Learning Spanish language

Thread: Learning Spanish language

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  1. MasSueltoQueTu said:


    Quote Originally Posted by Yasmine20 View Post
    Hi everyone, ive just joined this site since I have been using it a lot to find english lyrics to reggaeton songs. Im also learning Spanish and think the South American accent, music is so lovely, so will be going thru all these pages as i learn more phrases and words. So thnx for this site, its a much easy way to learn a language

    Si necesitas ayuda solo pregunta (If you need help all you gotta do is ask)..
    yo te puedo ayudar.
  2. normality said:


    what does, "te echo mucho de menos," mean?
  3. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by normality View Post
    what does, "te echo mucho de menos," mean?
    "I miss you very much"
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  4. zmh's Avatar

    zmh said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney101 View Post
    i hate french, france, and everything about the country. the only country i hate in this entire planet is france. too bad they made french fries, because they're so damn good jaja
    Well you don't have to be in france to speak spanish, aha I'm from Canada and I French is my second language. And it's true, speaking french does get to people, I spoke french to my friend who is a Mexican and he thought it was sexy ahah.
    si tu supieras cuanto yo a ti te amo y estar contigo es lo que me hace mas feliz.

    te amo, te amo, te amooo..
  5. MaresLejanos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by zmh View Post
    Well you don't have to be in france to speak spanish, aha I'm from Canada and I French is my second language. And it's true, speaking french does get to people, I spoke french to my friend who is a Mexican and he thought it was sexy ahah.
    I want to learn French too . But I guess I have enough for now trying to learn English, after this one, maybe in a year, I'd like to learn some French and perhaps Portuguese (since I couldn't start this year )... I remember that French was easy for me in school, of course, I've fogotten it all after , so many years (and it wasn't that much, so I know less than I knew now ..)!!!
  6. MasSueltoQueTu said:


    Quote Originally Posted by normality View Post
    what does, "te echo mucho de menos," mean?
    te echuo mucho de menos means......I look down on you alot
  7. MasSueltoQueTu said:


    Quote Originally Posted by zmh View Post
    Well you don't have to be in france to speak spanish, aha I'm from Canada and I French is my second language. And it's true, speaking french does get to people, I spoke french to my friend who is a Mexican and he thought it was sexy ahah.
    It is sexy...its a romance language just like spanish is
  8. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MasSueltoQueTu View Post
    te echuo mucho de menos means......I look down on you alot
    Sorry to contradict you, but this is simply incorrect. "Echar de menos" means "extrañar", "añorar", ie "to miss something/someone, to feel nostalgia for something/someone."

    I want it to be clear my only intention is that the person who asked gets the right answer; I'm not intending to pick up an argument or confrontation with you or anybody else around here.
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  9. MaresLejanos said:


    Quote Originally Posted by citlalli View Post
    Sorry to contradict you, but this is simply incorrect. "Echar de menos" means "extrañar", "añorar", ie "to miss something/someone, to feel nostalgia for something/someone."

    I want it to be clear my only intention is that the person who asked gets the right answer; I'm not intending to pick up an argument or confrontation with you or anybody else around here.
    Citlalli, una duda sobre esa frase en inglés "look down on", tiene que ver con mirar con desprecio, desdén, o en modo burlón, cierto?.... Es la primera vez que la veo .

    Y sí, echar de menos a alguien es extrañar, so I agree with you and your translation
  10. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MaresLejanos View Post
    Citlalli, una duda sobre esa frase en inglés "look down on", tiene que ver con mirar con desprecio, desdén, o en modo burlón, cierto?.... Es la primera vez que la veo .
    Sí, exactamente, "mirar/ver con desdén"; y puede ser "look down on something/somebody" o "look down upon something/somebody". Y bueno, yo si la he visto en varias ocasiones, aunque no con demasiada frecuencia
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  11. gustar said:


    hello,i have a question
    who can translate this sentence"Yo Si Me Enamore"

    it is the name of a song
    the singer is Huey Dunbar

    is it the meaning ” i love you"?

    i don't know . who can help me? thanks
  12. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by gustar View Post
    hello,i have a question
    who can translate this sentence"Yo Si Me Enamore"

    it is the name of a song
    the singer is Huey Dunbar

    is it the meaning ” i love you"?

    i don't know . who can help me? thanks
    "Yo si me enamoré"=I did fall in love

    "I love you"=te amo.
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  13. MasSueltoQueTu said:


    Quote Originally Posted by MaresLejanos View Post
    Citlalli, una duda sobre esa frase en inglés "look down on", tiene que ver con mirar con desprecio, desdén, o en modo burlón, cierto?.... Es la primera vez que la veo .

    Y sí, echar de menos a alguien es extrañar, so I agree with you and your translation
    eso es correcto..quiere decir ver con desden...tambien se puede decir "look down upon"...
  14. normality said:


    que quierer decir, "i miss you too," en espanol?

    gracias por the previous post!
  15. dmoney101 said:


    Quote Originally Posted by normality View Post
    que quierer decir, "i miss you too," en espanol?

    gracias por the previous post!
    Tambíen te extraño.

    can anyone tell me how to say "to lead the way"?
  16. citlalli's Avatar

    citlalli said:


    Quote Originally Posted by dmoney101 View Post
    can anyone tell me how to say "to lead the way"?
    "Encabezar", "ir al frente", "marcar el camino"...
    “If cats looked like frogs we'd realize what nasty, cruel little bastards they are. Style. That's what people remember.” ― Terry Pratchett.
  17. aiyana said:

    Default help with a description of a person?

    hola a todos
    estoy estudiando español desde hace un año, y me gusto mucho. Tengo que hacer una descripción de una persona para la semana que viene y no estoy segura con muchas palabras, si son las palabras correctas etcetera.
    It would be great if someone could tell me what's wrong or what would be a better way to use the words, as I'm very unsure of how to use them correctly.
    Thank you very much in advance!

    "Ella es una chica muy guapa. Tiene el pelo corto, de color castaño, y grandes y profundos ojos marrones. Le gusta mucho reír y nunca está de mala uva. Su cara es ovalada y sus orejas son muy pequeñas. Es porque todavía es muy joven, sólo tiene cinco años. Le gusta saltar y bailar, por eso es delgada y tiene una figura deportiva. Tiene una piel bronceada, porque juega todos los días al aire libre con los niños vecinos. Tiene una cicatriz pequeña en la nariz. No es muy alta, pero se siente como una princesa y se viste siempre con vestidos rojos; es su color favorito. Sus zapatos favoritos son unas sandalias blancas. Sólo tiene una pareja de pendientes, pero las lleva cada día: Son pocitos, pero brillan como estrellas. Toda la gente la quiere porque su sola presencia les dibuja una sonrisa en sus caras. Es una persona alegre y siempre tiene que contar algo a sus hermanas, pero se calla inmediatamente, cuando una de sus dos hermanas la cuenta cuentos. Además, tiene un gato que la llama “Tip Tip” y significa mucho para ella. A veces, la caza por toda la casa, pero en la mayoría de las veces, lo acaricia durante horas. En resumen, ella es una persona muy amable, jovial y nunca se aburre con ella! "
  18. MaresLejanos said:


    It's almost perfect, you have done a really good job here .
    I'll just guive you some advices . With one * I'll give you just another word, but the previus ones are fine, it's just like a synonimun or other way to say the same. With ** I will put the things you should change because they might be a grammar error.

    Quote Originally Posted by aiyana View Post
    "Ella es una chica muy guapa(*1). Tiene el pelo corto, de color castaño, y grandes y profundos ojos marrones. Le gusta mucho reír y nunca está de mala uva(*2). Su cara es ovalada y sus orejas son muy pequeñas. Es porque todavía es muy joven, sólo tiene cinco años. Le gusta saltar y bailar, por eso es delgada y tiene una figura deportiva. Tiene una piel bronceada, porque juega todos los días al aire libre con los niños vecinos. Tiene una cicatriz pequeña en la nariz. No es muy alta, pero se siente como una princesa y se viste siempre con vestidos rojos; es su color favorito. Sus zapatos favoritos(*3) son unas sandalias blancas. Sólo tiene una pareja de pendientes, pero las lleva(**4) cada día: Son pocitos, pero brillan como estrellas. Toda la gente la quiere porque su sola presencia les dibuja una sonrisa en sus caras. Es una persona alegre y siempre tiene que contar algo(*5) a sus hermanas, pero se calla inmediatamente, cuando una de sus dos hermanas la(**6) cuenta cuentos. Además, tiene un gato que la (7**)llama “Tip Tip” y significa mucho para ella. A veces, la caza (**8)por toda la casa, pero en la mayoría de las veces, lo acaricia durante horas. En resumen, ella es una persona muy amable, jovial y nunca se(**9) aburre con ella! "
    *1 Guapa: linda, hermosa, preciosa.
    *2 "De mala uva", I'm not sure what that means, it isn't an expression we use in my country, but because of the context I think you want to say that she's never in a bad mood, which in Spanish could be: "y nunca está de mal humor".
    *3 Favorito/s: You have used favorito twice and very close one to each other, and it's not recommended to use a word often in the same paragraph, at least it's the only way you can do. So I suggest you to change one for "preferido".
    **4 "las lleva:" , pendientes or aritos are male noun, so it should be "los lleva".
    *5 "siempre tiene que contar algo a sus hermanos", it's correct, and another way to say the same and some times easier to read, could be "siempre tiene algo que contar a sus hermanas".
    **6 cuando una de sus hermanas "la" cuenta un cuento: it's "objeto indirecto", so it's "le" instead of "la": le cuenta un cuento.
    **7 "tiene un gato que la llama": it's "al" indeed: "tiene un gato al que llama", at least you're talking about a "gata" in which case is correct to say "la que llama".
    **8 la caza: same as before, if it's a "gato" then it's "lo caza", if it's a "gata" then it's "la caza"
    **9 jovial y nunca "se" aburre con ella! : you are not talking about a third person who gets bored with her, you're talking about her, saying that you can't never get bored with her? Am I right?. In this case, you have to write "nunca te aburres con ella", like you're giving an advice to another person.

    Sorry for my English, I'm not much concentrated right now . And I hope I didn't confuse you much. Just remember the only ones you have to change are those with **, they are grammar mistakes.

    But once again, you have done a very great work!!! Congratulations!!
    Last edited by MaresLejanos; 12-06-2009 at 10:07 AM.
    "La tolerancia de los ideales ajenos es virtud suprema en los que piensan." - José Ingenieros
  19. TheNuttyOne's Avatar

    TheNuttyOne said:


    a little confused:

    "This" in Spanish is:

    Esta - female, singular
    estas - female plural
    este - male singular ???
    estos - male plural ???

    Male singular and plural are confusing is it really este/estos? or is there more than that. Este/estes/esto/estos
  20. CorazonInquieto's Avatar

    CorazonInquieto said:


    Hello! Maybe this will help!

    "Este" is masculine singular. Ex: "Este libro no me gusta." or "Éste es mi hermano"

    "Esta" is feminine singular. Ex: "Ésta es mi casa"

    "Estas is feminine plural

    In all the above the Object is actually stated in the sentence i.e "libro" or "casa".

    "Esto" and "Estos" are used when the object is not literally stated in the sentence, either you don't know what it is called or you are trying not to be repetetive. Such as, "Ésto que ves acá son mis pinturas" (What you see here are my paintings). You would be pointing to the object so the other person knows what you are talking about. You wouldn't actually say "Estas pinturas que ves acá son mis pinturas" because that would be redundant. Estos (plural b/c "pinturas" is plural) takes the place of "Estas pinturas". Another example is "¿Qué es ésto?" (what is this?). You don't know what the object is and cant reffer to it by a name so you use "Esto".

    I hope this isn't confusing Maybe others can give some input.
    Por los cuentos que la luna relata, aprendí a caminar sin mapa...