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jo nuk mundem te duroj me nje qast po ta kushtoj
no i can't stand this, in one second i'm devoted to you
pse nuk gjetem ne ngrotsi koha na ndau ne te dy
why did was there no warmth between us, the time seperated us
nje mėnyr unė do ta gjej sho veten time tė genjej
i will find a way, to show myself i can lie
por se e kam kaq te veshtir te jem per ty nje gjal i mirr ..
but why is it so hard for me, to be a good man to you
jo nuk dua ta besoj e vetes time jo nuk ja lejoj
no i don't want to believe it, and i won't let myself accept it
rruget pa ty i shikoj si tja boj un si tja boj
i see myself down the road without you, and i wonder how i will survive
ndoshta diten ndoshta ti e din ndoshta jeton mbi gabimet ti
maybe during the day you know, that you live with the mistakes you made
jo nuk dua t keshilloj dua vetem tet kujtoj
no i don't want to advise you, i just want to remember you
duam duam e nese nuk medon thuam thuam ne degjithat i harruam harruam
love me love me and if you don't think, tell me tell me that we forgot everything
dhe keshtu perfundoj taraptaptap
and this is how it ends
duajm duajm ne me njeri gjetrin duajm duajm ne harrojm se po vuajm vuajm
we love eachother, but we forget that we are suffering
dhe keshtu perfundoj taraptaptap
and this is how it ends
jo jo jo joooo jo nuk ta lejoj u baby jo jo jo joooouu...
no no i won't let you
jo jo jo jooo ..nuk e meriton..u baby jo jo jo jo .... nuk e meriton aaaa
no no you don't deserve it
se kam mallin te kujtoj gjdo mendim tek ti e qoj
i miss you and i think of you with every thought
esht genjeshter a vertetsi sa te deshta nuk e di
is it a lie or is it true , how much i loved you , i can't know myself
dhe ngadal po e kuptoje kohen pas ende shikoj nuk e di a me kupton dashurin
and you understood slowly, time passed do you understand me
time nuk e meriton
you don't deserve my love
nuk e meriton ti dashurin timee qe dhurova ty dhurova tyy
you don't deserve my love, the love that i gave you
edhe nje duhet ti duhet ta dish ,edhe nje duhet ti duhet ta dish ,edhe nje
you need to know one more thing
duhet ti duhet ta dish si te deshta ty ste don as nje njeri
the way that i love you, no one will ever love you
duhet ti duhet ta dish do pe do pen do pendohesh ti
you need to know that you will regret this
duhet ti duhet ta dish si te deshta ty ste don as nje njeri
I hope i helped, these lyrics were all over the place with their meanings, they kept contradicting... maybe the lyrics have errors?
Anyways, enjoy : )