sorry viva
But he isn't talking about "coming from"
أليس المقصود ب يأتيك
هو يعطيك من حيث لا تحتسب؟
so: he gives you from where you didn't imagine!
or its "one" not "you"?? as you said? plz correct for me.
sorry viva
But he isn't talking about "coming from"
أليس المقصود ب يأتيك
هو يعطيك من حيث لا تحتسب؟
so: he gives you from where you didn't imagine!
or its "one" not "you"?? as you said? plz correct for me.
i think its okay just translated it as the whole sentence and not word by word... its Misc Translations section after all, so I think they just curious about the meaning... if they really wanna digging more to learn the language/accents... there've several sections for those
(sorry for replying in English)
Like Aila said, sometimes people request translations out of curiosity they only care about the general meaning, those that are learning arabic are normally given more literal translations.
Yes you are right, but I was writing in formal english, like in spanish the formal 'you' is said in third person.
و ربما الأصح مثلما قلت أنت
إذا ترجمتها ل"عمري" بالمعنى الحرفي رح يكون في التباس في المعنى ،، هل المقصود هو عمري "بمعنى حياتي الخاصة" أو عمري اللي هي مناداة لشخص محبوب
المعنى العام بيكون أحسن و أعم المهم توصل الفكرة للسائل
اللي بدو المعنى الحرفي لكل كلمة رح يطلب بالسؤال ترجمة كل كلمة على حدى ،، ما تخاف
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
translate this please
تعرف ترقص دبكه؟ -
دبكه مره وحده ههههه -
لا ما أظن
i didnt get the part مره وحده i thought that means "one time" ,....but it turns out there is another meaning... ?
رغم دروسك الكثيرة شكرا لتكرمك بالجواب
مقدرا لك صنيعك هذا
كنت أتوقع أن تكون الترجمة
عمري= the real time that i count as my life is when you are with me
I count my age from the day I knew you
or something like that . i don't think its have to be one word translation
ولكن كلمة "عمري" كلمة مسستقلة المعنى لانها تختصر جملة
ولكن طبعا أنتن أصحاب الخبرة والدار
شاكر لك لتطميني
ولو افترضنا أني لم أكن خائفا فالآن بعد رد 3 نساء في صفحة واحدة! قد أصاب بالخوف
Do you know how to dance "dabkeh"
(Do the "dabkeh"ادبكي) one time
أدبكي مرة واحدة=like he asking-order you to do "dabkeh"\ the "dabkeh " is to hit the floor with your foot! with a special way
No I don't think so.
So I didn't also find another meaning for مرة وحدة except that!
i hear this phrase alot مره وحده if it means only "one time" then it makes mo sense
If you mean in egypt!!!
okkkkkk we rarely use it!!
So sorry!!!
its like saying "of all the sudden".... EX:
like i don't know to read at all and suddenly you see me reading "Hamlet"!!
so you say: مرة وحدة هاملت؟
I hope i make my self clear[not the shampoo!! - I will be ridiculous]
could i please have this translated please and thank you so much for the time!
انتى وحشانى جد
كنتى مختفية فين كده
طمنينى عليكى
انتى فى مصر
انا تمام الحمد لله
انتى طمنينى عليكى
وحشااااااااااااااانى جداااااااااااااااااااااا
jmalooo shou hel sh3er el 7elo ya 7elo
واللة احلى شخصية
thank you
I've missed you so long!
Where were you hiding?
Let me feel well and tell me whats news
Are you in Egypt?
I'm fine, thanks God!
You tell me how is everything?
I do really Miss youuuuuu
Oh what a beauty! What a beautiful hair, you beautiful..
I swear it's the nicest personality\character
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
"انتى وحشانى جد" means "i miss u so much"
"كنتى مختفية فين كده" means "where have u been?"
"طمنينى عليكى" means "tell me ur news/keep me updated about u"
"انتى فى مصر" means "u r in Egypt"
"انا تمام الحمد لله" means "i'm fine thank God"
"انتى طمنينى عليكى " means "u tell me ur news/u keep me updated"
"وحشااااااااااااااانى جداااااااااااااااااااااا " means "i miss u so much"
"jmalooo shou hel sh3er el 7elo ya 7elo" means "how beautiful, what's that beautiful hair, beautiful lady"
"واللة احلى شخصية" means "i swear, the best character"
could you explain the meaning of this يا خلي انتظاري يسقى في قلبي الجروح
i don't get what means يا خلي
could i have this translated please thank you so much
وينك يا روحى
صارلك زمان مختفية
وحشانى جد
هضيفك ناو
شو أخبارك
ولا شىء
وزهقت من مصر وعاوز اسافر اى مكان
تعالى نتجوز واسافر امريكا