Pirated music

Thread: Pirated music

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  1. pezza said:

    Default Pirated music

    A few years ago a group I know (living in Australia) signed a record deal with a European label. One of the members is actually a European citizen but does not live in Europe. They signed a 2 album contract and were SUPPOSED to receive approx. $2US per cd, or something like that. Anyway, they only ever received one payment of $800 and this was after receiving a letter from the record company stating that they had sold 5000 albums in the first 3 months of release. This all happened before about 30 interviews in various magazines and e-zines were published. It is believed that somewhere between 5000 and 20000 albums were sold. They are no longer LEGALLY bound to their contract as it has expired and they had already sent letters to the record company demanding royalty payments which as far as I know effectively released them from their contract. 6 years on and they still have a cult following for the album they released in 2000. And, guess what? Someone is still manufacturing and distributing the CD's from Russia. The catalogue must have been bought by another company and they have continued to sell the cd. This drives me crazy but they don't feel that they have the financial resources to be able to mount any kind of legal action. Any suggestions?
  2. giutarman said:


    dude, its free
  3. Ament said:


    should always get a lawyer to look over the contract in the first place ....it would have saved you a lot of hassle
  4. buddy4's Avatar

    buddy4 said:


    ALWAYS remember this fighting "INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT CLAIMS" .....thier is no such thing as I.P in RUSSIA & CHINA.
    Their laws doesnt give a damm about these laws.
  5. Jester's Avatar

    Jester said:


    When making a CD or contract do the following:

    1. Make multiple copies
    2. Put one copy in a ban (or post office) safe with all band signatures and date/time
    3. Get solicitor to look over the contracts
    4. get a lawyer to look over the solicitor.
  6. Psychotic Wooden Fist said:


    Quote Originally Posted by buddy4 View Post
    ALWAYS remember this fighting "INTERNATIONAL COPYRIGHT CLAIMS" .....thier is no such thing as I.P in RUSSIA & CHINA.
    Their laws doesnt give a damm about these laws.
    If it's being done in Russia there isn't really anything that can be done about it because of their lack of rules regarding things like this, even if it isn't fair.

    As for the record company, they really should have read their contract and made clear to the record company that they know exactly what they should be receiving lawfully.