Hello, I'm Masterminor.
I am the admin of my own forum, BeneUniverse at www.beneuniverse.com, it's just getting started. All about self expression and spreading love in the world. Feel free to join up, all are welcome.
I love to write poetry and have since I was in 7th grade. I am in the process of writing an actual song and hope to share it here, maybe someone will like it and perform it one day. I'm super creative and am always coming up with new ideas, a friend of mine and I are working on what is turning out to be an EXCELLENT fanfiction triple crossover with the Rugrats, the Avengers, and Twilight. It's going better than I originally thought it would
I hope to be a great addition to this forum, maybe be hired by someone here for some freelance work as well. I could always use the extra money
See you around
- Masterminor