i am not sure ,here is my try:
- el 3ache2 el walhan
the lover in love
7abibe sadiki talamizak
darling my friend your student
thankssssss a lotttt CZAREK for ur help but i didn't undersand the sens of the second sentence
so pls if you can explain
7abibe sadiki talamizak
darling my friend your student ??
actually, "talamizak" ? what is the meaning?
- the context : - el 3ache2 el walhan nice video ya sadiki
- 7abibe sadiki talamizak
the video is the song about love
I hope you understand sweety
ok this is a link CZAREK : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mSz3Q...&feature=share
this is two comment's : el 3ache2 el walhan nice video ya sadiki
- 7abibe sadiki talamizak
could someone give me the lyrics of this and the translation (but not in arabic letters pls)
take your time 7abibi and merci again
haaaaaaa no actually , this is a video it was on facebook and there has two comment's about this video :
- El 3ache2 el walhan nice video ya sadiki
- 7abibe sadiki talamizak
and just i liked to know what is the meaning: talamizak
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh merciiiiiiiiii merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hala2 fehmet 7abibtiiiiii Loolyaaa but thanksss a lot to CZAREK thanks you both for explanation
what غبت انا means?
what is this means?
يسمعني حين يراقصني كلمات ليست كالكلمات
يأخذني من تحت ذراعي يزرعني بأحدى الغيمات
thanks a lot!!
From : Majeda Al Romi - Kalimat .. first 2 sentences ..
يسمعني حين يراقصني - كلماتٍ ليس كالكلمات
He tells me when he dances with me words that aren't like words
يأخذني من تحت ذراعي -يزرعني في إحدى الغيمات
he takes me underneath my arm and plants me in a cloud
Syria ♥
لّا إِلَهَ إِلاَّ أَنتَ سُبْحَانَكَ إِنِّي كُنتُ مِنَ الظَّالِمِينَ
Suriyeli damarımda Türk kanı akıyor.
Hey guys, can someone tranlate this for me in lebanese dialect please:
I hope that the things what has happened in the past when u was here, will not happen again, i hope u learned something about it and that u know why these things has made me sad.
Maybe itīs an idea to discuss some rules so that the same things we didnīt like will happen again.
She would like to have a golden necklace. A small one it doesnīt have to be a big one.
I would like to have a golden ring.
If i didnīt had this news to tell u , i wouldnīt send u a note at all, cause i have my selfrespect and pride. Cause itīs not nice all the things u told me, and that u believe others who donīt know anything before me.
Make sure u will have the whole amount, and itīs better if u still have it when u arrived, cause there is a change they will ask about it.
Thanks in advance