Lyrics: Albanian to English

Thread: Lyrics: Albanian to English

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  1. Balkaneuro said:


    Shpat Kasapi - Pa Ty S'Jetoj ( I Won't Live Without You)

    Nganjehere me bene te cmendem, nganjehere me bene te qaj
    at times you make me go crazy, at times you make me cry
    O sa shum ty te kerkoj, sa te kujtoj
    oh, how much i ask about you, i remind myself of you
    Per ty gjithcka do te bej, zemren time ta dhuroj
    I'll do anything for you, i give you my heart
    Cdo minut te jetes time ty do ta kushtoj
    every minute of my life I'll dedicate to you

    Te dashuroj, per jete ty ste harroj
    i'm loving(love) you, i won't forget you in my entire life
    Pa ty s'jetoj pa ty dua te vajtoj.
    i can't live without you, without you i want to mourn

    Pa ty dielli nuk me ngrohe, pa ty hena nuk ndricon
    without you the sun doesn't warm me, without you the moon doesn't shine
    Pa ty zemra eshte e verber lote ne shpirtin tim,
    without you my heart is blind, tears on my soul
  2. siarkg said:


    Balkaneuro, thank you a lot !!
  3. telli said:



    i'm looking for the lyrics (and translation for sure) of "tjeter bote" from jericho but cant find in anywhere!

    and can anyone pls help me about the translation of this minatori song:

    Si Shiu Në Xhama Që Bien

    Ti je sikur drita e diellit te pare
    Sikur shiu ne token e thare
    Si nje lajm i mire ne fund

    Ti je si nje zog qe fluturon
    Si nje sy qe lotin pikon
    Dashuri qe ndodhe nje here

    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund
    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund

    E une te pres,sikur nata ne sy te vdes
    Si nje yll qe shuhet ne det
    Dashuri qe ndodhe nje here

    Te shikoj,sikur shiu qe ne xhamat bjen
    Sa e bukur,e embel me vjen
    Sa e bukur e embel me vjen

    Ti e din se jeta nuk eshte aventure
    Ditet vijne dhe shkojne askund
    Ti e din se jeta nuk eshte aventure
    Ditet vijne dhe shkojne askund
  4. pr1nc355 said:

    Default Adelina Ismajli-Sonte

    8 vjetė unė pran teje kam qenė e dėnuar
    asnjėherė asgjė ti s'ke pa,
    Shpirti qante, por unė kurrė nuk jam ankuar
    viktimė e njė qejfi kam ra.

    Pse s'mė flet. Shikon tokėn dhe hesht
    Pse m'bėrtet. Dashuria ku mbet
    Vrave njė jetė!

    Sonte unė me ty ēdo gjė e kam mbaruar
    Sonte ti pranove s'me don
    Sonte 8 vjet jete ti m'i ke mohuar
    Sonte njė femėr ty do t'mallkon.

    Mallkoj veten pse unė sytė i kam mbyllur
    kam gėnjyer se mirė po shkon
    sa here desha, po asnjėherė s'tė kam pyetur
    pse kur t'puth ti kokėn largon.

    I“m always doing gymnastics to this song so I really wanted to know what it“s about.
  5. Korcare19 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by telli View Post

    i'm looking for the lyrics (and translation for sure) of "tjeter bote" from jericho but cant find in anywhere!

    and can anyone pls help me about the translation of this minatori song:

    Si Shiu Nė Xhama Qė Bien
    (do you have the link to the vedio/song for tjeter bote?)

    Minatori - Si Shiu Nė Xhama Kur Bie
    Minatori - Like rain falling on glass

    Ti je sikur drita e diellit te pare
    Youre like the light of the first sun
    Sikur shiu ne token e thare
    Like rain on dry land
    Si nje lajm i mire ne fund
    Like good news at the end

    Ti je si nje zog qe fluturon
    Youre like a bird that flies
    Si nje sy qe lotin pikon
    Like an eye that tears (cries)
    Dashuri qe ndodhe nje here
    Love that happens only once

    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    You know that life is not an adventure
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund
    Days come and go nowhere
    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    You know that life is not an adventure
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund
    Days come and go nowhere

    E une te pres,sikur nata ne sy te vdes
    And i wait for you, even if the night died on my eyes
    Si nje yll qe shuhet ne det
    Like a star, (that can be) extinguished in the sea
    Dashuri qe ndodhe nje here
    Love that only happens once

    Te shikoj,sikur shiu qe ne xhamat bjen
    I watch you, like rain falling on glass
    Sa e bukur,e embel me vjen
    So beatuiful, so sweet (me vjen = it comes)
    Sa e bukur e embel me vjen
    So beatuiful, so sweet

    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    You know that life is not an adventure
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund
    Days come and go nowhere
    Ti e din se jeta nuk esht aventur
    You know that life is not an adventure
    Diten vin dhe shkojn askund
    Days come and go nowhere
  6. Korcare19 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by pr1nc355 View Post
    Adelina Ismajli - Sonte
    Adelina Ismajli- Sonte
    Adelina Ismajli - Tonight

    8 vjetė unė pran teje kam qenė e dėnuar
    8 years ive stayed punished beside you
    asnjėherė asgjė ti s'ke pa,
    you never saw a thing
    Shpirti qante, por unė kurrė nuk jam ankuar
    my soul cried, but i never complained
    viktimė e njė qejfi kam ra.
    i fell victim of your fun/game?

    Pse s'mė flet. Shikon tokėn dhe hesht
    Why dont you speak to me. You look down and dont say a thing
    (toke = earth/floor) ... (hesht = silence)
    Pse m'bėrtet. Dashuria ku mbet
    Why do you yell at me. Where is the love
    Vrave njė jetė!
    You killed a life

    Sonte unė me ty ēdo gjė e kam mbaruar
    Tonight, ive ended everything with you
    Sonte ti pranove s'me don
    Tonight you accepeted you dont love me
    Sonte 8 vjet jete ti m'i ke mohuar
    Tonight, 8 years of my life youve denied
    Sonte njė femėr ty do t'mallkon.
    Tonight a female will curse you

    Mallkoj veten pse unė sytė i kam mbyllur
    I curse my self why my eyes are closed / why i closed my eyes
    kam gėnjyer se mirė po shkon
    ive lied (to myselfe) that everything was going fine
    sa here desha, po asnjėherė s'tė kam pyetur
    so many times ive wanted but never asked
    pse kur t'puth ti kokėn largon.
    why when i kiss you, you pull your head away

    [thanks to Balkaneuro for correction :]
    Last edited by Korcare19; 09-27-2008 at 10:36 PM.
  7. Balkaneuro said:


    sot = today
    sonte = tonight

  8. Korcare19 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Balkaneuro View Post
    sot = today
    sonte = tonight

    oops haha i was thinking about it but then decided it was today
    guess i was wronggg :<
  9. Balkaneuro said:


    lol s'ka gje
  10. telli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Korcare19 View Post
    (do you have the link to the vedio/song for tjeter bote?)
    korcare19, thank you so much for the lyrics "Si Shiu Nė Xhama Kur Bie". jo, there's no video for tjeter bote (i guess it means "another world" ha?), but you can download it from here. really a strong and good rock song.

    thanks again.
  11. pr1nc355 said:


    Thanks for the translation of "Sonte".
  12. Korcare19 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by telli View Post
    korcare19, thank you so much for the lyrics "Si Shiu Nė Xhama Kur Bie". jo, there's no video for tjeter bote (i guess it means "another world" ha?), but you can download it from here. really a strong and good rock song.

    thanks again.
    np. youre right it does mean another world..
    i downloaded it but i cant figure out the lyrics the words arent very clear :{ sorrry
  13. _SaRa_ said:


    Could someone please translate DUli gabimi behet nje her? Thxx !

    Sorry didnt found the lyrics ! :$
  14. Korcare19 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by _SaRa_ View Post
    Could someone please translate DUli gabimi behet nje her? Thxx !

    Sorry didnt found the lyrics ! :$
    Duli - Gabimi Behet Njehere
    Duli - mistakes are made only once (dont repeate the same mistake)

    Fajet kush I ka tregom une a po ty
    Tell me whos fault is it, yours or mine?
    Zgjodhe rrugen qe sishte per ty
    You chose the wrong path (path that wasnt for you)
    Fundi keshtu mbaron per vajzat si ti
    This is the way it ends for girls like you
    Kshtu jan punet kur sheh larg me sy
    Its the way things go when you look too far ahead?

    Ref: gabimi behet njeher por ti gabon sdi sa her
    mistakes are made only once, but you mistake i dont know how many times
    Rrenat harxhoehen shansat zvoglohen
    ? ... run out and chances get smaller (rrenat?)
    Beso se fundin ia ke nxjerr
    Believe it youve shown the end?

    (i dont know how to translate this but when someone says "ja nxore fundin" it means youve done something so many times youre showing the end of it. it would make more sense if it was refering to an object cause by "end of it" i dont mean they'll stop doing it/using it

    edit: k i just thought of it means you wore it out lol)

    Nuk e di pse e ul koken e po me thu se di
    I dont know why you put your head down and say "i dont know"
    Ndoshta nuk tam ban ndergjegja me me pa ne sy
    Maybe your conscience wont let you look me in the eye
    Sdi sa her me premtove por vetem me fjal
    I dont know how many times you promised only with words
    tash tregom a meriton me ta fal
    Now tell me do you deserve forgivness
    Last edited by Korcare19; 09-29-2008 at 07:09 PM.
  15. cortom's Avatar

    cortom said:

    Default Sami Kallmi - Mercedesi

    I had an item on Sami Kallmi for my blog recently. Suddenly I had this flash of inspiration and I tried to translate the lyrics of his song Mercedesi. Now I wonder if I got close. Corrections would be appreciated. I didn't make it very litteral, couldn't if I wanted to, but I tried to get the meaning across.

    ...The mercedes

    pėr njė vajzė tė bukur
    ...a beautiful girl
    e prisha makinėn
    ...damaged my car
    makina shkatėrrohet
    ...the car broke down
    vajza mė largohet
    ...and the girl ran away from me

    tė dua tė dua
    ,,,I love you, I love you
    mos luaj me mua not play with me
    herė ti mė afrohesh moment you bump into me
    herė ti mė largohesh
    ...and the next you run away

    bukurija ime
    ...beautiful girl of mine
    tė bėrė shpenzime cost me money
    ēka mė bėhet qejfi
    ...(but) it was a pleasure
    prishe mercedesin
    ...that you damaged my car

    me makinėn time
    ...because of my car
    po bėra shpenzime
    ...I had many expenses
    nėpėr benzinata the service-station
    po mė kalon nata
    ...I (had to) spend the night

    pėr shishe alkoholi
    ...due to a bottle of alcohol
    mendja mu mė doli mind went black
    nuk e ndjej kur vajzėn
    ...and I didn't notice when the girl
    (... boli??)
    ...(Here I miss a single line of the text. Can anyone complete it?)
    ...(Here's a link to the video on YouTube:

    oj nena ime, oj nena ime
    ...mother, o mother
    vajza simpatike
    ...that nice girl
    mė futi nė mendime
    ...still haunts my mind

    I thought the 'story' made sense, but maybe I'm just inventing things?? I am curious too about the litteral meaning of 'ēka me behet qejfi ...'.

    Then one more question. The phrase 'Amanet ka lone' turns up in several songs. It has been translated as 'to have left its will', but I still do not understand it. Could it be taken to mean 'As tradition wants it', or more simply, 'according to tradition'?
  16. Balkaneuro said:


    i just fixed some of the wording, but you had the right idea, good job

    ...The mercedes

    pėr njė vajzė tė bukur
    ...for a beautiful girl
    e prisha makinėn
    I damaged my car
    makina shkatėrrohet
    the car is breaking down
    vajza mė largohet
    and the girl is getting farther away

    tė dua tė dua
    ,,,I love you, I love you
    mos luaj me mua not play with me
    herė ti mė afrohesh
    at times you get closer
    herė ti mė largohesh
    and the next you run away

    bukurija ime
    ...beautiful girl of mine
    tė bėrė shpenzime
    you cost me money
    ēka mė bėhet qejfi,
    ...(but) it makes me happy (makes my day
    i think maybe it's:
    ska me behet qejfi
    whatever, it makes my day
    (i guess like hes seeing her more often so he doesn't care about the car? i don't know haha)
    prishe mercedesin
    you damaged the car

    me makinėn time
    with my car
    po bėra shpenzime
    i created many expenses
    nėpėr benzinata
    at gas stations
    po mė kalon nata
    my night is passing by

    pėr shishe alkoholi
    for a bottle of alcohol
    mendja mu mė doli
    i've been going out of my mind
    nuk e ndjej kur vajzėn
    i don't notice when the girl
    (... boli??)
    ...(Here I miss a single line of the text. Can anyone complete it?)
    ...(Here's a link to the video on YouTube:

    I couldn't make this out either sorry

    oj nena ime, oj nena ime
    ...mother, o mother
    vajza simpatike
    ...that nice girl
    mė futi nė mendime
    put me into thoughts
  17. Balkaneuro said:


    lene amanet means one has left their trust (that you will carry down the tradition of whatever they asked you to do)
    ^ if you are looking at it from a keeping traditional view

    le amanet means bequeath which means to give or leave by will.

    for example: grandfather wanted us to take keep our land.

    so this means the grandfather leaves a will (le amanet) to his sons.

    I hope that wasn't confusing...
  18. telli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Korcare19 View Post
    np. youre right it does mean another world..
    i downloaded it but i cant figure out the lyrics the words arent very clear :{ sorrry
    te falemnderit korcare19, hope i can find it from an another way. if i can, i'll send it here too...
  19. cortom's Avatar

    cortom said:

    Default Ra faja prej fikut - Morra mandolinen

    I'm interested in the (translations of) the lyrics of two Albanian traditionals. Wedding songs, if I'm not mistaken.

    First "Ra faja prej fikut". I found this on teksteshqip:

    I: Tė rroftė Faja nuse! :I
    I: O me shami tė kuqe. :I
    Jarnana, na, ne hopa
    Jarnana, na, ne hopa.
    Ra Faja prej fiku.
    Nuk e zu dekiku.
    Se ē’po digjet njė shami
    Porsi gjaku flakė e kuqe
    Vello e Fajės po nxierr tym
    Edhe zjarri si tė shuhet?

    And I have a link to the video by Artan Kola and Kastro Zizo:
    (bad quality sound, but I can provide a better quality mp3 if need be)

    Usually I don't like Kastro Zizo AT ALL, but this song is fun, I think.
    btw: Am I right about the female voice being Zajmina Vasjari?

    Second I'm curious about "Morra mandolinen" (or is it "Rroka mandolinen"?)

    Mora mandolinen
    dola ne sokak
    o moj vajze e vogel
    pse ma ben me dore

    mora mandolinen
    dola ne oborr
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos ma bej me dore

    vaj vaj vaj
    gishtat me kajmak
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos me bej merak
    vaj vaj vaj
    gishtat me kajmak
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos me bej merak

    Mora mandolinen
    dola ne .... ? ...
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos ma bej me sy
    mora madolinen
    dola ne ... ? ....
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos ma bej me sy

    Vaj vaj vaj
    gishtat me kajmak
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos me bej merak
    vaj vaj vaj
    gishtat me kajmak
    o moj vajze e vogel
    mos me bej merak

    And this is a slight variant:

    I: Rroka mandolinėn
    Dola nė ēardak.
    Oh mos cuca e vogėl
    T’u kam ba merak! :I
    I: Vaj, vaj, vaj
    Gishtat me bajrak
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    T’u kam ba merak! :I
    Rroka mandolinėn
    Dola nė oborr.
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    Po ma ban me dorė.
    Vaj, vaj, vaj
    Gushėn si kajmak
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    Hajde pak ma ngat!
    Rroka mandolinėn
    Dola nė sokak.
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    T’u kam ba merak!
    Vaj, vaj, vaj
    Shtatin si selvi.
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    Pa ty s’un tė rri!
    Rroka mandolinėn
    Dola nė ēarshi.
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    Mos ma ban me sy!
    Vaj, vaj, vaj
    Gishtat me bajrak
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    T’u kam ba merak
  20. Balkaneuro said:


    Hey! This song is such an old and popular folksong, very well known. The difference is one is sang in the toske dialect and the other in the gheg dialect, this is shown through the vocabulary used.

    Mora Mandolinen[Toske] ( I took the mandolin)
    Rroka Mandolinen[Ghege] (I Strummed the (strings of the) Mandolin)

    Mora mandolinen
    i took the mandolin (with me)
    dola ne sokak
    i went out to the street
    o moj vajze e vogel
    oh little girl
    pse ma ben me dore
    why are you waving to me (making me fall for you)

    mora mandolinen
    i took the mandolin (with me)
    dola ne oborr
    i went out to the yard
    o moj vajze e vogel
    oh little girl
    mos ma bej me dore
    don't wave at me

    vaj vaj vaj
    oh, oh, oh
    gishtat me kajmak
    your fingers like cream
    o moj vajze e vogel
    oh little girl
    mos me bej merak
    don't leave me curious

    And this is a slight variant:

    I: Rroka mandolinėn
    I strummed the strings of the mandolin
    Dola nė ēardak
    i went out to the arbour
    Oh mos cuca e vogėl
    oh little girl
    T’u kam ba merak! :I
    i have become curious(fascinated) of you
    I: Vaj, vaj, vaj* (this term is used to show surprise or pain)
    oh my
    Gishtat me bajrak
    your fingers (i think it means fingernails) with colors
    Vaj, vaj, vaj
    oh my
    Gushėn si kajmak
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    oh little girl
    Hajde pak ma ngat!
    come a little closer

    Shtatin si selvi*
    tall like a cypress (this is a term to mean beautiful)
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    oh little girl
    Pa ty s’un tė rri!
    i can't be without you
    Rroka mandolinėn
    i strummed the strings of the mandolin
    Dola nė ēarshi.
    i went out to the cherry tree
    Oh moj cuca e vogėl
    oh little girl
    Mos ma ban me sy!
    don't wink at me