French to English for a fundraiser, non profit video.

Thread: French to English for a fundraiser, non profit video.

Tags: translation, translation english
  1. jpmcleod said:

    Default French to English for a fundraiser, non profit video.


    I'm working on a short video featuring a girl from the Congo. She sang a song in French and I need help translating it. Thanks so much!

    Here's the link
  2. D@nïel@ said:


    Although she has an angelical voice she also has a really thick accent, I had some difficulties to understand her, however I did understand enough to find the song.

    She doesn't sing the entire song, I will leave you the whole translation and then the parts that I understood from her singing.

    Le Seigneur nous a aimés comme on n'a jamais aimé
    The Lord love us like we've never loved before
    Il nous guide chaque jour comme une étoile dans la nuit
    He guides us every day like a star in the night
    Quand nous partageons le pain, il nous donne son amour
    When we share our bread, he gives us his love
    C'est le pain de l'amitié, le pain de Dieu.
    It is the friendship's bread, it is God's bread

    C'est mon corps, prenez et mangez
    It is my body, take it and eat it
    C'est mon sang, prenez et buvez
    It is my blood, take it and drink it
    Car je suis la Vie et je suis l'Amour
    For I am the life, and I an the love
    Ô Seigneur emporte-nous dans ton Amour.
    Oh, Lord, prevail us in your love

    - 2 - (Non chanté ici)
    Le Seigneur nous a aimés comme on n'a jamais aimé
    The Lord loves us like we've never loved before
    Pour les gens de son village c'est le fils du charpentier
    For his vilage's people he is a carpenter's son
    Il travaille de ses mains comme font tous ses amis
    He works with his hands like all his friends do
    Il connaît le dur labeur de chaque jour.
    He knows the every day's hard work

    - 3 -
    Le Seigneur nous a aimés comme on n'a jamais aimé
    The Lord loves us like we've never loved before
    Son amour était si grand qu'il en mourut sur une croix
    His love was so great that he died on a cross
    Son amour était si fort qu'il triompha de la mort
    His love was so great that he defeats the death
    Il sortit de son tombeau libre et vainqueur.
    He went out his grave free and winner

    - 4 -
    Le Seigneur nous a aimés comme on n'a jamais aimé
    The Lord loves us like we've never loved before
    Il rassemble tous les hommes et les fait vivre de sa vie
    He is like all the men and makes them live from his life
    Et tous les chrétiens du monde sont les membres de son Corps
    And all the cristians from the world are his body's members
    Rien ne peut les séparer de son amour.
    Nothing can separate them from his love

    And now this is what I think she sings:

    C'est mon corps, prenez et mangez
    It is my body, take it and eat it
    Car je suis la Vie et je suis l'Amour
    For I am the life, and I an the love
    Ô Seigneur emporte-nous dans ton Amour.
    Oh, Lord, prevail us in your love
    Le Seigneur nous a aimés comme on n'a jamais aimé
    The Lord loves us like we've never loved before
    Il connaît le dur labeur de chaque jour.
    He knows the every day's hard work
    Son amour était si grand qu'il en mourut sur une croix
    His love was so great that he died on a cross
    Son amour était si fort qu'il triompha de la mort
    His love was so great that he defeats the death
    Ô Seigneur emporte-nous dans ton Amour.
    Oh, Lord, prevail us in your love

    As I said, it was hard (at least for me, I'm not a native speaker) due to her accent, but I hope you can get an idea.
  3. jpmcleod said:


    Amazing, Thanks so much for taking the time to help!!!