Originally Posted by
Your right this aint a bee sting
More might paint this a B wing
Like B 52 bombing a B team
In spite directly embalming B's dream
In right effectively spawning B's fraudulent scheme
American blight effecting upon B freshwater prawn regime
tactical picked,
practical head whipped
impractical sweet on my sugary death slip
ill rattle neat threats with sacrifice flys like ruger -bets gaza airstrips
analytical perceptives,
polite falls critical to death rips,
framing a lil n my pro method grim perspective,
like prosthetically old hips limpin ur effective correctives
Concepts I pre codone for the strong, except for morphed whatchamcallit's
On steps of history I alone- wither an SBU word threat, neglected small time bills- like a stolen wallet in pandoras closet
Hell with a strive,
this is cannibals being eaten alive,
I flow in reserves so competitions dont dive,
Enroll preserves slow jammin editions like twista flippin
Pre roll your *****derv burned low by me like Im twista'n an *** whippin
Sinbad I take you in as my houseguest
Been bad since spies fake sly mouse beta test
Blend saddened lines like indivisible by inhouse theta crest
Bend Aladdin rhymes like Bin Laden crimes, Al created n used sensory life wrest
Ben having Frank lend, in rite of Ben Franking, inflated n bruised money memory im unimpressed
Sir didnt admire your in pray fight plan
Boys spittn expire like MJs mouth night hand
U lippin me liar in spite -Bjs might be ur digestive gland