Tao outreach as freedom speech,
as mountain climbs the higher reach,
figure of impeach with glorious speech at the sand beach,
love is a joy of attention which leads to ascended
attention followed by paying global dismention,
the 5th dimension at rocky climb is at ascended ration,
for subway prophets without brain convention,
great short shirt with fifth dimension, inextension is extention.
5th dimension without surface tension, apprehension is right ascension.
I'm stuck at reprehension, follow the beast which guard the extention,
pay attention, third dimension? Great yellow gentian loves the 5th dimension,
fourth dimension and surface tension leads to global dismention
of misapprehension, forsaken to those whose name is tension.
For things we never mention. Hypotension as birth prevention,
reinvention as american baptist convention,
geneva convension as center of attention.
As mountain employ tao enjoy,
love is a joy leading note and of when,
the 5th dimension as pursulphocyanogen, y
the 5th dimension as pursulphocyanogen, you say?
Attention and cowardly excuse to the cow's tribute.
Great short became the men, Annoy? Ascended ration.
I'm stuck at reprehension, zen was reborn from now to every time and then.
High sphere boy followed teach of the speech of leading note and of when,
excuse to the cow's tribue at rocky climb without brain convention.
Center of attention? Baptist convention. Geneva convension whose name is tension.
Great yellow gentian loves the 5th dimension,
for things we never mention. Global ascended ration.
Color of wen? Without surface tension, from time to time at imperial speech that went time to time and again.
Prophets serious enjoy center of attention,
reinvention? third dimension.
I'm stuck at reprehension, follow the beast which guards the extention,
for things that went with every now and then, there is no freedom speech without a glory inextension,
great short shirt at brain convention, joy of attention which leads to ascended global distortion.
great short shirt at brain convention, joy of attention which leads to ascended global dismention.
Destroy then employ, cow's tribute at rocky climb we never mention.