Anyone know this christian song from the 90's

Thread: Anyone know this christian song from the 90's

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  1. vivleebee said:

    Default Anyone know this christian song from the 90's

    I have been trying to find this song for years. I listened to it all the time in the late 90's.

    It's the story of a soapbox preacher who has his street corner congregation.

    Here are some lyrics
    "Soapbox preacher with your Bible in your hand,
    Tel 'em all about salvation, Tell 'em all about that promised land."

    then there is something about him being arrested for disturbing the peace
    "as they dragged him away I thought I heard him say 'You haven't seen the last of me"
  2. wurzlsepp said:


    Is it this one? Sadly the sample stops before the chorus starts:
    Three Last Words - Soap Box Preacher (click on the 7th track of list)
  3. vivleebee said:


    Nope. Not it