
Thread: If..

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  1. StadiaMania's Avatar

    StadiaMania said:

    Smile If..

    If you;
    Never fall, you'll never rise
    If you;
    Never hurt, you'll never love
    If you;
    Never cope, you'll never inspire
    If you've;
    Never lied, you'll never trust.
    If you;
    Never live, then you'll forever die.
    With passing, must come life.
    If you've;
    Never lost, you'll never fight.
    If you;
    Never believe, you'll forever dream.
    This is for you
    To you, from me.
    You are a star
    Set apart and free.
    You'll go far
    You are unique.
    If you;
    Don't give up, you will sustain.
    To see the sun, you must see rain
    To be numb, you must seek pain
    It's Okay;
    Yes it's okay.
    Shoot for the stars, once you take aim.
    You'll see they're not as far as they say.
    For sure you'll get there, one of these days.
    You can paint a perfect picture, without a frame.
  2. loolooalbadr's Avatar

    loolooalbadr said:


  3. amaryn's Avatar

    amaryn said:


    Very inspiring, well worded and written with some life experience, it seems at least to me that way

    Great job!
  4. curiosity_kills_the_cat's Avatar

    curiosity_kills_the_cat said:


    You have painted a "perfect picture" well-phrased.