandazand va bad motevajeh mishavand ke an chize khoob , be andazeye kafi khoob boode va chize behtar hata hargez be anha nazdik ham nashode ast.

    13.In life, you get what you put in. Everything comes back around.
    Dar zendegi an chizi ra be dast miavari ke barayash talash koni...har chizi dar nahayat be khodat barmigardad.

    14.True love isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated.
    Eshgh vagheyi in nist ke natavan az yekdigar joda shod...eshghe vagheyi yani do nafar ke hata vaghti az ham joda hastand be ham vafadar va sadegh bashand.

    15.No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones.
    Hich rabeteyi vaght talaf kardan nist , afrade namonaseb be to dars hayi miamoozand ke to ra baraye farde monaseb amade mikonand.

    16.Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned.
    Ehteram kasb mishavad , sedaghat morede ghadr dani gharar migirad , etemad be dast miayad, va dar moghabe vafadari be dast miayad.

    17.You don’t really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.
    Be kasi niyaz nadari ke to ra kamel konad , tanha be kasi niyaz dari ke to ra kamelan bepazirad.

    18.When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority. Loyalty is everything.
    Dar rabeteha , vafadar mandan yek olaviyat ast na entekhab. vafadar boodan hame chiz ast.

    19.Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is.
    Ashegh shodan yek entekhab nist , ashegh mandan yek entekhab ast.
  6. dana l's Avatar

    dana l said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    Here is the translations dear dana

    1.Love is an act of endless forgiveness, a tender look which becomes a habit.- Peter Ustinov
    Eshgh bakhsheshe bi payan ast , negahi mohabat amiz ke adat mishavad.

    2.Experience is how life catches up with us and teaches us to love and forgive each other. – Judy Collins
    Tajrobe yani zendegi chegoone ma ra donbal mikonad va khod ra be ma miresanad va eshgh va bakhsheshe yekdigar ra be ma yad midahad.

    3.Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic.- Martin Luther King, Jr.
    Ghodrat bedoone eshgh bi parva va bad zaban ast. va eshgh bedoone ghodrat ehsasati va zaeif ast

    4.Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is.- Gary Zukav
    Saranjam khahi fahmid ke eshgh hame chiz ra eltiyam mibakhshad va eshgh tamame chizist ke vojood darad.

    5.I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out. – Elizabeth Barrett Browning
    To ra doost daram na faghat baraye anche ke hasti balke baraye anche ke hastam vaghti ba to hastam... to ra doost daram na baraye anche az khod sakhteyi balke baraye anche ke az man sakhteyi , to ra doost daram baraye an ghesmati az vojoodam ke to namayanash mikoni.

    6.Love is a choice you make from moment to moment. – Barbara De Angelis
    Eshgh entekhabist ke shoma lahze be lahze anjam midahid

    7.Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold. – Zelda Fitzgerald
    Hichkas hata shaeran ham natavaneste and ke????????????????( i don't know how to translate "hold" in here...does it mean " endure" or something like that?)

    8.Better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.”
    Ashegh boodan va az dast dadan, az hargez ashegh naboodan behtar ast

    9.Sometimes,you will never know the true value of a moment,until it becomes a memory !
    Gah hargez arzeshe vagheiye yek lahze ra nakhahi fahmid ta be yek khatere tabdil shavad...

    10." ... and if I lose you I'm afraid I will lose who I gave my love to... "
    Va agar man to ra az dast daham, an kasi ra az dast khaham dad ke ghalbam ra be ou dadam...

    11.Moving on doesn’t mean forgetting, it means you choose happiness over hurt.
    Be zendegi edame dadan be manaye faramoosh kardan nist , be in manast ke shadi ra be jaye narahati entekhab kardeyi...

    12.Sometimes people throw away something good for something better, only to find out later that good was actually good enough and better never even came close.
    Gahi oghat mardom be omide chizi behtar , chize khoobeshan ra door miandazand va bad motevajeh mishavand ke an chize khoob , be andazeye kafi khoob boode va chize behtar hata hargez be anha nazdik ham nashode ast.

    13.In life, you get what you put in. Everything comes back around.
    Dar zendegi an chizi ra be dast miavari ke barayash talash koni...har chizi dar nahayat be khodat barmigardad.

    14.True love isn’t about being inseparable; it’s about two people being true to each other even when they are separated.
    Eshgh vagheyi in nist ke natavan az yekdigar joda shod...eshghe vagheyi yani do nafar ke hata vaghti az ham joda hastand be ham vafadar va sadegh bashand.

    15.No relationship is a waste of time. The wrong ones teach you the lessons that prepare you for the right ones.
    Hich rabeteyi vaght talaf kardan nist , afrade namonaseb be to dars hayi miamoozand ke to ra baraye farde monaseb amade mikonand.

    16.Respect is earned, honesty is appreciated, trust is gained, and loyalty is returned.
    Ehteram kasb mishavad , sedaghat morede ghadr dani gharar migirad , etemad be dast miayad, va dar moghabe vafadari be dast miayad.

    17.You don’t really need someone to complete you. You only need someone to accept you completely.
    Be kasi niyaz nadari ke to ra kamel konad , tanha be kasi niyaz dari ke to ra kamelan bepazirad.

    18.When it comes to relationships, remaining faithful is never an option but a priority. Loyalty is everything.
    Dar rabeteha , vafadar mandan yek olaviyat ast na entekhab. vafadar boodan hame chiz ast.

    19.Falling in love is not a choice. To stay in love is.
    Ashegh shodan yek entekhab nist , ashegh mandan yek entekhab ast.
    Thanks..thanks..thnaks..you are so nice. I was twice in Iran to my fiance family..and I love iranian people..I didn't see in any country that I visited people like iranian people. You are wonderfull. Kheily mamnoon..you are wonderfull. Have a nice wonderfull like you. Boos )))
  7. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Awwwwwwwww you're welcome aizaaaaaaaaaam....you are very nice,too
    I'm really glad I could help you
    wish you happiness and joy in ur life
  8. selim said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    7.Nobody has ever measured, not even poets, how much a heart can hold. – Zelda Fitzgerald
    Hichkas hata shaeran ham natavaneste and ke????????????????( i don't know how to translate "hold" in here...does it mean " endure" or something like that?)
    how much (feelings) a heart can hold (*keep, preserve, be a container for...)
    how much you can fill the heart with feelings
  9. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by selim View Post
    how much (feelings) a heart can hold (*keep, preserve, be a container for...)
    how much you can fill the heart with feelings
    Oh thanks for your explanation then we can translate it like this :
    Hich kas hata shaeran ham natavaneste and mizan ehsasi ke yek ghalb mitavanad dar khod jay dahad ra andaze girand.....
  10. Kataji said:


    how can we translate "damet garm" - is it like a generic compliment?
  11. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Kataji View Post
    how can we translate "damet garm" - is it like a generic compliment?
    It's a very informal expression which means "well done" or good job...
    Usually young people use this expression and it was more common among guys but these day girls use it ,too....but in a formal situation , be careful not to use it but it's okay to use it when you're with your friends

    And you know is different situation "damet garm" can have different meanings,too...for example read this short conversation:

    -who is your favorite singer?( khanandeye morede alaghat kiye?)
    -Taylor Swift
    -Damet garm( here it means : oh, i like her ,too and you have a good taste!!!!!!!!)

    Another example:
    -Could u plz write my homework?
    -Damet garm ( here it means : oh thanks you are such a good person)
  12. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Dana! So many things said about love and friendship in these phrases and in Farsi they sound realy good to me
    Some sound familiar. Obviously quotations from writers/philosophers, etc? Am I right?
    THANKS; KHEYLI MAMNOON, Pinky, for your help again: you never seem too tired for it
  13. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    You're welcome dear Amaryn...yeah teaching Farsin and translating into Farsi make me forget I'm tired I really enjoy it
  14. Eshgh said:


    Salam!! I find this thread really interesting since I have a persian partner.. but I need help to translate this phrases to english that I tried my best to look up on goggle for its meaning..
    what does this mean?

    Kheyli dooset daram.. harvakht mikhandy roozam roshan mesheh.. Shab bekher khoshgelam..


    kheyli ashegetam..

    thank u so much, this language is really hard but it's very interesting )))))
  15. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Eshgh View Post
    Salam!! I find this thread really interesting since I have a persian partner.. but I need help to translate this phrases to english that I tried my best to look up on goggle for its meaning..
    what does this mean?

    Kheyli dooset daram.. harvakht mikhandy roozam roshan mesheh.. Shab bekher khoshgelam..


    kheyli ashegetam..

    thank u so much, this language is really hard but it's very interesting )))))
    Salam my friendhow are you?
    here's the translation:

    Kheyli dooset daram.. harvakht mikhandy roozam roshan mesheh.. Shab bekher khoshgelam..
    I love you very much....Whenever you smile, (your smile) brighten my day , Good night my pretty!

    kheyli ashegetam.. =I love you very much

    Ask your questions here and I make it easy for you to learn
  16. Eshgh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    Salam my friendhow are you?
    here's the translation:

    Kheyli dooset daram.. harvakht mikhandy roozam roshan mesheh.. Shab bekher khoshgelam..
    I love you very much....Whenever you smile, (your smile) brighten my day , Good night my pretty!

    kheyli ashegetam.. =I love you very much

    Ask your questions here and I make it easy for you to learn

    ohh thank u so much! that made me blush )
    but when i search for kheyli dooset daram it says "I like u very much"

    and I know LIKE and LOVE isn't the same.. can it be use as that too??

    Merci Merci )
  17. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    [QUOTE=Eshgh;981937]ohh thank u so much! that made me blush )
    but when i search for kheyli dooset daram it says "I like u very much"

    and I know LIKE and LOVE isn't the same.. can it be use as that too??

    Merci Merci )[/
    Well I know that in English "love" is stronger than "like"...but in Farsi there is not such a big difference between love and like.... and When you say "Asheghetam" it means I love you and when you say "Dooset daram" it also means I love you....maybe "asheghetam" is a bit stronger but not that much
    .....When you say "I like it" in Persian you can say "Khosham miyad".....

    some examples:
    I like ice cream :Bastani doost daram/az bastan khosham miyad
    I love ice cream:Asheghe bastaniyam..../bastani kheyli doos daram

    I like him= Azash khosham miyad
    I love him=Asheghesham/doosesh daram
  18. Eshgh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pinky_girl View Post
    Well I know that in English "love" is stronger than "like"...but in Farsi there is not such a big difference between love and like.... and When you say "Asheghetam" it means I love you and when you say "Dooset daram" it also means I love you....maybe "asheghetam" is a bit stronger but not that much
    .....When you say "I like it" in Persian you can say "Khosham miyad".....

    some examples:
    I like ice cream :Bastani doost daram/az bastan khosham miyad
    I love ice cream:Asheghe bastaniyam..../bastani kheyli doos daram

    I like him= Azash khosham miyad
    I love him=Asheghesham/doosesh daram

    ohhh thank u so much ) that helps me a lot... I so love this thread and its such a big help! I appreciate you help )
  19. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    You're welcome so glad it helped you
  20. pinky_girl's Avatar

    pinky_girl said:


    Just found some interesting links for learning Farsi I hope they help you guys I watched other links in Yotube but I think these videos are the best ones for u..





    Here is the link for all of her videos...enjoy
