Miscellaneous ( Albanian ---> English)

Thread: Miscellaneous ( Albanian ---> English)

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  1. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:

    Default Miscellaneous ( Albanian ---> English)

    I need some help with a text in Albanian I understand some 0.0001% of it pls sb volunteer here help me... I promis I'll golden him/her
    It isn't obvious to be word by word... just the most important.

    Olta jashtė skenės

    Ėshtė nxėnėse e shkollės Sami Frashėri nė vitin e dytė. Olta ka njė vėlla tė quajtur Stivi, 13 vjeē. Po mendoni Stivi, si Stevie Wonder?! Keni tė drejtė! Emrin ia ka vėnė vetė Olta dhe ėndrra e tij ėshtė tė bėhet pianist qė nga pjesėmarrja e parė me Gjeniun e Vogėl. “Olta jashtė skene?! - Jam shumė e lidhur me shoqet e mia (A mund t’i pėrmend ato?!): Adela, Helena dhe Eni”, shprehet Olta Boka. “Nuk jam shumė e lidhur, pėr shembull, me daljet sa andej kėtej. Nuk mė pėlqen zona e ish-bllokut ose njerėzit qė dalin pėr kafe orar pa orar. Kur ndodhem pėrkrah mikeve tė mia nė shtėpitė tona, e ndiej veten shumė mirė, pasi, ndonėse mė mungon motra ime biologjike, nga ana emocionale i kam ato…” Reshiti shton se: “Nuk jam patriarkal, vetėm se nganjėherė, si prindėr qė jemi, merakosemi, pasi fėmijėt ende nuk i dinė rreziqet qė ka jeta, ndėrsa kėshtu uroj qė tė ketė fat siē e pati nė muzikė, ashtu edhe nė jetėn e pėrditshme”.
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  2. Korcare19 said:


    Olta off the stage

    She's a second year student at Sami Frasheri (school). Olta has a 13 year old brother named Stivi. You are probably thinking Stivi, like Stevie Wonder? You're right! Olta herself named him and his dream is to become a pianist even from his first time at Little Genius. "Olta off the stage? - i am very attached to my friends (Can i mention them?): Adela, Helena and Eni", Olta Boka expressed herself. "Im not very attached however with going out here and there. I dont like going to the downtown area or the people who go out for coffee very often. When im with my friends at home, i feel good, because maybe i miss my biological sister and from the emotional side i have them..." Reshiti adds that: "Im not patriarchal, only that sometimes, like the parents that we are, we worry, because children still don't know the dangers life holds, but this way i just wish her the luck she had in music, in her everyday life".

    Little Genius (Gjeniu i Vogel) - its a talent show for kids
    Reshiti's her father
  3. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Heyy shumė tė dua really Ur goldened by me
    I'd like if it's possible the second part too and that will be the end

    Supersticion, bashkėpunim, arte

    “Babi, kur tė mbarosh sė lexuari Dashin (shenjėn e horoskopit) ma jep pak gazetėn tė lexoj virgjėreshėn. – i drejtohet Olta babait. – Kur nuk kemi marrė gazeta, shohim horoskopin nė kanalet italiane. Pak a shumė ēdo ditė pėrpiqem ta jetoj kėtė jetė pėr moshėn qė kam, pavarėsisht se ajo duket shpesh monotone, por ka shumė mėnyra pėr tė dalė nga kjo situatė”, shprehet Olta. Ajo dėgjon gati ēdo lloj muzike, por mė shumė e gjen veten tek baladat, “siē po mė vjen ndėrmend njė tani shumė e kėndshme “Nothing else matters” e Metallica-ve. Pastaj lexoj kryesisht romane - i fundit i Dante Aligerit “Komedia Hyjnore” - por edhe ndonjė film, qė po s“mė tėrhoqi qė nė fillim, e lė fare…”, vijon Olta. “Eurosong qė vjen sė shpejti ėshtė mė i rėndėsishėm sesa njė CD me kėngė. Do tė doja qė tė vijonte bashkėpunimi me ne tė tre: Pandi Laēo, Adrian Hila dhe unė. Pasi nuk ka qenė rastėsor edhe 5 vite mė parė me ta, kur konkurroja tek Gjeniu i Vogėl. Dy muaj mė parė, nė emisionin “Vonė nė TVA”, Olta Boka u prezantua me dy kėngė, ndėrsa nė vijim tė tyre prezantuesi Genci Fuga i tha: …po sikur tė fitosh Festivalin dhe tė shkosh nė Eurovizion?! Reshiti i entuziazmuar rikujton atė natė: “I kam njė kafe borxh pėr ogurin e parė tė mirė qė i dha dhe supersticionin qė ndodhi”, ndėrsa nė degjohet “Kėnga rinore”.
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    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  4. Korcare19 said:


    lol i don't mind if you have more just post it and ill translate

    Superstition, Collaboration, Art

    "Dad, when you finish reading Aries (his horoscope sign) give me the newspaper please so i can read Virgo. - Olta turns to her father. - When we haven't bought a newspaper, we watch our horoscope sign on the Italian channels. More or less i try to live my life at the age i have regardless of the fact that it often looks dull, but there are many ways to get out of that situation", Olta expresses herself. She listens to just about every type of music, but she mostly finds herself listening to Ballads, "Just as a really pleasant came to my mind right now "Nothing Else Matters" - by Metallica. I also read mainly Novels - the last one i've read "Divine Comedy" by Dante Alighieri - also movies, if it doesn't appeal to me right from the beginning, i wont watch it...", Olta continues. "Eurosong that will happen soon is more important than a CD with songs. I would like the continue the current collaboration with us three: Pandi Laco, Adrian Hila and myself. Since i believe it wasn't a coincidence because i worked with them 5 years ago when i was competing at Little Genius. 2 months ago, on the program "Late at TVA", Olta Boka was presented with 2 songs, and after that the host Genci Fuga said: "...What if you win this Festival and you go to Eurovision?" An enthusiastic Reshit remembers that night: "I owe him a coffee for the first good news he gave her and the superstition that occured", meanwhile "Youth Song" plays.

    "i try to live my life at the age i have" - she doesnt try to act like she older
    (i didnt really know how to phrase that line)

    Late at TVA - Late is the name of the show and TVA is a channel

    "Youth Song" - Its like a festival where young people sing and it travels from city to city
  5. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    For some damn reasons now the thanks button isn't available for me but when it is I'll thank u with it too and for now I'm just saying THANK U VERY MUCH!

    and cuz we have to follow the rules here: it wasn't necessary to thank me(by the button) for my so emotional thanks it's ordered to be done only for a useful post (like urs )
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
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    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  6. Language Lover's Avatar

    Language Lover said:


    I appreciate your willingness, Korcare19! Bravo!
    I have started learning some Albanian, since some of my pupils in primary school are of Albanian origin, and I want to get closer to them. A difficult but extremely interesting language. [And the Oxford Albanian-English Dictionary I have bought is unbelievably good!!!]

    Do you suggest any good Albanian music? I want to start listening to some songs. I begun by listening to a Eurovision song, "Zjarr e ftohtė", but I didn't like it much. Anything better perhaps?
  7. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Huhu I'm going much and much into Shqip music
    I listen mostly to: Elvana Gjata (pop/r'n'b style), Olta Boka (ballads...great voice), Mirsa Kėrqeli (some ethno-dance style),Adrian Gaxha(dance,ethno,r'n'b) ... other famous as I know are Adelina Ismaijli,Zanfina Ismajli,Shpat Kasapi,Poni,Bleona Qerreti... their songs are much in a folk style. I don't know your taste so I offer you many styles... you decide which one is fot you
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    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  8. Language Lover's Avatar

    Language Lover said:


    О, благодаря много, Тединкиии! I will search for them.
  9. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    It's in fact Тединкъъъ/ shqip Tedinkėėė but no matter everybody gets confused with the pronounciation... actually we Bulgarians use y for ъ when writing in Latin... mostly on mobile phones/PC...
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
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    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  10. Language Lover's Avatar

    Language Lover said:


    Mmm! Nice and practical choice. I have mostly seen a Latin ā or ć for the Bulgarian letter ъ.
  11. Balkaneuro said:


    tedinkyyy good idea to make this thread!
  12. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Yes, I really need sometimes translation of Albanian texts/sentences becuz I understand about 0.0001 % of it
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
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    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  13. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Hmm a new one

    Olta Boka: Prindėrit nuk duan tė fitoj para me koncerte

    Olta Boka kėtė vit vendos tė mos marrė pjesė nė asnjė festival, ndėrsa po punon pėr njė klip tė ri. Ajo tregon jetėn e saj, pas famės qė mori papritur:
    Olta, njė vit mė parė ishit duke pėrjetuar emocionet e Festivalit tė Kėngės nė Radio- Televizion? Kėtė vit me ēfarė po merreni?

    Jam duke punuar pėr klipin tim tė ri me titull “S’duhet tė tė dua”. Ėshtė njė produksion i kompozitorit Adrian Hila, njė baladė mė e shtruar, version i dytė i “Zemrėn lamė peng” dhe mė pėlqen shumė si kėngė dhe klipi do realizohet ose nė Bullgari, ose nė Rumani.

    Keni marrė pjesė gjatė kėtij viti nė koncerte tė ndryshme dhe a do tė bėheni pjesė e koncerteve pėrsėri?

    Nuk kam gjė kundėr ndaj kėngėtarėve qė lanēohen nė koncerte, por prindėrit e mi nuk duan, qė unė tė fitoj para nga koncertet.

    Me ēfarė po merreni tjetėr?

    Kam pasur oferta pėr album tim tė ri. Por mundohem t’i hedh hapat ngadalė. Nuk dua tė konsumohem.

    Kjo ėshtė arsyeja pėrse nuk keni konkurruar kėtė vit nė asnjė nga festivalet qė organizohen kėtu?

    Pėr momentin pėrpiqem tė lanēohem individualisht. Por asnjėherė s’dua tė them kurrė. Por deri tani dua tė dal ngadalė, pa u konsumuar pasi mendoj se dhe publiku kėtė pret nga unė. Dua t’i bėj tė mė presim dhe tė ndiejnė mungesėn time. Tani po i kushtohem shkollės, pasi e di qė do tė vijė dita kur zėri tė mė lėrė. Dėshira ime ėshtė tė vazhdoj studimet pėr mjekėsi.

    Tani qė ka kaluar kaq kohė, si e komenton fitoren?

    Them se mė kapi fati i fillestarit. Aty ishte garė emrash, jo kėngėsh pasi me mua konkurronin kėngėtar profesionistė.

    Cili ėshtė profesioni i prindėrve tuaj?

    Babi ėshtė kėngėtar dhe kėndon nė tavernė. Mami ėshtė infermiere-mamie nė spital.

    Ēfarė ke mėsuar pėr njė vit?

    Kam mėsuar shumė gjėra se jeta ėshtė shumė e vėshtirė.

    Ju kontrollojnė prindėrit?

    Jam e pavarur nga prindėrit sidomos nė mendime, sepse ata mė vlerėsojnė shumė.

    Ēfarė tipi ėshtė Olta nė jetėn e pėrditshme?

    Pas daljes nė festival mund tė them se nuk jam tipi i mendjemadhes, po pata dėshirė tė shkoj nė pub, shkoj. Nuk i frekuentoj shpesh bar-kafenetė. Jam me kėmbė nė tokė dhe ndjehem mirė kėshtu siē jam.

    Olta si 17-vjecare

    Njė 17-vjeēare ēfarė ėshtė?

    Pėrpiqet tė pėrzgjedhė tė mirat dhe tė kėqijat.

    Ku ndryshon ti nga 17-vjeēaret?

    Edhe pse e ndiej veten disi tė distancuar nga kjo moshė, pėrpiqem t’i bashkohem rrjedhės.

    E dėnon veten pėr gabimet qė mund tė kesh bėrė?

    Nuk pendohem pėr gabimet qė kam bėrė, pasi ēdo gabim mė ka vlejtur.

    Iu beson njohjeve nė distancė?

    Jo, pasi dua tė jem e sigurt pėr njerėzit qė flas dhe qė njoh.

    Ju pėlqejnė njohjet e reja?

    Nuk jam kundėr njohjeve tė reja.

    Je e dashuruar?

    Jo, ende. Nuk bėj dot plan pėr kėtė, por e pres dashurinė kurdo qė tė vijė.
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
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    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  14. Balkaneuro said:


    Olta Boka: My parent's do not want me to win money through concerts.

    This year, Olta Boka decided not to take part in any festivals/concerts, as she will be working on a new video clip. She shares her life, after the unexpected stardom she received:

    Olta, a year before you were able to experience and take part in "The Festival of Songs" created by Radio-Television(famous broadcasting station in Albania). What are you taking part in this year?

    I am working on my new video clip called "I shouldn't love you". It is a production by the composer Adrian Hila, a slower balad, the second version of "Zemren lame peng" and i like it very much as a song, so it will be taped in Bulgaria or Romania.

    For a long time this year, you have taken part in many different concerts, will you also continue to be apart of many more concerts to come?

    I have nothing against singers that launch their careers through concerts, but my parents don't want me to win money through concerts.

    Then what else will you be spending time on?

    I have been given many different offers for my new album. However, i am trying to take small steps, I don't want to consume myself with this.

    Is this the reason that you have not competed in any of the festivals being organized here this year?

    For the moment i am trying to launch my career individually. But I don't want to say never. Until now however, i want to appear slowly, without being consumed in this, since i expect the public to also assume i will take full advantage of the fame I have now, and release something quickly. I want to make them wait, and feel my absence. Currently I am focusing on school, since I know there will be a day when my voice will leave me. My desire is to go to school for medicine.

    Now that time has passed, what are your comments on your success?

    I say that i have beginner's luck. It was a name concert, not a song concert, since professional singers were competing with me.

    What are your parents professions?

    My father is a singer and sings in taverns. My mother is a hospital nurse.

    What have you learned this year?

    I have learned many things such as life is hard.

    Are your parents controlling?

    I am very independent from my parents, especially in my opinions, because they value me very much.

    What is Olta like in real life/daily?

    After coming out of the festival i can say that i am not big headed , if i get a chance to go to the pub, i go. I don't go to bars and coffeehouses frequently. I am down to earth and i feel good about the way i am.

    Olta as a seventeen year old

    What is a seventeen year old like?

    Tries to select the good things from the bad.

    How are you different from other seventeen year olds?

    I myself feel that I am distanced from this age, I try to go with the flow.

    Do you blame yourself for any mistakes you may have made?

    I do not regret any mistakes I have made since they have all been worth it.

    Do you believe in the recognition of distance?

    No, 'cause i want to be sure of the people i know and speak to.

    Do you like this new gratitude?

    I am not against new recognition.

    Are you in love?

    Not yet. I can't plan this, but i will wait for love whenever it shall come.
  15. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Only one queston: what does it mean it will be taped in Bulgaria and Romania?
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
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    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  16. Balkaneuro said:


    Quote Originally Posted by tedinkyyy View Post
    Only one queston: what does it mean it will be taped in Bulgaria and Romania?
    they will go to either bulgaria or romania to record the video clip, they will not make it in albania.
  17. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    ahhh... I wonder if they've been in Bulgaria
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Zwei..hier kommt die Sonne
    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  18. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    mm.. sb?

    Janė tė shumta cilėsimet dhe epitet qė i janė vėnė kėngėtares simpatike nga Shqipėria, Elvana Gjata. E njohim si njė ndėr kėngėtaret mė seksi nė estradė, ka njė zė tė mrekullueshėm dhe pėlqehet shumė nga publiku. Ndihet e lumtur dhe e kompletuar nė atė ēka ka arritur tė krijojė.

    Dashje pa dashje, personazhet e artit e tė kulturės e kanė tė nevojshme tė flasin pėr projektet e tyre?

    Padyshim qė po, tė paktėn pėr mua mbasi kam investuar njė kohė tė gjatė pėr krijimin dhe pėrfundimin e njė projekti tė ri, lind jo vetėm nevoja por dhe dėshira pėr tė promovuar sa mė shumė punėn tėnde tė re qė ti ke punuar shumė dhe ke derdhur brenda shumė pasion.

    Jeni e re, shumė e njohur, shumė e admiruar, e pse jo duhet tė jeni dhe shumė e pasur. Si e ndjeni veten nė kėtė kundrim majash, nė kėtė Olimp perėndish?

    Mendoj se ajo qe kam arritur deri mė sot ėshtė njė pozicion qė mė bėn te kem njė jetesė relativisht tė kėnaqshme. Mendoj se qė tė arrij ato ‘majat” e vėrteta mė duhet akoma shumė punė, karrierė dhe akoma mė shumė sukses.

    Ju keni zgjedhur regjinė… Ke frikė se mė vonė mund tė braktisėsh muzikėn pėr regjinė?

    Jo, muzika do jetė profesioni im qė do vazhdoj tė jetė pėr njė kohė tė gjatė, nuk do ta linja pėr regjinė, por do t’i pėrkushtohesha tė dyjave njėkohėsisht. Tani mė shumė po merren me muzikėn, sepse jam ende studente pėr regji-teatėr, por mbasi tė diplomohem, do promovoj projekte tė reja qė do shfaqen nė teatrot kombėtare.

    Gjithnjė je shquar pėr njė formė tė shkėlqyer. Ēfarė bėn pėr ta arritur njė gjė tė tillė?

    Falė gjeneve qė po e bėjnė punėn e tyre pa ndihmėn e palestrės. Mė pas dėshira pėr t’u ushqyer shėndetshėm mė mban gjithmonė nė formė.

    Mendoni se ka qenė dhe bukuria juaj qė ka elektrizuar publikun dhe skenėn?

    Them se po, mendoj se paraqitja e mirė skenike ėshtė njė plus i madh pėr njė artist, pėrveē vlerave tė tij vokale.

    A ka ndonjė pjesė tė trupit tėnd qė do tė doje ta ndryshoje?

    Absolutisht, edhe mua, ndonjėherė mė vjen ajo dėshira qė tė ndryshoja diēka. Por, kėnaqem me zgjedhjen qė ka bėrė Zoti pėr paraqitjen time tė jashtme.

    Ē’trajtime bėn nė sallonet e bukurisė apo tek parukieri?

    Tė gjitha trajtimet e mundshme qė mė bėjnė tė ndihem njė femėr e pėrsosur.

    Ē’pjesė tė trupit s’do doje ta prekte “plakja”?

    Sytė. Do doja t’i kisha gjithmonė tė paprekshėm nga dukuria e plakjes.

    A ke ndonjė tatuazh?

    Po kam. Tatuazhet mė kanė tėrhequr gjithmonė. Them se do bėj njė tė ri, qe do t’ia dedikoj motrės.

    Vajzat e spektakleve, kėngėtare tė ndryshme tregojnė se kujdesen pėr linjat e tyre. Ju mbani dietė?

    Jo, nuk kam mbajtur kurrė dietė, mendoj se janė shkatėrruese pėr organizmin deri diku. E rėndėsishme ėshtė tė mos abuzosh me ushqimin dhe format e trupit mbeten shumė tė mira.

    A mund ta konsiderosh veten seksi? Apo...?


    Duke qenė njė person publik, shpeshherė jeni nė qendėr tė thashethemeve nė gazeta. A ka pasur sė fundmi thashetheme qė ju kanė nxehur dhe si arrini ta menaxhoni njė situatė tė tillė?

    Nė fakt thashethemet qė janė shkruar pėr mua deri diku i kam injoruar, por kur kanė qenė tė tepruara, mė kanė revoltuar shumė: si ai i lidhjes time me Florin. Marrėdhėnia ime me Florin ka qenė gjithmonė profesionale dhe miqėsore. Ai pėrveē se ėshtė kompozitori im i kėngėve, ėshtė edhe mik shumė i mirė. Por, asnjėherė s’ka pasur dhe s’do tė ketė diēka mė shumė.

    Meqė ju jeni njė personazh shumė interesant dhe zhvillimet tuaja na interesojnė tė gjithėve, si po shkon jeta juaj private?

    Jeta ime private shkon shumė mirė.

    Ēfarė jeni nė gjendje tė bėni pėr dashurinė?

    Jam gati tė heq dorė nga dashuria.

    Si mund tė fitohet njė mashkull sipas teje Elvana?

    Mashkulli nuk mund tė fitohet, nuk ėshtė trofe. Mund ta besh bėsh pėr vete duke qenė vetvetja.

    Lista e kritereve tuaja pėr njė mashkull?

    Ėshtė njė listė shumė e gjatė, do na duhej njė intervistė tjetėr, haha.

    Ēfarė do tė doje qė njė mashkull tė vlerėsonte tek ti?

    Atė ēka unė jam.

    Ēfarė do tė doje tė kishe nė kėto momente, diēka qė tė mungon?

    Motrėn time qė e kam larg, qė ėshtė idhulli im. Ka shumė kohė qė nuk rri pranė saj dhe ndihem shumė bosh pa tė…
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Zwei..hier kommt die Sonne
    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.
  19. Balkaneuro said:


    Janė tė shumta cilėsimet dhe epitet qė i janė vėnė kėngėtares simpatike nga Shqipėria, Elvana Gjata. E njohim si njė ndėr kėngėtaret mė seksi nė estradė, ka njė zė tė mrekullueshėm dhe pėlqehet shumė nga publiku. Ndihet e lumtur dhe e kompletuar nė atė ēka ka arritur tė krijojė.

    There are the many keys and (epitet?) that have been put on the singer that is sympathetic/cute from Albania, Elvana Gjata. We know her honorably as one of the most sexiest singers in the business, she has a wonderful voice, and is liked very much among the public. She feels happy and complete with what she has achieved to create.

    Dashje pa dashje, personazhet e artit e tė kulturės e kanė tė nevojshme tė flasin pėr projektet e tyre?

    Love without love, do the personalities of art and culture have the need to speak out about their projects?

    Padyshim qė po, tė paktėn pėr mua mbasi kam investuar njė kohė tė gjatė pėr krijimin dhe pėrfundimin e njė projekti tė ri, lind jo vetėm nevoja por dhe dėshira pėr tė promovuar sa mė shumė punėn tėnde tė re qė ti ke punuar shumė dhe ke derdhur brenda shumė pasion.

    Without a doubt yes, and at least for me, even though i have invested a lot of my time to create and finish a new project, both the need and want is born to promote your new work that you have worked so hard on and have filled with passion.

    Jeni e re, shumė e njohur, shumė e admiruar, e pse jo duhet tė jeni dhe shumė e pasur. Si e ndjeni veten nė kėtė kundrim majash, nė kėtė Olimp perėndish?

    You are young, very well known, very admired, and so you must be very rich. How do you feel in this position, in this 'Olympic deity'?

    Mendoj se ajo qe kam arritur deri mė sot ėshtė njė pozicion qė mė bėn te kem njė jetesė relativisht tė kėnaqshme. Mendoj se qė tė arrij ato ‘majat” e vėrteta mė duhet akoma shumė punė, karrierė dhe akoma me mė sukses.

    I think that, that which i have achieved until today has put me in a position that has enabled me to have a relatively fulfilling life. I think that in order for me to reach the 'top', honestly i think i have a lot of more work to do with my career, in order to gain more successes.

    Ju keni zgjedhur regjinė… Ke frikė se mė vonė mund tė braktisėsh muzikėn pėr regjinė?

    You have picked film directing...Do you fear that later on you may abandon singing for directing?

    Jo, muzika do jetė profesioni im qė do vazhdoj tė jetė pėr njė kohė tė gjatė, nuk do ta linja pėr regjinė, por do t’i pėrkushtohesha tė dyjave njėkohėsisht. Tani mė shumė po merren me muzikėn, sepse jam ende studente pėr regji-teatėr, por mbasi tė diplomohem, do promovoj projekte tė reja qė do shfaqen nė teatrot kombėtare.

    No, music will be the profession that i will continue for a long time, i wouldn't leave it for directing, but i would try to work at both at the same time. Currently, i am working with music, because i am still a student for film-theatre, but when i get my diploma, i will promote new projects, that will be released in the national theater.

    Gjithnjė je shquar pėr njė formė tė shkėlqyer. Ēfarė bėn pėr ta arritur njė gjė tė tillė?

    All in one, you are distinguished for being in excellent shape. What do you do to achieve something like this?

    Falė gjeneve qė po e bėjnė punėn e tyre pa ndihmėn e palestrės. Mė pas dėshira pėr t’u ushqyer shėndetshėm mė mban gjithmonė nė formė.

    (Fale gjeneve?) that do their job without the help of a gym. Always wanting to eat healthy, keeps me in shape.

    Mendoni se ka qenė dhe bukuria juaj qė ka elektrizuar publikun dhe skenėn?

    Do you think that your beauty has also electrified the public and the stage?

    Them se po, mendoj se paraqitja e mirė skenike ėshtė njė plus i madh pėr njė artist, pėrveē vlerave tė tij vokale.

    I would say yes, I think that the reply of the public from the stage is a plus and very good for an artist, besides the value of the vocal ability.

    A ka ndonjė pjesė tė trupit tėnd qė do tė doje ta ndryshoje?

    Is there any part of your body that you would want to change?

    Absolutisht, edhe mua, ndonjėherė mė vjen ajo dėshira qė tė ndryshoja diēka. Por, kėnaqem me zgjedhjen qė ka bėrė Zoti pėr paraqitjen time tė jashtme.

    Absolutely, even I, at times, feel that i want to change something. However, i am happy with the selection that God has made with my external appearance.

    Ē’trajtime bėn nė sallonet e bukurisė apo tek parukieri?

    What hair do's do you have done in beauty salons?

    Tė gjitha trajtimet e mundshme qė mė bėjnė tė ndihem njė femėr e pėrsosur.

    All of the possible hair do's that make me look and feel like a perfect/fine female.

    Ē’pjesė tė trupit s’do doje ta prekte “plakja”?

    What part of your body would you prefer not to age?

    Sytė. Do doja t’i kisha gjithmonė tė paprekshėm nga dukuria e plakjes.

    My Eyes. I would want to have them untouched from the aged look forever.

    A ke ndonjė tatuazh?

    Do you have any tattoos?

    Po kam. Tatuazhet mė kanė tėrhequr gjithmonė. Them se do bėj njė tė ri, qe do t’ia dedikoj motrės.

    Yes i do. I have always liked tattoos. I say that i will get a new one, that i will dedicate to my sister.

    Vajzat e spektakleve, kėngėtare tė ndryshme tregojnė se kujdesen pėr linjat e tyre. Ju mbani dietė?

    The girls of spectacles, different singers tell us that they are careful about their leniency. Do you go on diets?

    Jo, nuk kam mbajtur kurrė dietė, mendoj se janė shkatėrruese pėr organizmin deri diku. E rėndėsishme ėshtė tė mos abuzosh me ushqimin dhe format e trupit mbeten shumė tė mira.

    No, i have never been on a diet, i think that they are destructive for the body to an extent. It is important not to abuse your body with a lot of food, and the shape of your body will be much better.

    A mund ta konsiderosh veten seksi? Apo...?

    Do you consider yourself sexy? or...?



    Duke qenė njė person publik, shpeshherė jeni nė qendėr tė thashethemeve nė gazeta. A ka pasur sė fundmi thashetheme qė ju kanė nxehur dhe si arrini ta menaxhoni njė situatė tė tillė?

    While being a person in the eye of the public, many times you are in the middle of gossip in magazines. Recently, has there been a time where you have read some gossip that has made you very furious and how would you manage a situation like this?

    Nė fakt thashethemet qė janė shkruar pėr mua deri diku i kam injoruar, por kur kanė qenė tė tepruara, mė kanė revoltuar shumė: si ai i lidhjes time me Florin. Marrėdhėnia ime me Florin ka qenė gjithmonė profesionale dhe miqėsore. Ai pėrveē se ėshtė kompozitori im i kėngėve, ėshtė edhe mik shumė i mirė. Por, asnjėherė s’ka pasur dhe s’do tė ketė diēka mė shumė.

    In fact, i have ignored gossip about me to an extent, but when they are so exaggerated, they have made me want to revolt: just like the relationship with me and Flori. My relationship with Flori has always been friendly and professional. Besides the fact that he is the composer of my songs, he is a great friend of mine also. However, never has there been or will there be something more.

    Meqė ju jeni njė personazh shumė interesant dhe zhvillimet tuaja na interesojnė tė gjithėve, si po shkon jeta juaj private?

    Since you are a very interesting personality and your development interests us all, how is your private life going?

    Jeta ime private shkon shumė mirė.

    My private life is going very well.

    Ēfarė jeni nė gjendje tė bėni pėr dashurinė?

    What place are you at in love?

    Jam gati tė heq dorė nga dashuria.

    I am ready to let go of love.

    Si mund tė fitohet njė mashkull sipas teje Elvana?

    How can a guy be won for Elvana?

    Mashkulli nuk mund tė fitohet, nuk ėshtė trofe. Mund ta bėsh pėr vete duke qenė vetvetja.

    A man cannot be won, he is not a trophy. You can find someone for yourself, while being yourself.

    Lista e kritereve tuaja pėr njė mashkull?

    What is your criteria of what you look for in a man?

    Ėshtė njė listė shumė e gjatė, do na duhej njė intervistė tjetėr, haha.

    It is a very long list, we will need a whole other interview, haha.

    Ēfarė do tė doje qė njė mashkull tė vlerėsonte tek ti?

    What would you like a guy to value in you?

    Atė ēka unė jam.

    That which i am.

    Ēfarė do tė doje tė kishe nė kėto momente, diēka qė tė mungon?

    What would you want to have at this moment, something that you lack?

    Motrėn time qė e kam larg, qė ėshtė idhulli im. Ka shumė kohė qė nuk rri pranė saj dhe ndihem shumė bosh pa tė…

    My sister who is very far from me, who is my idol. It has been a while that i am not by her side and i feel very empty without her...
  20. tedinkyyy's Avatar

    tedinkyyy said:


    Ehaa, thank you Actually I find those interviews while searching for some lyrics or kinda but I really got curious of h0w are the Albanian artists
    Eins.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Zwei..hier kommt die Sonne
    Drei.. hier kommt die Sonne
    Ich hab' keine Lust.