I ask you for the meaning of всё равно.
I found something like, "this has no sense for me"?
"that's all the same for me"?
I'm not sure.
any hint?
I ask you for the meaning of всё равно.
I found something like, "this has no sense for me"?
"that's all the same for me"?
I'm not sure.
any hint?
word-for-word: "всё равно" = "all the same"
but may be also
"no matter", "it makes no matter", "just the same"
всё равно = I don't care
Depending on context the meaning of this expression may vary: Всё равно ты будешь мой - you will be mine whatever happens; мне всё равно - страдать иль наслаждаться - it makes no difference for me - to suffer or enjoy; but literal meaning is "all the same", and "I don't care" if it is an answer to an alternative question.