lyrics and translate need
lyrics and translate need
Να εμπιστεύεσαι τον άνθρωπο που μπορεί να δει τρία πράγματα σ’ εσένα:
Τη ΘΛΙΨΗ πίσω από το χαμόγελό σου…
Την ΑΓΑΠΗ πίσω από το θυμό σου…
Το ΝΟΗΜΑ πίσω από τη σιωπή σου…
Privesc la cer si plang
De-o vreme sufar mult
Nu pot sa uit ce-a fost
Iubire fara rost...
I look at the sky and cry
for a while now I'm suffering so much
I can't forget the past
Pointless love
Cu ce sunt vinovat
Ce-as fi putut sa fac
M-am saturat...
Cat sa mai rabd??
what am I to blame for
what I could've done
I'm tired
How much more I have to endure
Ochii tai ii vad si-acum
Parca ma opresc din drum
As vrea sa te fac sa spui
Tot ce simti acum.
i see your eyes even now
as if they stop me from moving on
i'd like to make you say
everything you feel now
Tu te-ai jucat cu mine
Tu nu ai vrut iubire
Si mereu te-ai gandit
Numai la despartire
you played with me
you didn't want love
and you always thought
about breaking up
Zilele trec mai greu
Parca numai sunt eu
Seara eu plang
De dorul tauuu...
days pass slower
as if I'm not myself
I cry at night
longing for you