Indexi - Bacila je sve niz rijeku [need some help]

Thread: Indexi - Bacila je sve niz rijeku [need some help]

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  1. solsolis's Avatar

    solsolis said:

    Default Indexi - Bacila je sve niz rijeku [need some help]

    Dear All,

    Could someone help me with the translation of this song?


    Stajala je usred baste ko najljepsi cvijet
    Kao da je dio maste i muzike te
    Slusala je pjesmu moju posljednju sto pjevam njoj
    Sad joj kazem zbogom draga a bila je zivot moj

    Prosla je kroz moje snove i bila je tren
    Cjelim tjelom bila moja, ja bio sam njen

    Nosila je nasu ljubav nase srece prvi cvijet
    Bacila je sve niz rijeku
    I posla u drugi svijet

    Ali nocas ako slusa nek cuje bol
    U pjesmi koju pjevam njoj samo njoj
    Zauvijek neka nosi na srcu znak
    Zivot je jedan ona bacila
    Nek cuje bol u pjesmi koju pjevam njoj samo njoj
    Zauvijek neka nosi na srcu znak
    Zivot je jedan ona bacila

    And one more question.
    My boyfriend sent me the part of this song: "...Nek cuje bol u pjesmi koju pjevam njoj samo njoj, Zauvijek neka nosi na srcu znak, Zivot je jedan ona bacila..." Our relations were broken just a couple weeks ago, we didn't see each other from that moment and we completely stop any commucation. It was the true love between us, and it's still painful for both of us. How do you think, what did he mean with this message? And could you please recommend me the answer for it? In serbian, of course! Maybe the best answer will be another serbian lyrics?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:

    Default Indexi - Bacila Je Sve Niz Rijeku

    ~ She Threw It All Down The River

    She was standing in the middle of garden like the most beautiful flower
    As if she was a part of imagination and of the music
    She was listening to my song, the last one that I'm singing to her
    Now I tell her goodbye darling and she was my life

    She passed through my dreams and she was a moment
    Was mine with all her body, and I was hers

    She carried our love, first flower of our happiness
    She threw it all down the river
    And went into another world

    But tonight she should listen and hear the pain
    In the song that I'm singing to her, only to her
    She should forever carry a sign on her heart
    She threw away a life
    She should hear the pain in the song that I'm singing to her, only to her
    She should forever carry a sign on her heart
    She threw away a life

    About the song in general, there are some speculations that it's about abortion ("she threw away a life").. a woman that had it and the father blaming her.. after that, her father sent her to live in America (to be as far as possible from her lover)

    But there is another explanation, that the song is about unhappy love... Written by a guy after his wife had left him and went off with another guy ...
    "she threw away a life" - she threw him away.

    About the part that he sent you... whatever the whole story between you is, he probably meant something like that he can't live without you..
    Regarding your question what to answer to him.. I guess that depends on why you split up and if you want him back or .. etc... But, maybe you can take something from here click
  3. solsolis's Avatar

    solsolis said:

    Default If it's possible to rewrite the lyrics on behalf of woman

    Dear Spring, thanks a lot for the prompt translation and for your attention to my request!

    If it's possible to rewrite the lyrics on behalf of woman, and to switch it from the past to present moment, I would like to reply to his message with the words of the same song.

    You're absolutely right that my answer should be depended on my desire to restore our relations. But it cannot be in the same way like before, it should come to the next stage, more mature and reliable. Otherwise, I cannot accept it.

    I suppose that my answer can be based on the words of this song, with some changes it might express my true feelings:

    She is standing in the middle of garden like the most beautiful flower
    She is the part of your imagination and of your music
    She is listening to your song, the true song that you are singing to her

    If you tell her welcome back, darling, she will come to your life
    She will come to your dreams, she is the sweetest moment,
    She will be yours with all her body, as she is always yours...

    But tonight she is listening and hear the genuine emotion
    In this song that you are singing to her, only to her,
    She will forever carry a sign on her heart
    She will give birth to a new life…

    I would very appreciate your help with translation of my edition of this song. It should not be done literally, it's better if you can manage it in order to deliver the main sense and the beauty of this words.

    Thanks in advance for your help!
  4. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    She is standing in the middle of garden like the most beautiful flower - Ona stoji usred baste ko najljepsi cvijet
    As if she was a part of your imagination and of your music - Kao da je dio maste i muzike te
    She is listening to your song, the true song that you are singing to her - Ona slusa pjesmu tvoju, iskrenu sto pjevas njoj

    If you tell her welcome back, darling, she will come back to your life - Ako joj kazes dobrodosla nazad draga, vratice se u zivot tvoj
    She will come to your dreams, be a new sweet moment - Doci ce u tvoje snove, bit ce novi slatki tren
    She will be yours with all her body, like she has always been... - Cjelim tjelom bice tvoja, kao sto je uvjek bila...

    But tonight she is listening and hears the pain - Ali nocas ona slusa i cuje bol
    In this song that you are singing to her, only to her - U ovoj pjesmi koju pjevas njoj, samo njoj,
    She will forever carry a sign on her heart - Zauvijek nosit ce na srcu znak
    She will give birth to a new life… Zivot ce novi ona roditi

    no problem.. I adore this song!
    and if I can help you.. even better!

    And btw I think the idea is great! I changed it just a bit (you will see in my English version)
  5. Joxa said:

    Talking Mistakes

    *She is standing in the middle of garden like the most beautiful flower - Stajala je usred baste ko najljepsi cvijet

    *She was listening to my song, the very last song that I`m singing to her-Slusala je pjesmu moju, poslednju sto pjevam njoj

    *With all her body she was mine,and i was hers- Cjelim tjelom bila moja, ja bio sam njen

    *But tonight if she listens and hears the pain - Ali nocas ako slusa nek cuje bol

    *In this song that I`m singing to her, only to her - U ovoj pjesmi koju pjevam njoj, samo njoj,

    *She will forever carry a sign on her heart - Zauvijek neka nosi na srcu znak

    *One life she threw away- Zivot je jedan ona bacila...if you want,I can translate whole song,PS:sorry 4 my bad english,I`m from Serbia...
  6. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Joxa, you missed the point..

    Originalni tekst pesme je u prvom postu
    onda sam ga ja prevela na engleski
    Verzija za koju si mislila da je greska je nastala tako sto je solsolis trazila prevod izmenjenog engleskog teksta kako bi vise odgovarao njenim osecanjima..

    So.. no need for fixing but thanks anyway
  7. dejan839 said:


    Thanks for giving me a good translation of bašta!

    I would like to add one minor correction to the translation, at least the way I've interpreted it into English:

    Al noćas ako sluša, nek' čuje bol
    But tonight if she listens, let her hear the pain

    I agree that in the second final verse "neka" translates well into "should" as in She should forever carry a sign on her heart. But in this case I'd rather use it literally - it makes the meaning more dramatic, i find.

    Anyway, thanks for a great forum section - it is a super resource for language learning, Croatian in my case.

  8. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Cao David!

    Thanks for the suggestion! It does give the line a different tone...
    Ali nocas ako slusa nek cuje bol - but tonight, if she's listening, let her hear the pain

    why bašta.. ?
  9. dejan839 said:


    Yeah, that sounds right.

    Bašta - I lived one year in Zagreb in 2007 and never heard it and haven't been able to find it in any of my dictionaries. I love this song and it has been really frustrating not knowing the meaning of it. I thought it meant something like "centre".

    But now I do! Thanks!
  10. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Oh dear... you made me curious so I checked a Croatian dictionary to find out the Croatian word is VRT

    1. garden; botanički ~ botanical garden (also bašta)
    2. zoološki ~ zoo vrt a.

    bašta = garden; zoološka ~ zoo; botanička ~ botanical garden; staklena ~ greenhouse; restoran s ~om open-air restaurant baštenski a.
  11. Darkosh Fantasticosh said:


    Sorry for a late reply, and a perhaps unneccessary bump, but the song is actually about an abortion.

    nosila je nasu ljubav nase srece prvi cvijet
    bacila je sve niz rijeku

    zivot je jedan ona bacila
    She carried our loves, our happiness' first flower
    She threw it all down the river

    She threw one life away.
  12. miki444's Avatar

    miki444 said:


    haha, allow me to disagree
    i think with "she threw one life away" it is meant that she 'destroyed' the life of the one who loved her
  13. ina said:


    Pa pesma je napisana povodom abortusa njegove devojke, pa time odbacila i bebu i moguć novi život s njim, a time i njega, sve je bacila, što reče.
  14. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Miki, you're always allowed to disagree but of course that doesn't mean you are right hehe
    I think we can leave it as literal as it is because of the reason that ina stated but also because it's different "to throw smthng away" and to "destroy" something
    She simply refused to live the life so .. she threw it away / didn't give it a chance
  15. ina said:


    Miki ali i svi mi, prvo mislimo ono što nam se nesvesno prvo prijemči za misli - Mikiju je to u ovom slučaju bilo slomljeno srce pevača, meni, npr, kad sam prvi put slušala a nisam znala za taj abortus - da je devojci puklo i rešila sve da prekine.... svako misli prvo šta mu leži na srcu, pa to vidi kod drugog, valjda tako ide.
  16. miki444's Avatar

    miki444 said:


    pa istina, znam tu pjesmu vec dugo i bio sam uvjeren da znam i njen smisao a za ovo sam cuo prvi puta pa zato mi je zvucilo absurdno.
    nadalje puno mi je lijepsa pjesma sa 'mojim' smislom jer mi se je tesko identificirati sa tematikom pobacenih beba.
  17. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Eto vidis, oko toga se potpuno slazemo.. the abortion issue only mattered to make the translation easier but I also prefer my personal interpretation
  18. ina said:


    Vukovi siti i sve ovce na broju
  19. Ares Hades's Avatar

    Ares Hades said:


    Spring, your explanation on the song is wrong... truth is lead singer Davorin Popovic of the band Indexi lost his girlfriend to suicide. She killed her self and unborn child as she jumped off the bridge as her parents didn't approve of him, due to him being other religion.
  20. Spring's Avatar

    Spring said:


    Well, I did say "there are some speculations". I honestly do not know...
    Thank you for the explanation