Hello half-abandoned site with great page ranking! I translated what I consider the best symphonic metal album of the last decade in order to promote this excellent music a bit more, thought I'd post the translations here
Munarheim - Nacht und Stürme werden Licht
1. Intro // Intro
2. Liberté // Liberté (Freedom)
3. Terra Enigma // Terra Enigma (Earth mystery)
4. Was weiland war // What once was
5. Mein Geist am Bächlein ruht // My spirit rests by the creek
6. Urkraft // Primeval power
7. Waldgeflüster // Forest whisper
8. Lichtung // Clearing
9. Zenit // Zenith
10. Sternenwanderer // Star wanderer
11. Träumerei // Reverie
12. The last unicorn // The last unicorn
13. Nachtmelodie // Night melody