90s song that contains "star" in lyrics

Thread: 90s song that contains "star" in lyrics

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  1. cerebrum said:

    Default 90s song that contains "star" in lyrics

    Hey I remember listening to a song from the 90s which had "star" or "stars" in it. It had a video which was of a girl(the singer) swimming in a swimming pool. I think the type of music was like techno or dance.

    The time exactly must have been between 93-95. And I saw this in Germany, the video was running in a music shop.

    Thanks for any hints.
  2. cerebrum said:


    The following is not the song but it reminds a bit, especially the female voice and style:

  3. pianoman74 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by cerebrum View Post
    The following is not the song but it reminds a bit, especially the female voice and style:

    totally out of the blue

    Pharao - There Is A Star

    eurodance tune from around 1994 which got nearly overplayed in European dance radio stations back then
    Last edited by pianoman74; 08-31-2014 at 04:47 PM. Reason: typo fix
  4. cerebrum said:


    pianoman Man this could be the song, but what bugs me is that I could swear that in the video I saw back in the 90s the singer was swimming in a pool, totally different than the youtube video, and yes the woman definitively looked like the singer of Pharao.