Zekra's "Last" Song

Thread: Zekra's "Last" Song

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  1. egy333 said:

    Default Zekra's "Last" Song

    I just came across Zekra's last song she sang before she was killed (God rest her soul) that apparantly appeared online two years ago. The person who posted the video said that we need to "listen well and you will know why they killed her!"

    So this definitely got me curious. I found the lyrics in arabic, could someone translate it into english? I apologize ahead of time if the lyrics are offensive. That's why I need your help to see if I should be listening to this song or should I get rid of it, although I do like her singing in this song. I don't understand the song at all and I usually understand arabic songs being that my family is egyptian. All I could pick out were terms that related to islam, the vatican, and other issues. Thank you.


    مين يجرا يقول هذا مش معقول

    بنزور وبنبكي ع الكعبة وقبر الرسول

    قالولي دمعك بيهدد أمن الرسول

    قالولي صوتك بيهدد أمن الرسول

    إبكي في صدرك هنينا لا تقلب راحة راعينا

    راعينا حاكم مش حاكم حامي بصول

    واهم مش فاهم مسطول بيحمي البترول

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن بيت الله منعتنا

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن حج البيت منعتنا

    من قال إن الدمعة بتهدد بيت الرسول

    مين يجرا يقول هذا مش معقول

    ننصحكم حجو للبابا والفاتيكان

    اسهل من مكة والكعبة وأكثر أمان

    مكة حاميها حراميها خلي في صدري باقيها

    مين يجرا يقول للحاكم كرسيك يزول

    ما تفاضي فينا مسطول بنارك بنصول

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن بيت الله منعتنا

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن حج البيت منعتنا

    من قال إن الدمعة بتهدد حكم الأصول

    مين يجرا يقول هذا مش معقول

    قلتلهم أراضينا مكة فاتحها بسيف

    قالولي الغرب بيحميها ونفلي الضيف

    إبكي في صدرك فرحنا لا تسيل دموع تفضحنا

    خافوا ندعي عند الكعبة والحق نقول

    نسيوا لو ندعي من عندي دعايا مقبول

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن بيت الله منعتنا

    مين يجرا يقول أخوتنا عن حج البيت منعتنا

    من قال إن الدمعة بتهدد بيت الرسول

    من يجرأ يقول هذا مش معقول

    لا النصر يجينا من قصرك

    والحج إن كان من فضلك ملحوق عليه

    في أرض الله نطوف ونسعى

    ونكتب سبعة وتسعة
  2. Vanessa17 said:


    The song is about Jesus and the Vatican. When the song was distributed on the net, it was rumoured that Zekra converted to Christianity and that this was the reason she was murdered. It was also reported that Zekra sang the song as a favour to the friend who wrote the song.

    Sorry I cant help with the translation as I cant read Arabic
  3. 1001nights's Avatar

    1001nights said:


    heheh no Vanessa..

    she was mad about Muslims and she very nicely criticizing them... she makes a point but I disagree with some of what she says though...

    I will try to translate soon...
    yo soy tu tragicomedia...
  4. εγώ!'s Avatar

    εγώ! said:


    oh that's awful! it's the first time i find about this song
  5. Daydream's Avatar

    Daydream said:


    Quote Originally Posted by εγώ! View Post
    oh that's awful! it's the first time i find about this song
    Same here :\ last I remember hearing for her was Yom Leek w Yom 3alaik...
    Ya reitni 2amle b sha3rak, kel lama ashta2lak atsa7sel w ashoufak ♥
  6. 1001nights's Avatar

    1001nights said:


    The song was about Saudi-Government/ruling system because they banned Libyans from going to Hajj(pilgrimage) because Libya was under sanction.

    As for the lyrics you put, it has a lot of mistakes...

    I listened to the song and translated... but there are few things I couldn't understand, I'd appropriate if someone here could help out...

    Who dares..

    Who dares to say that's illogical (unfair or unjust).

    [as we want] to visit and cry for the Kaaba and the prophet (p) (holy places for the Muslims in Saudi Arabia)
    They said the tears would threaten the fleet safety (US Navy)
    They said my voice would threaten the fleet safety (US Navy)

    Cry in your heart (cry in silence) let us be, and don't disturb the tranquility of our sovereign.
    Our sovereign governor does not govern anything, he does nothing but protect the fleet (American navy at the time)
    He lives with illusions, does not understand anything, drunk-like; busy protecting the oil.

    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited from "House of God" (Meccae/Kaaba)
    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited us from Hajj-(pilgrimage)
    Who says: “a tear would threaten the fleet safety (US Navy)”.

    Who dares to say that's illogical (unfair or unjust).

    We advice you to do the pilgrimage by visiting the Papa and the Vatican
    Safer than Mecca and much more calm. <<<( she is being sarcastic)>>>

    Mecca’s saver is the thief of Mecca (its protector is its thief) and the rest inside my chest/heart I’ll keep.

    Who dares to tell the ruler that your seat is fading away-(not lasting/not forever),
    since you’re empty, drunk-like, and brain washed.

    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited from "House of God" (Meccae/Kaaba)
    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited us from Hajj-(pilgrimage)
    Who says: “a tear would threaten the fleet safety (US Navy)”.

    Who dares to say that's illogical (unfair or unjust).

    I said: My grandfather (ancestors) opened/fought for Mecca with the sword
    They said: The west will protect it and YOU ARE the guest [here].
    I said: I’m an Arab opened/fought for Mecca with the sword.
    They said: The west will protect it and YOU ARE the guest [here]

    [They said] Cry in your heart (cry in silence), and not loudly letting all know.
    They [Saudi] fear that I pray near Kaaba and say the truth, but they forgot that I pray from here and my prayers are heard [too]. (my prayers are heard from everywhere)

    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited from "House of God" (Meccae/Kaaba)
    Who dares to say: our brothers prohibited us from Hajj-(pilgrimage)
    Who says: “a tear would threaten the fleet safety (US Navy)”.

    Victory isn’t from your castle.
    And if pilgrimage was from you, then it’s not worth it. << correct me if wrong <<< not sure about this part…

    It is one of God’s pillars to go to Mecca and do the ceremonies and write 779
    It is one of God’s pillars to go to Mecca and do the ceremonies and write 779*
    *{I have no idea what does that mean!! Help plz}<<<

    You’re not the Abu ther andnot Seyfu Allahi elmaslool. --{Muslim Heroes}
    On who’s account/who put you to be in charge of the holiest place.
    Who dares to tell you, brother of Islam, move over, let’s clean what the navy has polluted.

    Don’t write us and try to play/convince/talk us out of it, we never submitted to humiliation.
    >>> {{I didn’t understand what she says after that.. sorry}}<<<<<<<<<<<

    Our nation give time but never leaves out/forget and [we are ]working on a revolution.
    We put our big trust in Allah{God} and the hard time will go-away.
    [Then] we lead the holy walk to Mecca right away.
    Then/upon that we say to the ruler your seat is fading away. you unrighteous.
    And then/upon that we purify what the fleet has polluted.

    p.s in Arabic it rhymes well, in English it sound a bit strange but yeah... I tried to bring it as close as I can.
    Last edited by 1001nights; 10-24-2009 at 11:41 AM.
    yo soy tu tragicomedia...
  7. 1001nights's Avatar

    1001nights said:


    I wish someone would continue the translations...
    yo soy tu tragicomedia...
  8. 1001nights's Avatar

    1001nights said:


    no one?
    yo soy tu tragicomedia...
  9. elfborn's Avatar

    elfborn said:


    I know it's an ancient topic but I think you did a wonderful job here. And Allah yerhamek Zekra. Rest in peace!