Translation needed ALB --> ENGLISH ( Luana - Askush s`do ta besojë )

Thread: Translation needed ALB --> ENGLISH ( Luana - Askush s`do ta besojë )

Tags: luana
  1. dazzPR's Avatar

    dazzPR said:

    Default Translation needed ALB --> ENGLISH ( Luana - Askush s`do ta besojë )


    recently I've heard the most beautiful song of Luana "Askush s`do ta besojë".

    Can anybody please translate the following lyrics in English language? Thank you in advance.

    Nuk gjej dot force te iki larg
    me ze te çjerre dhe shpirtin plage,
    pa gjak ne trup dhe krejt e ngrire
    sa rende gaboj qe ende po shpresoj,

    Se koha plaget do ti sheroj
    tek asnjeri smund te besoj
    vjen cdo kujtim si nje mallkim
    dje isha e gjalle e sod un jam pa fryme.

    Me shpirtin zbrazet nuk bej dot jo nje hap,
    Me shpirtin zbazet lenduar,
    te mund te gjej nje fjale te vuaja me pak
    nje dashuri sod shkoj mbaroj,
    askush s'do ta besoj.

    Po iki sot me koken pas
    kam frike kur emrin ta therras
    ti rri i qet asnje pendim
    te doja shume ky ish mekati im

    Me shpirtin zbrazet nuk bej dot jo nje hap,
    me shpirtin zbrazet lenduar,
    te mund te gjej nje fjale te vuaja me pak
    nje dashuri sot shkoj mbaroj.

    Merri te gjitha mos ler asnje kujtim
    zemren degjoje prane, ajo nuk mund te ndale

    (If the lyrics are not correct, please feel free to change them.)
  2. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Thanks for posting dazzPR. Here is the song. Very nice. You can put it in Google Translate to get an idea, but Google doesn't work so well in Albanian. Otherwise I would post the translation.

    Please post your links for others to enjoy.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.
  3. dazzPR's Avatar

    dazzPR said:


    Hello feuersteve,
    I've made already - before posting my request - the translation via google. In this way I could see that the lyrics are interesting, but some sentences and words are obviously not quite correct. So I would appreciate it if you - or somebody else - could make the correct translation. Thank you for your help.
    PS: It seems that you come from Germany. Me too. So, if the translation in German language is easier for you - no problem.
  4. feuersteve's Avatar

    feuersteve said:


    Tut mir leid, ich kann kein Albanisch.
    Gott zur Ehr, dem nächsten zur Wehr

    What if they gave a fire and nobody came.