It seems that you can't search words longer than 10 letters.
It's a bit annoying when some bands have names longer than that (and sometimes song names too)
I understand that words to short or to common can't be searched (a search for "the" "my" "or" etc. would be a bit silly), but I'm not sure there's a point in blocking words at 10 characters
Would it be possible to inscrease a bit this limit? (to 20 maybe? I admit I'm not sure what could be a good limit...)
(In my case: I wanted to find all songs by the Finnish band Kotiteollisuus. It took me some time to understand that the search refused the band name because it was 15 letters long. This band has several one-word-longuer-than-10-letter song names too, that are impossible to search. This is just an example, I saw quite a few long names on Finnish and German translation forums, and probably in other languages too. But maybe I'm the only one to use the search function for that )