Not Lyrics But I Need Trans Rus -> Eng

Thread: Not Lyrics But I Need Trans Rus -> Eng

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  1. amberdancerxo8 said:

    Default Not Lyrics But I Need Trans Rus -> Eng

    what does this mean??

    Лыжа сдала влада вдул ВДВ лужи Влад талых ждут дату двзуз уйду
  2. WhiteRacoon said:


    Uhm, not much actually. The words are not connected to each other.
    Лыжа - a ski
    сдала - returned (in the sentence "SHE has returned")
    влада - a version of a name Vlad
    вдул - blew into (in sentence HE blew into), could be a taboo word also
    ВДВ - airborne troops
    лужи - water pools
    Влад - a name Vlad
    талых - a form of the word "талый" - melted
    ждут - waiting (THEY are)
    дату - a date
    двзуз - has no meaning
    уйду - (I will) go (away)
  3. LLLS said:


    Бредятина какая-то. Интересно, откуда взялся данный текст?
  4. Irene_OFFelia's Avatar

    Irene_OFFelia said:


    I guess it's something like a tongue-twister)