FIN > ENG - Gettomasa: Sama Jätkä feat. Stepa

Thread: FIN > ENG - Gettomasa: Sama Jätkä feat. Stepa

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  1. oldcat15 said:

    Default FIN > ENG - Gettomasa: Sama Jätkä feat. Stepa

    Artist: Gettomasa
    Album: Chosen One
    Song: Sama Jätkä feat. Stepa
    Music video:

    [Verse 1: Gettomasa]
    Aa, Vellamo, jea
    Mä muistan ku oli kuuma, ulkona toistakytä hellettä
    Lähti vaa ulos, ei tarvinnu soittaa yhtää kellekkää
    Ryhmä keskenää vaa aina samas paikas
    Kymmenen poikaa patalaiskaa arska paistaa Masan taivaal
    Samal parkilla Manhattania, peli kestää aamuruskoon
    Ellei naapuruston mummo ala valittaa
    Sata lasissa kauppaan hakee juissia egellä
    Mustissa releissä töhrittii tussilla penkkejä
    Klikki rullaa skedeillä ja fillareilla
    Ei likkojen kaa liia playa tilanteissa gimmat feidaa see ya later
    Friistaileja sillo joutu puskee
    Yleensä joka viikonloppu koko viikonloppu putkee
    Mitä tehää, sen päättää enemmistö, ylivoima
    Ei oo uikkareit, kyl sä voit uida iha hyvin noilla
    En haluu kasvaa vanhaks tolle visiolle
    Tuu visiolle ikin jonne

    [Hook: Gettomasa]
    Ja mä teen vielki samoi juttui ku ennenki tein
    Ku tulee vastaa tuttui ne kysyy multa
    ''hei, onko sul hommat muuttunu?'' vastaan että ei
    Oon vielki sama jätkä ku back in the day

    [Bridge: Gettomasa]
    Ja mä vastaan ei oo, ei oo
    ''onko sul hommat muuttunu?'' vastaan että ei
    Oon vielki sama jätkä ku back in the day

    [Verse 2: Gettomasa]
    Johtamas lomaa ja Masa välttää pikkuressii
    Ku jäbät liikku meitsi pysyy kesätyöttömänä ikuisesti
    Aina toki paidaton, rullaa laudalla
    Koris kainalos, musa pauhaamas
    Shortsit jalas samat vanhat Dickiesit
    Tosi paskassa ja hikisetki, ei niit saada takas siniseksi
    Siit huolimatta ikimuodikkaana kylälle
    Vaaleet amisviikset niinku nuori Masa Nykänen
    Aina enne yhtätoista ulkona
    Ja siel nii kauan ku aurinko yhä loistaa kunnolla
    En saa mitää aikaseksi aivan niinku aikasemmi
    Sama jengi aina messis


    [Verse 3: Stepa]
    Gettomasa, mun värssy on vihdoinki valmis
    Koitin tehdä sen aiemmin mut nykyaika on kallis
    Mut nyt, ku pääsin tämän mikrofonin viereen
    Kerron ajasta kun puheet oli suurempii kuin miehet
    Otinko oluen, kyllä, pidin meininkiä yllä
    Meil oli laatikoita kaljaa jääkaapin hyllyllä
    Ei huolta huomisesta, ei mitään mitä tehdä
    Ja joka kysymykseen sain vastauksen ehkä
    Mut oon täällä tai siellä, oon sama jätkä vielä
    Jos en hoida hommaa, niin siirryn pois tieltä
    Nyt tarvitsen unta, täytyy kerätä voimii
    Teen riimejä niin kauan ku mun jortikka toimii
    Vähän musailuu ja muuta, tää on tosi hyvä suunta
    Ei mun nuoruudessakaa ollu paljoa muuta
    Ja Masa, sun tyyli kyllä kestää ajan testin
    Mut eihän täällä mikään tule kestään ikuisesti
    Mut jos joskus mietit et sun biisi tarvii Stepan
    Lähetän sulle hyvän värssyn mp-kolmosena
    Teen sen alusta loppuun, enkä välistä vedä
    Tää on nii hyvää tekemistä, meikä räppää koko kesän
    Se on niin vaikeaa rauhoittua
    Et ehkä usko mua, mut haluun keskiluokkaistua
    Mut ei se ehkä sovi mun kuvaan
    Lähetään saappaat jalassa ja hatussa isot sulat



    [Outro: Gettomasa & Stepa]
    (sama jätkä ku back in the days)
    Jeajeajea, you know how we do it
    (Stepa ja Gettomasa all day)
    Wassup Ruuben, Stepa, tupla P
    (everyday, you know what I'm saying, I'm not gay)
    Back in the studio, Chosen One
    Sä tiiät miten me tehää

    Can anyone translate this song by chance? Also, does anyone know by chance what Vellamo means? I tried searching online and I read that it is the name of a goddess in Finnish folklore but I'm not really sure what Gettomasa means when he uses that word. He even made a song named "Vellamo Tyylillä" but there aren't completed lyrics for that song, so I can't really try to guess how Gettomasa is using that word in that song.
  2. Isä Apotti said:


    [Verse 1: Gettomasa]
    Aa, Vellamo, jea (1)
    I remember the hot weather, over 20 degrees warm outdoors.
    One could just go outdoors, without calling anyone.
    The group was always hanging around in the same place.
    Ten totally lazy boys, sun is shining from sky above Masa. (2)
    At the same parking place at Manhattan, the game continues until the red dawn. (3)(4)
    Unless the granny in the neighborhood starts to complain.
    Driving 100 km/h to a shop to buy juice with one euro.
    Wearing black clothes, smearing benches with marking pen.
    Close-knit groups rolling around with skateboards and bicycles.
    Trying too hard to impress girls, who fade away, see you later.
    Had to make up some freestyles at that time. (5)
    Usually every weekend, we stayed drunk the whole weekend.
    What we will do, it is decided by the majority.
    You don't have swimming trunks? You can still swim wearing those.
    I don't want to grow old with that vision.
    Come here to get some visions, you mall-rat. (6)

    [Hook: Gettomasa]
    And I am still doing the same things I used to do before.
    When somebody I know comes across and they ask me:
    "Hey, are you doing anything new?" I answer that "No,
    I am still the same guy I used to be back in the day."

    [Bridge: Gettomasa]
    And I answer that no it is not, no it is not
    "Hey, are you doing anything new?" I answer that "No,
    I am still the same guy I used to be back in the day."

    Having a vacation, and Masa is avoiding small stresses.
    While the guys are moving around, I stay unemployed for summer forever.
    Of course I am always without shirt, rolling around with skateboard.
    Basketball under my arm, music roaring.
    Wearing shorts, the same old Dickies.
    Totally dirty and sweaty, those can't be washed back to blue color.
    Despite that I go to town wearing the ageless fashion.
    Wearing blond trade-school mustache, just like young Matti Nykänen had. (7)
    Always going outdoors before eleven a clock.
    And staying there as long as sun is properly shining.
    I can't get any work done, which is as before.
    Always going along along with the same gang.

    [Verse 2: Gettomasa]
    Gettomasa, my lyrics are finally done.
    I tried to do it sooner, but today the time is expensive.
    Bot now, when I arrived next to this microphone.
    I will tell you of the time when words were bigger than men.
    Did I take a beer, yes, I kept up the action.
    We had boxes of beer in fridge shelves.
    No worries about tomorrow, nothing to do
    And to every question I got the answer "Maybe".
    But whether I am here or there, I am still the same guy.
    If I can't do the work, I will stand aside.
    Now I need to dream, I have to gather strength.
    I will be making lyrics as long as my d*ck is still working. (8)
    Some music making and other things, this is really good direction.
    When I was young there was not much other things either.
    And Masa, you style will withstand the test of time.
    But nothing here will last forever.
    But if you sometimes think that your song needs Stepa's style.
    I will send you a good lyric as MP3.
    I will do this from beginning to end, without leaving out anything.
    This is so good thing to do, I will be rapping the whole summer.
    It is so difficult to slow down.
    You might not believe me, but I want to become middle-class person.
    But it might not fit into my imago.
    We will die with our boots on and big feathers in our hats.



    [Outro: Gettomasa & Stepa]

    (The same guy as back in the days.)
    Jeajeajea, you know how we do it.
    (Stepa ja Gettomasa all day.)
    Wassup Ruuben, Stepa, Tupla P
    (Everyday, you know what I'm saying, I'm not gay.)
    Back in the studio, Chosen One
    You know how we do it.

    Translation notes:
    (1) "Vellamo" is the goddess of water in Finnish mythology. The name comes
    from word "velloa" ("churning waters"). The album where this song was
    published was named Vellamo.

    (2) "Patalaiska" ("cook-pot lazy") means a farm animal who is so lazy
    that it is useless, and will be slaughtered for food. For example, a
    rooster which is too old to chase chicken is "cook-pot lazy".

    (3) "Merihaka" ("paddock by sea") district in Helsinki was nicknamed
    "Manhattan" back in 1970's, when the area was build full of high-rise
    residential blocks in square plan.

    (4) "Aamurusko" means "red dawn"; a weather condition which causes
    blood-red sky during dawn. Red dawn usually means that there will be
    rain during the day. If the dusk is red, it means that there will be rain
    during the night, but next day is clear weather.

    (5) Apparently the "freestyle" here means "freestyle rap" where the
    lyrics are improvised on the spot.

    (6) "IK" is short for "Itäkeskus" ("east center") mall in Helsinki.
    "Jonne" is a male first name, which was popular in 1995-2005. It is a
    common joke to say that "Jonnet ei muista...", meaning "Anyone whose
    name is 'Jonne' is too young to remember that". The term "IKin Jonne"
    means a young boy hanging around in Itäkeskus mall. That is, a "mall-rat".

    (7) "Trade-school mustache"; boys who go to trade school directly after
    junior high school tend to leave the upper lip unshaven, and the result
    is feeble and uneven mustache. The ski-jump word champion Matti Nykänen
    had notoriously embarrassing version of the trade-school mustache.

    (8) "Jortikka" meas large carrot or cucumber, and it is used as a nickname
    for p*nis.